Subject Many and Varied 2/28/2024

New Definition ‘PSDems’ – This is how I am going to be referring to the Progressive/Socialists Democrats.  Actually, I got tired of typing all that in so I came up with that short name.

Denver’s Mayor Loses His Mind –  Denver’s mayor is going to be cutting some of the cities employee’s hours to zero.  Now he said this is not a layoff, they just need to take that money and take care of the illegal immigrants crisis in Denver, WTF.  You can read this article by clicking on the link above.  This is 1000% BS.  Now mind you, those employees effected by this, work hard for that and I am sure rely on that money as well, especially with Bidenmonics.  They are spend their money in Denver and the surrounding areas, which keeps a little of the economy going.  But the biggest thing his, he threw his own employees under the bus on this one.  He told the whole world that Colorado/Denver is open for those illegals, come on in.  This was nothing more than a move to increase his standing in the PSDems party, and prove he can follow the party stance.  This gutless piece of crap should be run out of town on a rail.  A leader does not sell out those under him, he fights for and encourages them. I was born and raised in Colorado and it is so hard to recognize it today.  This asshole needs to be voted out.

PSDems Squad to CubaThe PSDem squad goes to Cuba to talk of Human Rights, are you fracking kidding me.  This is nothing more to get their fracking fix on the communist environment that they crave.  Ilhan Omar and Pramilia Jayapal are without a doubt two of the most vile people in government today.  Omar needs to be voted out as soon as possible.  People like her are who are trying to take over this country from the inside and turn it into their vision.  Once again voters need to remove her ASAP.

Open Border and Crime – Well I don’t need to tell you all about the crimes that are being committed by illegals, that yes have come into this country because of open borders.  We have more and more illegals gangs being formed that are doing everything from smash and grabs, to running the street crime in larger cities.  As a side note, the ‘normal’ know street gangs better watch out, because these new gangs will make them look like Boy Scouts.  Biden and his worthless administration have caused these issues, no one, or nothing else but him and his administration.  Border Czar Harris and Mayorkas both need to be impeached and made a public spectacle.  But wait, looks like the little worm Mayorkas might get out of it.

It is becoming more and more important that we watch and make sure these PSDems are removed from office and we return to a country of respect, law and common sense.

Now we will see the really nasty, nasty crap begin.

We will see what this next week will bring.

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

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