Subject Many and Varied 5/24/2023

Debit Ceiling:  Well neither side is just rushing to the table to resolve this one way or another.  You know the part that pisses me off is that is no deal is met, and the country goes into default, and items like Social Security, Medicare payments, and even salaries of like the FAA would not be ‘paid’.  Yet I am pretty sure Congress still gets paid, as they are our leaders.  Now mind you if that happens, and your Social Security check does not come, just call Ameren and let them know, as I am sure they will say that is OK, pay us when you can.  I fell that the Washington politicians have treated the Americans who put them in office, whatever side of the isle you are on, with total disregard, and a total lack of respect.

Ron DeSantis:  Well today was the big day, he made his announcement for 2024.  Now mind you, I am not sure I can for the way he did it, on Twitter, really?  I guess I am really out of touch these days, and that is how you do it now.  That said, now the battle begins.  I am pretty sure that things are going to get wild, and the mud slinging will be at all new levels, between Trump and DeSantis.  Two things worry me about this matchup.  First, the two of them sparring and trying win the nomination, the real issues will take a backseat and get lost, all the while the Dems / Socialists / Progressives will continue doing their damage.  Second, and the scariest is this could cause a split in the Republican party, those wanting Trump, and those who don’t.  Then the question would be could the Republican candidate win the general.  I don’t believe so.  The Republican party has to be unified and all behind whatever candidate is chosen, or Biden will do his old man shuffle right back into the White House, and this country will be a place we will not recognize.  We will see how this all plays out.


Secretary Of Transportation is doing great working these days.  He is worried about Tesla autopilot.  He is really digging into some real issues with transportation.  Mind you he could make sure rail safety is important.  Or maybe even update out ATC system to be state of the art, instead of 40 years old.  But that would require thought and work.

Target Stores:  Well I guess Target figured out that maybe their open support of pride merchandise may have been a bad business move.  You would have thought that seeing what happened with Bud Light, maybe would have given them second thoughts about moving forward with their plan.

It will be interesting to see how the Republican’s campaigning goes, and yes we will talk about Tim Scott and his bid for the nomination.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 5/21/2023

Well, we have no ‘agreement’ on the budget ceiling.  Which I do believe that both sides are playing their fracking little games and we are all in the middle of this.  You know really if it was that bad, I would think that the President would not be at the G7, and McCarthy would be on the offensive to force the issue, but that has not happened.  I guess they will begin talks when Biden gets back, in the meantime, financial markets will be going nuts because they will be afraid the country will go into default.

This administration has done the most of any other administration to destroy this country, and in the process rebuild it in a socialists / progressive way.  Think about this next time you turn on your TV and just look at the ads you see, and then tell me progressive ways aren’t being pushed down our throats, and anything and everything is acceptable and normal.

You know over the past 18 months, I have talked about the mainstream or legacy media and how they are so bias towards this administration and it’s progressive agenda.  Well, I am beginning to read CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and others.  I will be picking two to three topics and see what their spin is VS Fox News, Wall Street Journal, and others.  I believe that I will find that the mainstream / legacy media is playing a big part in gaslighting and indoctrination.


Brandon Johnson Mayor of Chicago.  I thought that Lightfoot was off the rails, well Brandon has taken how to screw the people of Chicago to a whole new level.  Below is how he is proposing to raise revenue for the city.  Mind you, businesses are leaving as well as people, so he has to figure out a way to generate revenue:

$100 million from taxing financial transactions at a rate of $1 or $2 for every “securities trading contract”

$400 million over four years from raising the real estate transfer tax on high-end home sales, commercial, apartment and other properties worth more than $1 million

$98 million from “making the big airlines pay for polluting the air”

Over $20 million from reinstating the $4 per month, per employee “head tax” on “large companies” that perform at least half their work in Chicago

$30 million from increasing one of the nation’s leading hotel taxes

$100 million from new “user fees on high-end commercial districts frequented by the wealthy, suburbanites, tourists and business travelers.”

Now that you have read these, what a plan, wow, and of course lets throw a little class warfare in there as well.

This is just an example of how these socialists / progressives work, and as I have stated, they start at the local level.  Keep you eyes and ears open.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 5/14/2023

Well, this week was busy.  The end of Title 42 and the flood of border crossers is in full swing.  But, of course Alejandro Mayorkas says the border has never been more secure.  Remember people these are not just poor people from South America looking for a better life.  Some of these people are criminals, terrorists, gang members, and human traffickers.  But once again the Biden administration has told us all will be ok, we should welcome these poor people.  And the best one is VP Harris is saying all is going smoothly on a fund raising trip to Georgia.

Now we have the debt ceiling and possible default.  Of corse the administration is doing their very best to push the whole blame on the Republican House.  Which as we all know is a bunch of BS.

These administrations fiscal policies, as well as their foreign policies, energy policies, and virtually everything this administration has done are total and complete failures.  And yet the mainstream media prop up this administration as the best ever.

Now this week we might hear something on the Hunter mess, and how far it extends into the Biden family, but I am sure it will be spun to where nothing really happened that was that bad.

What I am hoping is that all you can see through this sham of a administration, and how ever important it is to remove this bunch in 2024.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day