Subject Many and Varied 4/13/2022

Well once again the week has provided a lot of interesting news and thoughts.

BLM Mansion – Well the BLM co-founder is slamming the slamming charity transparency, well hell I wonder why. I mean after all don’t you think that you should be able to take donated money and government money given to the non profit you co-founded should be used for a $6 MILLION dollar mansion. I am sure she will justify this in some BS speech or comment. That said once again it is an example of we can do anything we want and the rest of you can kiss our ass. RULES do NOT apply to us, only you, just ask us. The really sad part is it gives the BLM movement a really bad name, and puts their creditability in real question.

Inflation and Joe Biden – Well as no surprise to any of us who live in the real world, that inflation has hit a 40 year high. What is such a joke, is Biden is still trying to hang all of his failures with the economy, and energy on Putin and his war. And the sick part about it is the mainstream press just helps with his story. Oh but a side note, only 33% approve of his job, the lowest since he took office, should tell you something.

I know this sounds like I am just reposting what I had written before, however this is new daily news. So, what does this tell you? To me it tells me that the man in the White House is incapable of thinking on his own, and flat ass can’t do his job. But that is the way the Democrats / Socialists want it. Behind closed doors, they are the ones making policy, and then they wite it on clue cards and give them to Biden, and he gets in front of the camera and reads them, then walks off to take another nap. The Democrats / Socialists / Progressives are doing everything they can to reshape our society and country into their vision. They want to change how children are taught / educated, actually they are doing that now. How society should think about sex, equality, and the big one, class division, as they put it. You should not be rewarded to achievement, but everyone should be the same, except those in power.

I am hoping that the Mid-Terms will be the beginning of the path to change, and that 2024, will continue at the highest level.

Toady was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 04/03/2022

April Fools:

Wow what a week a truly good jokes, I mean after all it is April Fools and time for pranks.

Prank 1: Biden Administration touting the jobs report, as if it was all his doing, OMG, OMG, HE added 430,00 jobs, how in the hell can HE add jobs, unless you count the government jobs he created.

Prank 2: Biden Administration saying that jobs are paying more than they were before he took off, HOWEVER, this might be true in some cases, BUT AS ALWAYS, he forgets inflation and IF you happen to be getting more in your paycheck, it is eaten up at the store or gas station.

Prank 3: Biden blaming Putin for the high gas prices, cause he invaded Ukraine. once again, HE FORGETS that he killed our energy police and plans on his first day in office. I admit that was over a year ago, and he can’t seen to remember shit for more than 30 seconds so, I guess he forgot. Oh wait, he is catering to the Socialists Green Energy side of his White House / Administration.

Prank 4: Biden’s Hunter mess. Of course you remember that ALLLLLL of the mainstream media said there was nothing to it, i.e., ‘nothing to see here’, and this is ALLLLL Trumps fault, just trying to seal the election. Well heck, look at it now, even the mainstream media are starting to ‘acknowledge’ that there is something to it.

Prank 5: Biden stating in his little speech, that “we”, you know you and me the American public, will be fine, and he has our back. What he has is a knife in our back, and a crooked smile on his face. He is telling us we are so stupid, and we can’t see his Administration is the most crooked in History, and is getting worse.

Prank 6: Biden talking about the protection of Transgender, and it being OK to have people, OTHER THAN THE PARENTS talk about sex and what you feel and if you are a boy or a girl, to 5 year olds. This is just so far off base and so wrong in so many ways, I can’t even begin to describe it. Other than this is an attempt by the far left to take control of how are children are educated out of the hands of the parents, and in the hands of the Socialists.

Reality Check 1: The House and Senate need to be taken back so that there is a chance things can be changed / corrected / resolved before it is too late. I believe this Mid-Term will be the most important election in modern times. PLEAES, PLEASE get out and vote. PLEASE PLEASE stay informed, listen to what is being said, and look at your own life and economic status, and ask yourself are you better off now, do you feel better about the government and the direction the country is going, than you did 2 years ago.

Well we will see what the second week in April brings, more pranks?

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a new day!