Subject Many and Varied 3/11/2024

Biden and SOTU Speech – Well I am sure if you didn’t watch Biden’s speech, you got the crib notes, or you watch the talking heads.  And of course, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and even the View just thought that he was on fire, and he should be King, and who says he can’t do another four years.  Fox took the statistical approach, and as always was right on, but of course, unless you watch Fox, the only thing you saw were the mainstream media having organisms over it, and CNN Rachel was just about unable to speak she was in such aww. Now for the being on fire part they kept talking about, well to me he sounded like a pissed off old man, that most of the time was yelling.  And, of course throwing his rocks at Trump every chance he got.  One thing I could not believe is the amount of disrespect and disdain he has for the Supreme Court.  To me he was almost threating them with Roe v Wade.  And then of course all the flat out lies about the border and the economy.  Then his inability to pronounce Riley’s name correctly, and called the killer an illegal, which later in an interview, he apologized for saying that, he should have said ‘undocumented’ person.

Harris looked like a fracking jack-in-the-box bouncing up and down and clapping like a seal for a fish.  I apologize, a seal has more brains than she does.

The speech started off late, and I am sure they were pumping Joe full of some kind of ‘medication’ that will give him a real buzz and ‘be on fire’.  You could see that it was wearing off, shortly after the speech, as Biden was back to saying dumb shit with hot mikes around.  Then the follow day he had plenty of gaffs.  If you think for one minute, he will be on the final ballot I believe you are wrong.

The Hill had a oped about how Gavin Newsom should strike fear in the Republicans, and I agree with that statement.  If you click on the link it is a really good oped.  At a high level, Biden and Harris BOTH have perception issues.  Biden, well he speaks, stumbles for himself.  Harris, well she is nothing more than a laughing hyena, and nothing but vomit words and say nothing.

Gavin, well he is smooth, no perception issues, and I am sure WOULD debate Trump, and in fact love it.  I am also sure that the PSDems already have a VP in the wings for him, and trust me it will be someone who will check all of the boxes.

I believe that Tuesday’s results just might start the Biden replacement ball rolling.

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

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Subject Many and Varied 3/3/2024

MSNBC – White Rural VotersWhite rural voters are the greatest threat to democracy.  This is what the authors of the book, ‘White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy’,  Paul Waldman and Tom Schaller believe.  Of course MSNBC would give these guys a form to puke out their vile crap, and so be it.  I am one of those White Rural people they are talking about, and I do believe in my heart of hearts, we stand for democracy and freedom.  We are the ones who will fight for the rights of people like Paul Waldman and Tom Schaller to speak what they want, even though we do not agree with their ideas.  We are also the group the believes in this country, and what it stands for.  We are the ones that yes want the border closed, to protect this country.  We stand for the national anthem and we salute the flag, and yes many of us would love to see Trump back in office as his views and values are what we stand for.  So, Paul and Tom you say what you want about the White Rural voters, we will protect democracy, so you can speak your mind.

Biden the border and his physical Exam – Well I know I don’t have to tell you about Biden’s 4 hours at the border and how well it was choregraphed.  Man, Hollywood should hire those people.  I watched it for a bit, and there was a Spanish border agent, and people she drew the short straw and she had to keep herding Biden around, like an old man, oh wait her is.  I mean she was literally telling him stand here, look over there, come this way, stand over there, wow such a display of power and presence.  And to top it off, the doctor giving him a physical said he felt no need to do a cognitive test, President Biden is very sharp.  Ok, well made the doctor needs a cognitive himself.

First Responders – Well I am sure by now you have seen or heard of the unbelievable rescue of the semi driver hanging off a bridge in Ohio.  Click on that link if you haven’t.  I want to express my heart felt gratitude for all first responders, these people are true heroes, that serve us all every day.  Remember these men and women, and when you see them, say thank you.

This week could be full of fireworks, with court decisions coming up, and will Nikki drop out?, and better yet will she support Trump if he is the nominee?

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

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