Subject Many and Varied 12/20/2022

Final Post for 2022.

Well here we are at the end of 2022, and what a ride it was.

Local / State:

Pritzker got re-elected, not sure why, other than he got the votes, but why? I guess not enough people from I-80 south got out and voted, or, the Republican candidate didn’t get the message out, or at least the one that would count, on a side note, that seems to be a real problem with Republicans, not getting the message out. That said, Pritzker has manage to make Illinois the first state with the no-cash-bail, or as he calls it the Safe-T Act. Now mind you, just about all law enforcement, and states attorneys have opposed it and have tons of questions, but hey as Pritzker puts it, this is fair to those it effects. BS.

Pritzkers gas tas will kick in Jan 1, 2023, and of course another one on July 1, 2023. Not going to say anything more about this, it is pretty self explanatory on how he is screwing us, and lining pockets, and of course balance his fracking budget on our back, but typical.

And of course the mayor of the biggest city in Illinois, Chicago, is going to run for reelection, well hell why not, she has done such a bang up job so far, why not, give her more time to really screw it up and blame all the problems on something or someone else she is such a looser.

Is there any wonder why Illinois has lost more than 269,000 people in the last 2 years. It is just my thought that as long as we have Pritzker and Lightfoot, we are going to be in bad shape.

Biden and his Second year in Office:

What a cluster Frack it has been. Just a quick review, High Inflation, Open Boarders, High Energy Prices, Cabinet members who in in charge of the money, and she couldn’t manage a food truck, a transportation secretary that is going to beat up the airlines cause it gives him camera time and it something easy, but never got involved with the railroads cause he would have to do his job. And lets not forget the IT that is the head of DHHS, and is pushing transgender and gender affirming is great and he supports it, now that is a fracking nut job. Actually the whole administration is a fracking circus and a laughing stock.

What does 2023 Bring:

Well I am sure it will bring more of the same BS that we have now. But we should know if Biden will run again, and who the Republican Party will have as their candidate.

For me, well I have updated my web iste a little, and I am going to try and post at least twice a week. I thank you for your comments, and look forward to hearing from you all.

I wish you all and Happy New Year, and wonderful things for 2023.

Today Was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 12/01/2022

I hope that all who read this had a wonderful and blessed holiday. We really do have so much to be thankful for and our blessings are more than we can count, sometimes, we just don’t see them, even when they are right in front of us. Remember to look around and truly realize how blessed we are.

Well the dems and far left are just off the rails with Elon Musk and Twitter. They are so afraid of what is going to come out about the level of censorship and other types of media crap that Twitter and others have pulled to influence elections and public thought. I say thought, because it seems like so many people take what they read on Twitter, or snapchat, or Facebook, as gospel, they can’t THINK for themselves, and rely on being told what to think or what is important. The far left, progressive socialists have learned how to use this to their advantage to direct the outcomes they want. I am hoping that Elon will be one of the first to out this whole bunch of crap.

The administration this week is batting 500 with all of the gaffs that Biden has done, OMG way to many to list. The Janet Yelen comes out and says the reason for inflation and high prices is people are spending too much money on ‘stuff’. This has to be the best statement to define the entire administration, and just how incapable this group is to lead their way out of a one door hall. This type of remark only goes to magnify the need to replace the entire administration, sooner rather than later. Hopefully beginning next month, we will see efforts begin that will start the process of returning America to the country it was prior to the Biden administration.

We will need to take note and STUDY, and THINK with our own minds as things begin to unfold.

You might get tired of hearing my thoughts, as I am going to have a lot, but it is what it is, hang in there with me.

Today was a Blessing, adn Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.