Subject Many And Varied 6/30/2022

A couple of observations: This morning I was watching Biden take questions in Madrid from live reports no less, something he does not do here very often, and I was just floored at his response to the question of US inflation and high fuel prices. He said, ‘Hey look, inflation has been higher in Europe, and so has the price of fuel for many years’. Then when asked about the SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade, Biden commented ‘it was a outrages decision by the SCOTUS’.

Both of these responses really define him as a President. In his first response about inflation and high fuel prices, and comparing the US to Europe, and really saying, ‘Hey you the American people need to be thankful for less inflation and lower fuel prices than Europe, so just quit your complaints’. The second response it truly shows his lack of respect and knowledge for both the Constitution, and SCOTUS.

His response to these questions are totally reprehensible, and Biden and his Administration should be removed. They are a total and complete failure as leaders, and really show us how much they dislike and could care less about the American people and our way of life.

The start of this removal process will be the Mid-Terms, and I do hope that it is a red wave. Then the second part of the removal will be in 2024.

Please get out and vote, make your voice heard.

Today is a Blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Varied 6/29/2022

Shorts and Observations:

Short 1: You know the SCOTUS decision to strike down Roe v Wade to me was long overdue. It has nothing to do with either Prolife or Prochoice, it has to do with the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees abortion, nothing. Was it does is finally define the court as it should have been, and was intended, to determine whether a law is constitutional or not, does it fall within the bounds of the Constitution or not. This court is not a legislative court, THEY DO NOT MAKE LAWS. Now I realize this will really piss of the Democrats as they have always wanted it the other way. And what just blows my mind is that the legacy media, just keep pushing this train of thought, as that is their agenda, and take their marching orders from the Democrats. It is just so sad, the legacy media shows off how dumb they are every time they are on, too bad they couldn’t just report.

Short 2: Reference Short 1, as the hell being raised over this and of course President Trump, for appointing the Justices he did, is nothing more than 1), To demonize Trump, and 2), to distract the American public from the real issues facing this country, i.e., inflation, fuel prices, open boarders, and, most important the Mid-terms.

Short 3: You are beginning to see an all out onslaught against President Trump, in ways we can’t even begin to comprehend. There will be nothing to low, or just plain out right lying, by the Democrats and the legacy media. They are so scared that Trump will run again. We will just see what happens. Oh yes, if it is a red wave in the mid-terms, OMG, watch out then nothing I mean nothing will be out of bounds.

We will just have to wait and see what unfolds over the next few months, and of course, this Administration has their collective heads in the sand, bet you thought I was going to say somewhere else, and continue to deny that there is a recession coming, and inflation is not that bad, and of course, as that senile old man says, this is the cost of going green and we have to do this, I know it is painful, but we will be ok. Everyday there is someway this Administration shows, it really does not give a damm about America, only about themselves, and their agenda. We will just have to wait and see.

Today was a Blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Varied 06/20/2022

Shorts on Several Topics:

Short 1 – A VERY LIBERAL person I know posted on Facebook his wisdom. He said:

“most people don’t know what controls the price of gas: Price of crude and availability, Cost to refine, cost to distribute, Taxes both Federal and State, oil companies desire for profits, And the President does not control any of these”. Wow, that just blew my mind, he didn’t drink the Kool Aid, he showers in it. Statement one, he is correct, the President DOES NOT set the price of crude nor the availability, HOWEVER, the Presidents actions, i.e cancelling (2) pipelines, cancelling drilling permits, DOES control that. Cost to refine, correct the President DOES NOT control the cost of refining, however HIS actions, along with very stiff regulations do. Now for the Federal taxes on fuel, he does in a direct way control that, as Biden has even floated the test balloon of forgoing the Federal gas tax to help us poor peasants,, so he does control that. The final, and oh my gosh, the worst, oil companies desire for profits, well no shit dude, kinda like your employer wanting to make profits, it means you might be able to work for a bit longer, and retire from big yellow. Dude, this is what companies do, they are not in business as a hobby. This is the type of garbage the White House and Administration is spreading, i.e., it is NOT our fault. Breaking New: Just released, Biden ignites uproar for suggesting inflation hitting families is ‘chance’ to accomplish liberal agenda item,, just goes to show you, Biden does not give a darn about the American people, none, zip, zero, zilch.

Short 2 – No Recession, according to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, Ok I have spoke about this dizzy old woman before. She is so out of touch with the economy she is supposed to be at the helm of, damm people, she is going to run it aground, and of course, like last time, inflation, it is not our fault. What a joke.

Short 3 – Biden’s bike accident – Ok, I after some prodding my my grandson Henry, I rode a bike last weekend, as did the President. However, I did not wipe out like he did, I have lots of sore leg muscles, but I didn’t tip over. Now you can say it is no big deal, or is it? Now the legacy media barely coverd it, and I ampretty sure the reason was, they DO NOT want to show how unsteady he really is. Now if he had not tipped over, well hell, they would have said, look at the shape he is in. Just thinking when Trump was President, hell they reported if he farted, oh wait I can’t say farted, sorry, I mean broke wind.

You know I can’t wait for tomorrow as the Dems / Liberals / Socialists, try to spin what is going on in the country, and see how they try to blame the American people for everything, you know we are the deplorables, or at least that is what we were told once.

Today was a blessing, and Tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Varied for 6/12/2022

Stock Market: Wow Friday was just a great day for the market, NOT. Down 880 points, and I am guessing that this coming week will be more of the same. Prices are going through the roof everywhere, and it does not matter what you are buying, be it fuel, coffee, or dog food, cost are going through the roof. At the rate of inflation, of between 8.6 percent and 9.0 percent, Now if you wages happened to go up lets say 5% last year, well you are only about 4% behind the curve. Now this yea, I will be will to be the raises will not be that much at all. Where I am going with this is the Biden administration does NOT care one bit. Now he says he is going to reduce costs for drugs and healthcare, but really for most of the people of this country, this is not what is needed, Relief for food and fuel costs is what is needed, but once again, Biden administration does not care, in fact they are really very smug about it.

Biden says it is all perception of the American people that things are bad, when really they are. This attitude and response really just blows my mind, and yes I know it shouldn’t, but it does. This administration, along with the progressives / socialists that are part of the Democratic party and administration are doing everything in their power to reshape this country into their vision.

Electric Vehicles: Now, let me travel to the progressive / socialists Democratic USA, in the near future, where we are really beginning to switch over to our electric whatever it might be. Wow fossil fuel usage has dropped by 40%, and all is milk and honey. Oh but wait, what do you think the Government is going to do about lost tax revenue. Now currently, just for gas, the FEDS get .18 per gallon, and currently we are using 369 million gallons of gas per day. Ok, that is just a little over 66 million per day in LOST taxes. Now do you think that the feds are going to do without their just a little over 24 billion per year, hell no. They will just find something else to tax the crap out of, to make up for the loss. And oh don’t worry, your state and local governments will do the same thing, cause they need that money.

Lost Opportunity: OK, this is just me. I am watching the responses from the Republican leadership is kinda missing the boat. I wish they would get out in front of the cameras, and tell the American what they would do and will do if elected to begin the process taking American back to the way it was prior, to this administration coming into power.

More to come this week. Today was a blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 06/09/2022

Democrat Prime Time Circus Show:

Well tonight starts the prime time Democratic hearings on the Jan. 6th event. First I want to state that I was NOT supportive of what happened at all. The way it went down was way out of line and only served to put a big black eye on the conservative group. The purpose of this whole hearing, and being done in prime time, with the SUPPORT of the main stream media, is nothing more than to paint the conservative / Make America Great supporters look like demons and radical right wing movement is just a bunch of radicals that are against everything the Democrats / Socialist’s stand for. Now mind you, the media will have all their talking heads giving you their take on this, and how great this committee is and how they have only the countries best interests at hand. And how they are here to guide the country to the best it has ever been, you know like Biden said, ‘Build Back America Better’, well that was nothing more than saying, ‘Build America The Way We Want It, Socialists’.

The Democrats know that they are facing, what I hope to be, and RED landslide in the up coming mid-terms and general election, so they need to take the focus AWAY from fuel prices, Food prices, and inflation, and place it on this stupid committee findings. I am sure that this committee will find a way to bring gun control into their findings, and how THEY need to change the Second Amendment to accomplish this.

At this point I will have to force myself to watch this, even though I know I should, but it is hard as it will be nothing more than a shit shown and look how important we are. I am hoping that the Republicans take advantage of this and really come back at them with rebuttal points, and what the real issues are, but I don’t know if the Republican leaders have the balls to do that.

Oh yes, as a side note, Biden on the Kimmel show last night, once again said, he can’t control food or fuel prices, but what he can do is try to lower drug costs, and make health care more affordable, OMG really, once again, he does NOT care if the American public has to pay horribly at the pump or the check out lane, he really does not. Nor does he care about boarder security, nope.

We will see what happens tonight, and see what ALL of the talking heads have to say.

Today is a blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Varied 6/5/2022

Biden’s Fuel Prices:

I call them Biden’s fuel prices as they are a direct result of his very direct first day in office to shut down the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. Before I go too far, let me state, Joe Biden, IS NOT making all of these policy moves,, he is not capable, he is a old man that can’t remember what he is supposed to do next, it is the socialists / communist democrats behind the scenes that are trying to fundamentally change how America lives, works, and goes from day to day. These people could give a crap less about the price of fuel, and the down stream effect of that, as I am sorry, I don’t care what the Biden cabinet says, but COST OF FUEL, COST OF FUEL, COST OF FUEL, is driving the major portion of the inflation at this point. And yes the government pumping money into the economy did not help any at all. OMG people have you heard Dr. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury speak, OMG talk about a brain dead person, who has no idea what the hell she is doing, well she is it. She said in a interview at CNN that she MIGHT have underestimated the rate of inflation and how fast it would climb. OK, I am sorry when you get to that level in government, you better know what the hell you are doing, but we can see she does not. Oh yes now Mr. Pete Buttigieg, Secretary Of Transportation, we he could be stepping in to help reduce fuel prices, but he is not, he is worthless as well. I truly believe in my heart of hearts, they want fuel to be 10.00 per gallon, so GREEN vehicles will be sold more. And one last thing, remember these people behind the scenes call the shots, DO NOT PAY FOR FUEL, we pay their fuel bill, so they don’t give a crap.

Now this same group, socialists / communist democrats, are now making a full on assault on the second amendment. It is so horrible, and so low of how these people are using the TRAGIC, TRAGIC events of Uvalde Texas, Buffalo supermarket, Philadelphia, however these people never let a good disaster go to waste. All of this said, I believe the goal is to take the first steps to take guns from the citizens of this country. You can’t do it all at once, but you do it a little at a time, and it does not seem like anything is happening. I truly wish I felt different about this, but I feel those in government have a hidden agenda.

Please vote, vote vote.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a new day.