Subject Many and Varied 4-21-2024

Cat (Obama) is out of the bagObama has teamed up with Biden to do a campaign ad that is supposed to appeal to the small donors.  I believe this was Obama’s coming out party if you will.  I am waiting to see what the legacy media does with this.  This is a multi-fold statement.  First. They are trying to bring some kind of legitimacy and authority to the Biden campaign.  Second, and most important, this is saying a vote for Biden, is a vote for Obama.  I have always thought that Obama has been behind the scenes running this administration.  Obama gave Iran huge amounts of cash; Biden gave Iran huge amounts of cash.  Obama wants/wanted open borders; Biden opened the borders.  Obama wanted to cut military funding, weaken it.  Biden has done that and took that to even a newer level with DEI mandates. I know we can list others, but the point is Obama has had, and will continue to have a huge influence in the Biden administration.  You know, I always thought that maybe the Dems would at the very last-minute pull Biden out and put one of their up and coming young high profile stars on the ballot, like at the convention.  Now I am beginning to think Biden and that baboon Harris WILL be the ticket, and Obama will be behind closed doors, back in power.

Lying and Gas Lighting –   KJP’s response to raising gas prices, Press Secretary Jean-Pierre also said, “I would say that gas prices remain well below their peak back in 2022, I think that’s important… and that’s because of what this president has been doing over the last three years.”   Well I will agree with her, what Biden has done over the last 3 years has been catastrophic for energy/fuel cost, border, inflation, international standing/policy.  No matter how hard the White House and the PSDems try to spin it, even with the help of the legacy media, it is just plain BS.  Vote these people out.

On a Personal Note – Over the past month or so have received some very, very vile feedback on my postings.  I have been told I have no idea what is really going on at the border, and this Pastor has been there, once for 20 minutes, but I have no idea what I am talking about, and these people are wonderful people who need our help, and I need to as he put it ‘repent sinner, repent’.  A close friend of mine who lives on the border, and deals with it day in/out, replied to the repent comment, and gave his background, and what he knows firsthand, and once again this Pastor told him to repent.  Then shortly there after there was another comment about the post, from a person I know, who grew up in the church I attend, and wow she went off the rails.  First, she told us what a vile person Trump is, and how he is the worst person in the world.  But the best part was she stated she didn’t know how a someone, could be married to such a vile person such as myself that supports such a vile person as Trump.  The both of them asked, at the end, ‘I can assume you support Trump’.  I will admit, this is the first time, really, that I got the vile, mind made up and closed response.  I know get all of their news from legacy media, and OK that is fine.  So, in response to them, hell yes, I support Trump.  I also support closed borders, energy independence, ID required to vote, lower taxes, and many more.

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

Thank you for your support.

Subject Many and Varied for 4/5/2024

Bidens and His Handlers/Administrations Plan To Destroy The Country –  I just read this article and it one of the best, and highlights what the Biden’s handlers/administration doing to destroy this country, click on the link for complete detail, but here are the bullet points:

 1. Wipe out a 2,000-mile border.

 2. Run up $35 trillion in national debt.

3. Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China.

4. In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation. 

5. Recalibrate violent crime as understandable, cry-of-the-heart expressions of social justice.

6. Emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation.

7. Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents.

8. Encourage the fusion of the bureaucratic state with the electronic media to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship and coercion. 

9. Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas.

10. Marry late, but preferably not at all. 

11. Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers. 

I wish that I could say that I came up with this list, but please read the article, and wow it really hit the nail on the head.  Read each one and think about what is being said, sadly it is so true.   I know the Trump will address 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 on in first day, the others may take a little bit.  Point this, these are the tools that the PSDems are using to take control of this country, and this has to stop and the country needs to be taken back from these people.

How Does This Start – The PSDems did not just get into positions of power in Washington overnight.  These people started out a Mayor, or State Representatives, maybe ever State Congress.  You can see this type of PSDem governing all over.  The mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, just said that Chicago can take another 700,000 illegals.  Wow I wonder where he is going to get the money to do that, oh maybe when the PSDems have their convention there in August, they can pass the hat for Brandon, and of course, that money will go right into his back pocket.  Worse yet Pritzker did not say one word about it.  I was going to say I feel for those people in Chicago, but heck they voted him in, and we thought Lori Lightfoot was a wack job.  The we have the mayor of Peoria.  She too is worthless.  There is a huge spike in crime in the Peoria area, and do you think she would get her face out in front of a camera, and say this is not acceptable and she will use whatever resources is needed to stop it.  Nope, her main concern is getting passenger rail service into Peoria, and she will not speak out about her community, no way.

We can go on and name those in this state and any other blue state you want, point is, they were voted in at the local level, and have learned how to work within their party, and mold the local, and state government and persona into the Progressive/Socialists way.  This one is on us.  We need to vote in those who believe in the direct opposite of those eleven bullet points above.

All of this said, get out and vote at ALL the elections, or hang on, because it will not be good.

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

Thank you for your support.

Subject Many and Varied 4/4/2024

President Biden Keeps Giving – This was a hard title to come up with as I wanted to talk about all of the crap Biden has done, just over the past 3 weeks.  He totally trashed the Easter Celebration by trying t turn it into something it was not, a day for the transgender people.  Well either he does not understand what Easter was all about, or he is just a senile old man, or both.  I was trying to figure out if he was trying to pander to that community, or if he really didn’t know what he was talking about, or even what day it was.   But both the mainstream media and KJP, would not question it and only defend him.  He does not give a crap about Easter, only how he can please his base, and pander to those groups he needs.  Joe there are only two sexes, Male and Female, Boy or Girl, however you want to say it.  For you to desecrate this day, what God did for us, raised Jesus, and defeated death.  This is just another example of what a failure this man is as a President, Leader, and more over a person.  As a side note, President Trump, did call for Biden to apologize for his trans-visibility-day, and we know he didn’t.  Once again President Trump showed leadership, and knows what Easter means.

Biden Touches Base with His Boss –  Biden met with Xi from China on 4/2.  I am sure he was making sure that everything was in place for him to win the election again.  And then he was getting his marching orders for the next few weeks and what he is supposed to do.  Now mind you Biden can’t remember to take it out before going to the bathroom, so he made sure that Xi sends a copy to Obama so Obama makes sure he does it.  This administration is such a fracking dangerous joke.

Election Worries – I am trying to figure out what is going to take control of the election this time around, and throw it for Biden.  Last time it was COVID, and ballot counts, and then ballots found that still needed to be counted, and no auditing allowed for the Republicans, so hell, make it any number you want.  So, this year I am wondering what will happen.  Will it be the bird flu, it is starting to make headlines, we might have to have a lock-down, and only do mail in voting.  Will it be letting all of the illegals vote?  You might think that is out of reach, but as off the wall and unpredictable as this administration is, you never know.  Now I saw something tonight that Alejandro Mayorkas was assuring a reporter on NBC that all election workers will be protected at voting places, as some of the workers are voicing concerns that there have been threats made to them.  Now mind you, Mayorkas can run the border, and KEEP US SAFE, so him saying he will those workers, should scare the crap out of them.

But I believe something is going to happen to take control of this election.  I really hope I am wrong, and you guys can call me a nut case.  

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

Thank you for your support.