Subject Many and Varied 11/19/2024

Biden’s War on Energy – Biden has had a busy week doing all he can to make sure he lays the ground work to destroy American energy, and makes us totally dependent on other countries for our energy.  His first move was to strike a pact with China on energy.  This pact will move us closer to a China style planning, production quotas.  This will make us in the China image, which is what Biden seems to want to do.  This whole meeting with Xi has just been a kiss China’s ass fest, and China telling Biden what he will do next for them.  The second thing was Biden enacted the War Time Powers Act.  This is the first time a president as done this, citing climate and energy.  This project is for electric heat pumps, which will take the place of natural gas ones.  Once again here we go, with the electric talk.  Of course first, we don’t have the infrastructure to support the demand, and second, how are we going to produce more electricity, coal fired plants?, Nuclear?, oh wait, wind and solar, yea right, no way.  Anyway you can read the links and judge for yourself, but Biden is doing all he can to destroy this country.  Side note, I bet Hunter has finical ties to these companies that will benefit from this action, but it will not be investigated. 

Biden Cuts Deal –  President Biden is set to strike a deal with China that would limit the use of artifical intelligence in nuclear weapons.  This deal is so out there, it stuns me.  Biden acts like a deal with China is something that is good and China will hold up there end of the deal.  As we all know China could give a crap less about keeping any part of a deal, unless it happens to benefit them, and only them.

Trump Finally Catches a BreakA judge with common sense and the undertanding of the law said that Trump will remain on the ballot in Michigan.  I am hoping that this trend will continue.  This whole Trump 14th Amendment if a fracking joke.  This is nothing more than a attempt to destroy Trump’s chances to win the 2024 nomination and White House.  It looks like maybe, just maybe, this 14th Amendment joke is starting to fall apart.

Time for a reality check.  Bidenomics is not fracking working.  Obama during his time in the white house took out food, fuel, and property(Rent or Mortgage) of the in index that was used to calculate inflation.  The three thinks you send the most on, don’t count.  Fuel has come down a tiny bit, still well above what it was while Trump was in office.  Mortgage rates are now what 8.+% and when Trump was in the White House 2.+%.  And of course your food prices reflected the lower cost of transportation, so your food bill was less.  Now we haven’t even addressed the utility bills that everyone faced last winter/summer and going back into winter.  All of the coal fired electric plants that have been shuttered, and our lack of energy independence will result in higher utility bills this winter.

These past three years under this weak administration has done more to knock this country down, betray it’s citizens, and place this countries national security as risk as never seen in prior history.

I read an article, that if Trump were to get in office in 2024, that he would sign the most Executive Orders in history to reverse the damage that has been done, and do all possible to ensure these socialist agendas/ideas don’t take over the country again.

For me, Trump can’t into office fast enough.

We will see what this week brings.

We will see what this week brings.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Pass the word

Stay Vigil

Thank you for your support.

With the continuing damage that Biden and his worthless administration has done this week, for me, Trump can’t get back in office soon enough.   

One thought on “Subject Many and Varied 11/19/2024”

  1. Well said! Yes, the Democrat communist party has to go. I could never understand how the Democrats win elections when clearly they have done everything possible to destroy this country. Then I read an article about how the current (and past Democrat administrations) has put every agency in the federal government focused on GOTV (get out the vote). You would think this effort of GOTV would benefit both parties right? Of course not! The GOTV effort is focused on low income, minority, and first time voters. Yes, left leaning voters. So glad to see our tax dollars going to such a noble cause. Democrats make me sick!

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