Tuesday 9/01/2020

Many and Varied – 9/01/2020

As you can see I have changed the title just a bit. I was speaking with a very well respected follower of this tiny blog, and they stated sometimes it was hard to see what I had posted, and she would scan them to see if she has read them. I thought I would try using the date to see if that makes it a littler easier. I am also hoping that over the next few weeks to make this blog more visually appealing.

Our wonderful District 150 School Board, or should I say Gregory Wilson, the vice president, has suggested removing the school names of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, William Henry Harrison, Calvin Coolidge and Charles Lindbergh. Their legacies on human rights and equality that don’t hold up to 21st century standards, according to some observers. He is doing this under the premise of the name of school inspires many students. Well gee there is a shock, 21st century standards, what the heck. This is scary, 21st century standards, let me rephrase this, re-framing, or erasing or what ever. This attempt erasing, changing, or as I have heard it put re-framing is becoming the trend, and the norm. This is a unsettling to me. History is history is history. Before long, these people will want to re-write the Constitution to fit how they think it should be. This will result in the lost of freedom for us all, that will never be gotten back. I know there are those out there that say is you object this, or you ask doesn’t the school board have better things to do like make sure education for students are the best, or making sure that our special needs students are taken care of, you are a racist, believe me I know I have been called that. With the school board common sense is in high demand and very short supply. More to come on this.

The protests as they are being called in Portland, Kenosha, and unfortunately so many other cities is being accepted as ok. The media places blame for these on the cops, or President Trump, and they make it sound like it is justified. This is pure violence on out citizens, and pure destruction of property. The people doing this make the evening news, and are supported by main stream media, then, disappear into the shadows. NEVER once have they gone back to speak the businesses that were ruined or destroyed to ask them how they are doing, or how they are feeling, and if they feel this ‘protest’ was worth the cost for the cause. Of course we know they won’t, as that would defeat their agenda, and that is to make all cops look bad, most white people are racists, and President Trump is the cause of everything.

We will see what tomorrow brings.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.