Subject Many and Varied 11-17-2021

Clown Show and Circus:

This would be the Biden Cabinet, or Clown Show. Over the next few postings I am going to be looking at the Biden Cabinet. Believe it or not, there is a method to my madness.

Kamala Harris – Vice President, Supposed to be in charge of what, oh yes the border issues

Antony Blinken – Secretary Of State, Not sure what he is doing, other than running around apologizing for whatever offends any other country, or what was done by the prior administration. The we are sorry tour.

Dr, Janet Yellen – Secretary of the Treasury, wow now this gal is a real fire ball, NOT. I saw her being interviewed the other evening on CNN, and she said that the problems today, inflation, and supply chain issues is caused 100% by the COVID pandemic. Of course she will say that, as they have to keep that out there for the control thing.

Lloyd Austin – Secretary of Defense, This guy scares me, as I don’t think he has a grip on his Joint Chiefs of the Military. He is just a political errand boy the the Biden White house.

VP Harris – wow she has made the position Vice President a laughing stock. She is supposed to be the ‘Border Czar’, to address the issues at our southern border. Well as we ALL know that is not happening, it is only getting worse. Then she goes overseas, and makes a fool out of herself and the US trying to pull off a really, really bad French accent. And then has the stupid laugh.

Blinken, what the heck is he doing? He should be meeting with the heads of state in other countries, instead Harris is doing it and then Kerry, OMG, there is really bad news. He will sell us out in a heart beat.

The whole premise of this administration is to fundamentally change the US or attempt to change us into a socialist country, totally dependent on the government for everything. They want to change your life style to be much lower, and get used to shortages, and higher prices for everything.

They are going to stuff electric vehicles down our throats, whether or not we want them.

The price of fuel is out of control, and Biden asked, or should I say begs OPEC to produce more and they told us what to do with it. This fuel prices you can place on one man and one man only President Joe Biden. He has and continues to shut down pipelines, and wants to do more, and now to ‘ help us’ he might dip into the national fuel reserves. This man is dangerous.

Coming up are the midterms, and the in 2024, the general election. I only hope e can last that long.

Next time, more of the cabinet members.

We are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.