Many and Varied 7/30/2020 Part 2

Wow what can I say. Pritzker comes to Peoria, and tells us we have been bad subjects, and if we don’t get in line with what he thinks, then HE will impose tight restrictions on us. Of course I am taking about COVID, and the rise we have had, ALONG with everyone from the Quad Cities to just south of Chicago, but locally includes Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Marshall, Stark, Putnam, Knox, Fulton, McDonough and Warren counties.

Major Ardis did stand up and state that if there are tighter restrictions, i.e. roll back to Stage 2 or whatever it was, would have a detrimental impact on the local economy. That is a understatement, it could destroy it, and many, many businesses would never recover. To be honest, I don’t think Pritzker really cares. As I stated earlier, he is just trying to show his power and that he is going to control what is going on in his state. Oh wait, Chicago is totally off the rails, and is a complete mess. And now going to keep people from Wisconsin from coming in, really, OMG. Like i said earlier, Pritzker is fiddling, Lightfoot is dancing to his tune, and Illinois is going down the tubes. You know, there was a study done by MSNBC, and the top 2 states for people leaving was #1 New Jersey, #2 Illinois, gee there is a shock.

On a separate note, the President floating the idea of delaying the election, by far, is the worst thing that could happen. I understand where he is coming from, with the mail in ballot crap, that just breeds and encourages corruption, and ballot stuffing for the Liberals/Socialists. With that said, if COVID is around, and we know it will be till at least after the election, I would support extending the voting time, i.e., take a week or 2, so that all of the social distancing can be done, and yes it would take longer, but at least it will be a somewhat normal election.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 7/30/2020

Well good morning to all. A little rain today, but all is good. Well let’s see where do I start.

Governor Pritzker announced his 3 level of how he will allow sports to be played at the high school level. He did this 2 hours ahead of the IHSA making their formal announcement. I am not quite sure why he did this, as he didn’t with the IESA, he let them do their job as the governing body for that level of sports, but he got ahead of the IHSA. Did he not trust and/or like what they were gong to say, or was he trying to show leadership? Oh wait maybe he was going to show everyone he is in control of everything in Illinois. The later can’t be the case. I look at his leadership like Nero, who was playing the fiddle while Rome was burning. Pritzker is playing the fiddle, Lori Lightfoot is dancing to the tune, and Chicago is burning. They have no control of the city, and it gets worse by the day. They try to blame it on COVID, people being cooped up too long, or a myriad of other things. Never does anyone call them on their lack of leadership and total and complete incompetence. For sure the media gives them a huge pass, be it the main stream, or local media. I do feel sorry for the residents of the greater Chicago area, as they are the ones who will pay for their incompetency not them, they will not be held accountable for their actions. Just as Madigan will not be implicated or feel any pain for the COMED charges. As you can tell, unfortunately, Illinois is living up to the reputation of being very corrupt and crooked, Al Capone would be proud.

Well the Peoria Park board was going to have a meeting last night to discuss the fate of the Christopher Columbus statue in Bradley Park. Well I looked at the paper this morning, and then listened to the morning news, and unless I missed something, I didn’t hear anything, so does that mean that it was talked about, or no reporters covered it, or they don’t want the results out yet, who knows. All I know is this Cancel History culture is about as bad as it can get. Cancel everything that does not fit the liberal/socialist agenda. Keep this up, and history will repeat itself, with bad outcomes.

A funny article, our good socialist Bernie Sanders is calling for face masks for everyone, really, I guess he is still out there wanting everything for everyone, so that everyone can be the same, OMG, Bernie, go back to sleep.

Well all I hope you have a great day, as always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 7-24-2020

Well I am just. Just got back from a trip out to Denver, where I was blessed to spend some great time with my daughter, and enjoy Colorado.

One of the things about going on a short vacation, is you miss getting news overload. However, once you get back, well you can find that not much has changed, and the same news continues to be the same over and over, especially in today’s world.

COVID is still here and we are learning what we still need to do to stay safe, or at least that is what the experts are saying. Wear your mask, stay apart and all of that stuff. However it seems no one wants to really talk about or address the impact that it is having on people and business. This impact on especially business is going to cause some to never come back, the mom and pop businesses to medium to large companies like motor coach companies. I don’t have the answer’s, and I guess if I did, I would be on the evening news.

Well the night we returned, there was a big shooting down on the river front. That was bad enough, without a doubt. However what was even worse, was the response by our civic leaders. Mayor Ardis, danced around condemning the actions. Denise Moore, she could have stepped up to be a leader in her community, and double talked and tried to blame this on COVID, and people being cooped up, oh wait, the Mayor of Chicago did the same thing, so I guess that is the trend. When you don’t want to accept accountability for something you blame it on COVID and begin cooped up. And of course, you want to defund the police, cause they are the problem in our community, really, get a grip. We will see how this all plays out, but I am pretty sure the call will be everyone in the city needs to work on a resolution, and NONE of the people that are supposed to be leaders will step up.

Then this morning I see the article , ‘Biden says Trump trying to ‘indirectly steal’ election by raising doubts about mail-in voting’. Gee what doubts could you have about mail-in voting, come on really. I would be real worried. Let’s think about this, there will be people voting who have been dead for years, and then we will have a truck full of ballots found that didn’t get counted that will all be for the Liberal Democrats candidates. This is just a good old Illinois trick, and the outcome will be what they want it to be, nothing fair or impartial about this process. This is why I wonder if COVID is being used as a political tool. I still believe that if COVID had not shown up that Trump and those who supported him could not have been beaten. Things were just going way too good. Your 401K was doing great, employment was great, the economy was booming, something the the Liberal and some Democrats hate, because you don’t need them,

I am hoping over the next few weeks I will be working on the blog to make it a little nicer looking, so stay tuned,

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 7/05/2020

Well what a Fourth of July weekend. This was the first year in 30 + years that I have not spent on the water watching fireworks. First I have not even put the boat in the water, going to sell it, and second there was not going to be the big fireworks display on the river this year due to COVID.

With all of that said, there was still plenty of fireworks, wow, they were going off like crazy around my house. I guess there were several towns around the area that did put on shows hoping to begin the return to ‘normal’. I hope you were able to enjoy some, and celebrate the 4th to some level.

We need to remember what the Independence Day is really about. I am not here to give you a history lesson, we all have had those. This is to remember that we are blessed to live free and be able to express ourselves with fear of punishment. We might not agree with everything we hear, but we will stand so they can say it.

With that said, we CAN NOT allow history to be erased, or re-written, to fit some current social beliefs, or social flavor of the day. If we continue to allow, statues to be torn down, to be defaced, or wanting history to be rewritten, we will loose our way moving forward, and then some of those freedoms we take for granted, maybe taken away due to some new social wave. I have 4 grandsons, and I want them to be able to grow up and have the same freedoms that I did, and I worry that they will not.

Well there was a lot going on in the potical front this weekend as well, and I am still reading to determine what it all means, and how much of it is BS and which has merit. More to come on this.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.