Subject Many and Varied 7/26/2023

As The World Turns For Hunter:  Well his ‘in the bag’ plea deal blew up on him.  A federal judge in Delaware on Wednesday ordered Hunter Biden to “actively seek employment,” abstain from drugs or alcohol, submit to random drug testing and not possess a firearm as conditions for staying out of jail.   For most of us out here in the real world, we would be grateful, and say thank you sir.  Now I am sure that when Hunter got in the car, he said ‘KMA’, this will be taken care in other ways.  I am sure someone will offer Hunter a big time job, that is do nothing, and get paid huge amounts of money, oh wait, he had that job, and blew it up his nose, and got blown in other way.  So I guess it will be back to business as normal for him and his family.  The only thing is, I think this whole mess might impact the Biden campaign, if there is one.  Too many questions that Joe would have to respond to in a debate, oh wait, never mind, those questions would not be asked by the moderator.  This whole thing was as big joke, just like the Secrete Service not being able to find where Hunter’s cocaine came from.

Heat Wave:  Well it is hot over a big portion of the country, and of course the climate change wacks  say the other way to stop this to stop using fossil fuels, RIGHT NOW.  Well first I was watvhing the local weather tonight and guess what, it was hotter in 1936, 101dg, that it was today, so see to my small mind, this is just a cycle the weather goes through.  However, the administration and every other climate change nut will use to push more renewable energy.  Please, PLEASE, do not get me wrong, I think we as a nation, should research, and develop renewable energy sources, but this is not done overnight, or in a year, or even over an administration.  It will take a generational shift, as well as a huge infrastructure improvement.  Never the less, this administration will do all they can to control how we use fossil fuels, and make it really hard for us.

Feds and Interest Rates:  Well, the feds did it again, raised the rate by a .25 basis point, and are hinting at a second one yet this year.  This will put the interest rate at a 22 year high.  This move they say is to cool inflation, but yet the administration says inflation is cooling and really not a factor anymore.  Really, gee, if you have a house, or a car, or RV, or boat that you are trying to sell, your buyer pool, just went dry.  And those companies that make fun things to do, like RV’s, boats, or any kind of fun toys, well due to this high interest rate, their sales will tank, and then of course they will lay off employees.  This will start the cycle all over again.  I am really surprised that the housing market for the seller has stayed as strong as it has, but I can’t believe that won’t change in the near future.

Mitch McConnell:  Pulled a Joe.  MitchMcConnell took a little mind break today, and after said he was ‘fine’.  Ok these guys that are driving the boat(government) are getting up in years, and in some case have lost their effectiveness.  We will see this more and more, and this will need to be address in the coming election.

ET Phone Home:  Ok I have to admit, I do believe in like outside of our planet.  That said, I sure never thought I would see the White House take a stance on it. But of course, they say they don’t know. Like where the cocaine came from, or Joe didn’t know what Hunter was doing.  Side Note:  Did you see the picture of Hunter driving Joe’s corvette, with two babes in it, wow, I mean really.

We will see what the rest of the week brings.

Stay Vigil.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 7/7/2023

Kamala Harris Her Word Salad – This should prove to all that Kamala Harris is not a Vice President, and should prove she should never be a President.  Her word salad response to what is culture should prove that she cannot speak or put a sentence together that makes any sense, and all she can do is laugh.  There is no professionalism in her what so ever, I can see now why some in the Democratic party are wanting her off the ticket, she is a total embarrassment for the country.

Jill Scott – What she did to the National Anthem is beyond words.  She thinks she made a statement to further the black cause.  All she did was show that she is a fool, and did more damage than good.  I know I was thinking if I had been in charge of the sound system there, I would have turned her off, but then that would have only furthered her cause and make her stand out even more.  Hey lady if you don’t like this country, leave.  You said you were going to move to Sweden a couple of years ago, well hell, don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

White House and white powder – Well cocaine found it’s wat into the White House, gee there is a shock.  I am sure this is not the first time it has been in the White House, especially during Biden’s stay there.  Now, remember, this is the White House, one of, if not the most secure places in the world, and they can’t figure out who brought it in, Bu?? SH??.  The Secrete Service knows how it got in there, they are just looking for a patsy to take the fall for it so Hunter will be clean.  You watch, White House will come up with some wild ass story, and someone will take the fall, and it will all go away.

Janet Yellen – The one who could not even manage a kool-aid stand on the street corner is over in Bejing, going to lay down the law with China.  Actually she is over there getting her marching orders to bring back to the Biden Administration on what will happen next with the US.  She is no more than a very bad puppet, who’s strings are being pulled by the CCP.

These are just some examples of why we all need to get out and vote.  Vote I hope to remove the trainwreck of an administration from the White House and the control of this country.

We shall keep our eyes open and ears listening.

Stay Vigil.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 7/5/2023

Happy 4th of July, we celebrate our Independence again.

I apologize for not posting since May 24th, but work had me very busy.

Biden and Sweden – I am sure you have read that Sweden wants to join NATO.  This country has pretty much been neutral, however when Russia went into Ukraine, well that changed everything.  That said, I watched part of the televised meeting between Biden and the Prime Minister, and to say it was sad, is a understatement. Biden looked half asleep, and everything he said was what he was reading of note cards.  What a poor excuse for a leader.

Biden and Harris 2024 – Well now this is going to get really interesting.  I am reading even people in the Democratic party are really beginning to question this ticket.  A vote for Biden will be a vote for Harris as President, which I am sure she would love, but wow, that is the last thing we need.  I am hearing talk to Newsome and Widmer as a backup plan, and of course the mainstream media would sell that ticket big time.  Then we have the wildcard of RFK Jr.  This is shaping up to be a real mess.

Biden and his crackdown on fossil fuel plants – Biden’s crackdown on fossil fuel plants is going to place this country at risk on so many levels, and really cost the American public huge amounts of money for their utility bills.

The progressive Democrat / Socialists movement and policies need to be stopped before this country goes so far down the path that we might not ever come back to what we are.

Now that I am back in the swing of things, I will be back to posting more often, and thank you all for reading and please post any comments you want.    

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day