Subject Many And Varied 08/29/2022

It is hard to read, listen, or watch any media where you can find an honest view of everything that is going on. That said, wow I can’t believe how the legacy media is just out and out lying about so much and really carrying the water for the socialist democrats. You have the White house saying, something as simple as, there are no unvaccinated illegals coming across the border, to Biden calling republicans bad and mean. I really had no idea how bad the lying and gaslighting would get, and I don’t think we have even seen the bad stuff yet.

For the rest of the year and until 2024 elections, the socialists democrats will be portraying how evil Donald Trump is and those who follow him are the same, and how they socialists democrats can save this country. Republicans need to focus on what really matters to the people of this country, I don’t care if you are red or blue, it all hits your wallet the same.

I am so disappointed with Mitch McConnell. There is no fire in his words or his positivity. He should be the fire driving the Republican party, and as Donald Trump said, he should be helping getting republicans elected. Instead, he has all but conceded a bit part of the mid terms. He should be shouting what the republican stand for, nut he is not. That is one thing I can say about the democrat socialists have is they are all saying the same thing, at the same time in the exact same way, which is a worry in and of itself, but they are all saying the message from the top down. The Republicans need to take that lesson from their play book, and talk about the values we hold. Also, stop worrying with Donald Trump will run again or not, that is to be decided later, worry about these mid terms, that, right now that is more important than who might or might run for President.

Republicans have a real message problem, i.e., getting it out, so that is where we can help. When the chance presents itself, talk about what the Republican view is and how it differs from the Democrat / Socialists view, and most important, GO VOTE.

We are going to be in for a real Sh!! show over the new few months, that will have us all saying you are kidding. There will be more vote buying in the form of more money being handed out in the name of ‘The Government will take care of you’. Remember President Regan said the worst 12 words in the english language are ‘I am From The Government And I Am Here To Help You’, never rang more true.

Remember we must vote, vote, vote.

Today is a blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 8/17/2022

What a Past Few Days: I am not going to comment on the raid at Mar-a-Lago, as so much has already been said, and I would just be repeating. It does not matter what side of the isle you are on, you should be very upset on the weaponization of the DOJ / FBI. Worse yet, they really have not shown cause yet for the whole circus. Then you have the IRS going to hire 87,000 more IRS agents, heck that is more than some countries have in their military. They say it is to go after those making more than $400k a year, BS, they will be going after ALL of us. Then you have Biden coming home from is vacation to sign his bill, that is supposed to reduce inflation, we know it won’t. However he did take the opportunity to say no less than 3 times, that every Democrat voted for it and every Republican voted against it.

All of this show at Mar-a-Lago, and then this bill signing is nothing more than the opening of a long very carefully thought out smear / lie/ gaslight campaign to demonize anyone of is a Trump supporter, and more over anyone who is a Republican, and it will get much worse, as the mid-terms are coming up and the Socialists are going to do anything, or pull anything they can to discredit the Republicans.

We are truly in a fight to save this country in so many ways. It is time we put common sense back in everyday life. Put the American people first, ALL American people. It is time we put AMERICA first.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Subject Many and Varied 08/08/2022

Fuel Prices – Well the Biden administration is trying to take another victory lap for the cost of fuel dropping. In fact the White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre was trying to sell that this had been the biggest drop in years, and we all should be glad. Even when pressured about the average being above 4.00 per gallon, she just blew it off, unreal. As a side note, man is she ever good at saying MANY, MANY words and not saying a thing. They sure picked the right person to gaslight, and lie, and just plain BS the press and the public. Of course the legacy media, hang on her every word, and then just real say it, unreal. I still believe that the White House has a conference call every morning at like 230am and tell all of that days talking points, so as everyone is one the same page, and says the same thing.

Inflation Reduction Act or Plan – I don’t care what these morons are calling it. This is nothing more than another power grab by the socialists in the White House. Really I mean, give the IRS 87,000 more agents, WTH. They need to reduce the amount of agents, and the power of the IRS. Let me tell you what the IRS will be into everyone’s business now. This portion of the act really scares me. This is only the first step into controlling the people of this country. One thing, on a lighter note, I bet this will drive cash underground. By that I mean I bet there will be more work done for cash money, and it will not go through any bank or credit union, it will go into a box in the basement.

China – Well everyone is trying to guess if China will invade Taiwan. Of course they will. China saw what happened when Russia invaded Ukraine, nothing. That was just a test to see if the White House had any balls and Biden would react. We we know, and of course Biden will not go against China, so heck China will invade, and Biden will do NOTHING other than mumble a few words and that will be the end of it, and Hunter will get a big payday.

This mid-term election is beyond important, I feel it is critical to the nations survival.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day