Subject Many And Varied 10/31/20121

Happy Halloween. I think we are still allowed to say that. I know all of the kids are out going from door to door hoping to get all the candy they can. This is the time of year we also get marathons of the horror movies like Nightmare on Elm Street several different ones. As well as Halloween, all 10 or how ever many there are of it. Then there are the one-time horror shows like:

Joe Biden Travels the World: I am pretty sure this movie was supposed to be a serious one where he is supposed to be meeting with other heads of state, and then going to impress them with his knowledge and leadership. However it turns into a comedy when Biden appears to use prepared list of reporters after G20 summit in Rome: “‘I’m told we should start with AP”. I am pretty sure there are going to be several sequels to this one, as Biden’s handlers are going to keep trying.

Nancy Pelosi, The Press Conference: This movie starts off as Pelosi takes the podium and pulls her facemask off, and we all gasp at the horror and evil that comes out of her mouth as she explains how the socialists will have the votes to pass the $1.5 Trillion vote buying bill.

Supply Chains That Came Unbound: This ‘What If’ is really weird. What would happen if all the ships that bring all of our daily needs to us from China all of a sudden could not get unloaded, what would we do? I am not really sure why all of this would happen. I mean after all we have the biggest and most up to date ports in the world, that work 24/7/365. However, maybe if something like this were to ever happen, maybe we should think about bringing some of this manufacturing back to our shores. I am sure that people will be lined up at your local COSTCO, SAMS, and WALMART to see it.

Happy Halloween To All, and As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.