Subject Many and Varied 10/21/2022

Biden Scare Tactics – Biden has been out stumping for some Democrats that would have him, and of course, now that it is getting close to the mid-terms, and they, the Democrats, are not gaining and in some cases losing ground, they only have their lies to fall back on. No Biden seems to want to make the mid-terms about abortion, and climate change, as do a lot of Democrats, as they WON’T talk about what mainstreet America’s concerns are. INFLATION, RECESSION, CRIME AND THE BOADER. And then Biden has his press conference and he says that if the Republicans take control, they will CRASH the ecomony. This just goes to prove, he and his party are in a dream world, only they understand, and if they remain in power for 2 more years, we will not know this country. Biden alone has done more to destory this ecomony and country than all the President’s combined. The Democratic party is now a party of liars, gaslighters, and frauds, and they do not give one crap about you or me. Nor do they really give a crap about climate change, unless, it works in their favor, and Pelosi, or Harris husband can make a shady insider trading deal. Hell crime, there is no crime, it is oppressed people, and they all need to be let out of jail, you that trend that is sweeping the country, let criminals out and they will vote for me. Never mind they might do more crimes while they are out, oh yes dems, that is a proven fact.

Now I want to make a prediction, if there is a red wave, as we hope, I think Biden will be removed from office, the 25th Admendment, they will throw him under the bus so fast it will blow your mind. The bad part is, and super scary, Harris will be the President, and the speaker of the house will be…???? unknown yet.

This upcoming mid-term election is the most important, I feel in the past 50 years. This election will determine the course America will take over the next years, will will either stay they course and continue to go down hill, or we will change course and Make America Great Again. Make American Strong Again, Make American Great Again for our kids, and grandkids to go up in.

You must vote, you must tell everyone you know to vote, for if you don’t vote, leave this country as you did not do what is required of you to live in this country. We all have a job to honor those before us who have made this country great, and a responsability, a duty, to keep it this way for the following generations.

Today is a Blessing and Tomorrow is a new Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 10/12/2022

Binden’s CNN Interview – Well I have no idea on where to begin with this one. Without a doubt, this was the most blatant display of worthless leadership I have seen. I mean when the question is asked about a possible recession, you get the response of, ‘well we might have one, not saying we are, but if we do, it will be a small one, but hey let’s talk about how far we have come and what we have done’. Right there it shows you, first, the dems DON’T want to talk about the economy, or inflation, or the impact of their failed policies on the American people. They only want to talk about, what they have done in their fantasy world, and how good THEY think things are going, which is a joke. This administration and ALL those involved with it really do not care how it impacts the American public, as they have an agenda that is very non pro America, they are doing all they can to tear the country down, and remake it in their vision. They do not care about how high fuel prices go. They do not care how much you have to spend at the grocery store. They do not care how much you have to change your life style, in fact they look forward to you suffering, they even say that. ‘You know change can be painful, but we have to look forward to OUR goals’. I have no respect for these people, nor to they deserve any.

Biden’s Administration Targeting Desantis – Well I figured this would be coming. They are going to investigate Desantis on his migrant flights out of Florida. Of course they are, they have to really begin to make him look like the worst person there is and he is a extreme republican. Now mind you, I would love to ask them about all of their midnight flights of migrants to other cities, done by the dark of the moon, oh but wait, we can’t question what they do.

This up coming mid term is growing more and more important every hours that this administration stay in control, it is a must that this gets changed. Please above all, get out and vote, the red wave has to happen from the local level all the way to the federal level.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 10/09/2022

Biden’s Failed Energy Policy – Well Biden’s buddies at OPEC+ have stated they will reduce output by two million barrels a day, and gee what do you think happened, the price of fuel went up AGAIN. Now if you listen to the little girl that speaks for the White House, she is still blaming this on Putin war, and other factors, but NOT the Administrations policies. However, Jennifer Granholm, Secretary Of Energy., said that transition is sometimes hard and there is pain involved with it, but we must keep moving forward. Translation, we, The Administrations, does not give a damm about whatever pain you feel at the pump, or the supermarket, so just deal with it.

Once again, it just shows that from day one his policies, and intentions, were to destroy America as it was, and make it like the socialists want it.

Mid-Terms – Well it sure does seems like ALL of the Dems in the Mid-term, and of course the legacy media, only have 2 talking points, Abortion, economic relief , and for us in Illinois cash bail. Why do you suppose these are the top talking points. I mean they can’t talk about a good and strong economy. They can’t talk about the very low inflation. Or how this country is energy independent. Or how secure our boarders are, and how people are entering the country the correct way.

I only wish that more of the head Republicans would jump all over this and hold these peoples feet to the fire, but it seems like Mitch is just going to be his normal milk toast person.

As the time gets closer, the Dems and the media will be doing everything they can to demonize any and ALL Republicans, so just be ready for some really nasty crap they will be throwing out.

We shall see what next week brings.

Today is a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again