
Subject Many and Varied:

Well I have been watching the campaign speeches this morning, and I have to restate what I did in the last post. Biden is doom and gloom, and Trump is light and hope.

Biden said this morning that he is not going to shut down the country, or the economy, but he will shut down COVID. He will mandate masks, reopen the COVID department, and listen to the experts as to what we should do to slow this. OK, so that said, he will shut down, restaurants, no inside dining, no inside worship, and no gathering larger than 10 people, and don’t go out unless you need to. Well that should pretty much do the country and economy down to the point it won’t recover without massive help from the government, which gee is what he wants, control.

He just said that Trump got handed a great economy, that he and Obama had built. And now Trump has destroyed it. Really, well tell me then, why has the market been the best it ever has been? Why, prior to COVID, was unemployment been the lowest in decades? Why have 401K’s been through the roof? And tell me Joe, why even with the COVID, our GDP was 33 percent, a record? You didn’t do any of that at all, nothing ZIP.

Also, I truly feel that those who vote for Biden, don’t really realize they are voting for Harris, and Pelosi. If Biden wins, he will be installed, and then my guess is, with 120 days, Pelosi will invoke the 25th amendment and remove him, due to mental issues, and Harris WILL be President, Pelosi will be VP, and at that point, we will be in deep trouble.

One other comment on this election, I see there are several cites that business owners are boarding up to protect them from violent demonstrations, expected after the election. My question is, is this if Trump wins, or if Biden wins? I am thinking it in case Trump wins, and the violent socialists have a hissy fit and go off the rails. I can’t believe that the Trump supporters will, but heck, maybe they should, and then see how the main stream media reports it, and how the local Democratic governments handle it. You can bet, they won’t say that it is OK and this is just a demonstration, like they have when the socialists did that crap.

Now on to a different subject, Pritzker, and Illinois. Well he is trying to shut Illinois down again, a little at a time. From restaurants, bars, school sports, and even churches. But not is going well for him. The IHSA basically told him to go fly a kite, we are doing sports. I really did think they had the balls / leadership to do that one. Many restaurants are doing the same and keeping inside dining, even with the visits from Pritzker’s troops to try and get them to shut down. Once again he has demonstrated NO leadership, and that he really does not care about the economic condition of the state.

The next few days are going to be a real ride, and really go down in history. I am hoping that it will go dow in history as a good event, but I am scared, only time will tell.

Today was a blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.

17 thoughts on “10/20/2020”

  1. Great post Mark! I am really worried this time around. One day I think Trump has this in the bag, then I’m not sure the next day. From my point of view I can’t understand how the country would not choose to re-elect president Trump. He has done practically everything he said he would do. We know his record and I think it aligns with most of America’s values and expectations. A strong economy, strong military, personal freedom, less regulations, smaller government, lower taxes, and a return to what America used to be.

    But there are others out there that want to tear all that down and take the country on a path that defies everything we believe to be good and true to our constitution. Yes, I’m referring to the far left liberals. I’m afraid Mark that they have convinced enough voters that Trump is evil and their agenda would help bring about utopia for all. They have done his through the media, social media, political corruption, and the of coarse brainwashing our young people in our schools for so many years. And of course the anti trump republicans have been helping their cause all along. It is so upsetting seeing all this unfold in front of my eyes. What we once took for granted is slipping away and our lives will be so much different under a liberal socialistic government. I see America being chipped away a little at a time. We have let them. I don’t understand why we haven’t stood up to this type of tyranny earlier. I guess we just stuck our head in the sand and turned a blind eye to it thinking it doesn’t effect me, it won’t happen in my town, or in my lifetime. Well it’s here! Right in front of us and it could be to late to ever regain what we had. In just a few days we will either know that we have fought off this revolution or that we have lost the fight.

    One more thought for the night. I read yesterday that the Girl Scouts have also succumbed to the far left. One gay representative objected to the Girl Scouts congratulating ACB on her confirmation to the Supreme Court, and they withdrew their comment and apologized! I guess they are also doomed, just like the Boy Scouts. Just another American institution being chipped away. Why do we tolerate this? Why are we afraid to stand up for our values. Why are we afraid to stand up for America. Why are we so afraid to be called racist? It is not racist at all to say what the Girl Scouts said. It’s just American to do what they did. Any normal human being would see no fault in it. Everybody is afraid to stand up to the mob! Only one man is standing up to them..President Donald Trump. And we are not going to re-elect him because we don’t like his personality! Well folks if you want a more political correct president Trump, a kinder gentler Trump. One that is not do abrasive, then you want a guy like all the rest before him that succumbed to the mop. He is in this fight for all of us. He is the only one with the balls to stand up to them. We need to support him like our lives depend on it! I pray to God that he is re-elected and continues to expose and tear down the liberals and their destruction of America

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