Subject Many and Varied 11/19/2024

Biden’s War on Energy – Biden has had a busy week doing all he can to make sure he lays the ground work to destroy American energy, and makes us totally dependent on other countries for our energy.  His first move was to strike a pact with China on energy.  This pact will move us closer to a China style planning, production quotas.  This will make us in the China image, which is what Biden seems to want to do.  This whole meeting with Xi has just been a kiss China’s ass fest, and China telling Biden what he will do next for them.  The second thing was Biden enacted the War Time Powers Act.  This is the first time a president as done this, citing climate and energy.  This project is for electric heat pumps, which will take the place of natural gas ones.  Once again here we go, with the electric talk.  Of course first, we don’t have the infrastructure to support the demand, and second, how are we going to produce more electricity, coal fired plants?, Nuclear?, oh wait, wind and solar, yea right, no way.  Anyway you can read the links and judge for yourself, but Biden is doing all he can to destroy this country.  Side note, I bet Hunter has finical ties to these companies that will benefit from this action, but it will not be investigated. 

Biden Cuts Deal –  President Biden is set to strike a deal with China that would limit the use of artifical intelligence in nuclear weapons.  This deal is so out there, it stuns me.  Biden acts like a deal with China is something that is good and China will hold up there end of the deal.  As we all know China could give a crap less about keeping any part of a deal, unless it happens to benefit them, and only them.

Trump Finally Catches a BreakA judge with common sense and the undertanding of the law said that Trump will remain on the ballot in Michigan.  I am hoping that this trend will continue.  This whole Trump 14th Amendment if a fracking joke.  This is nothing more than a attempt to destroy Trump’s chances to win the 2024 nomination and White House.  It looks like maybe, just maybe, this 14th Amendment joke is starting to fall apart.

Time for a reality check.  Bidenomics is not fracking working.  Obama during his time in the white house took out food, fuel, and property(Rent or Mortgage) of the in index that was used to calculate inflation.  The three thinks you send the most on, don’t count.  Fuel has come down a tiny bit, still well above what it was while Trump was in office.  Mortgage rates are now what 8.+% and when Trump was in the White House 2.+%.  And of course your food prices reflected the lower cost of transportation, so your food bill was less.  Now we haven’t even addressed the utility bills that everyone faced last winter/summer and going back into winter.  All of the coal fired electric plants that have been shuttered, and our lack of energy independence will result in higher utility bills this winter.

These past three years under this weak administration has done more to knock this country down, betray it’s citizens, and place this countries national security as risk as never seen in prior history.

I read an article, that if Trump were to get in office in 2024, that he would sign the most Executive Orders in history to reverse the damage that has been done, and do all possible to ensure these socialist agendas/ideas don’t take over the country again.

For me, Trump can’t into office fast enough.

We will see what this week brings.

We will see what this week brings.

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With the continuing damage that Biden and his worthless administration has done this week, for me, Trump can’t get back in office soon enough.   

Subject Many and Varied 11-13-2023

Some Shorts or Quick Hits In The NewsPhotos of cocaine find in the White House.  Of you does it surprise you that the Secrete Service has closed this investigation with no idea of how it got there.  Of course the Dems and the legacy media shrug it off, with nothing to see here. 

Both  Tlaib and Omar squad members have been slapped on the hand just a little for all of the comments they have made about the Israelis’ Gaza conflict.  Once again nothing said in the legacy media about it, in fact they gloss it over, and even attack those who do say something about it.

And then Joe Biden tell the press it was not him who fell during a UAW speech, even though there were cameras that caught it.  Once again the legacy media well, all you hear is crickets.

Where I am going with this, is you can’t trust or believe anything that comes out of the administration cumulative mouth.  They will say and or do anything they want to, and not be held accountable.  Especially Hunter, oh my, and yes, he is part of the crooked, weak administration, if you think he isn’t, just look where he is all the time.  He is Joe’s shadow, so you tell me what kind of real power he has.  At one time I thought maybe he would get what he deserves, but not now, not with the DOJ, FBI, and White House in his back pocket.  And then you look at the way the Trump family has been treated is just the complete opposite.  They have been drug through the mud.  Accused of everything that any two bit half ass Attorney General can think of.  Best yet, this AG is not called on this by the media, in fact they give her high marks and a pass on everything else.  This worthless AG even make the news for smirking at Donald Jr. during the trial.

Biden and China –  Well Biden is going to meet with Xi Jinping on Wednesday.  Weak Joe is going to meet with him, and find out what is supposed to do next.  Now mind you, JKP is already painting that Biden will be strong and take a strong stance on Taiwan, and talk about trade.  Well Xi already knows what the response will be if China would move against Taiwan, the same weak response and the botched withdraw from Afghanistan, and the same weak response to Putin in the Ukraine invasion.  And the most recent, Israel, Humas conflict.  First voice support for Israel, then back pedal that a bit.

This administration has shown nothing but weakness to both our allies as well as our advisories.  This is not good of us as a nation.  But when we have an administration as corrupt as this one, and open that is truly being run by a shadow government behind the scenes, this is what you get.

We will see what this week brings.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 10/30/2023

Queen of Word Salad Makes Prediction  – Well Queen of the Word Salad (VP Harris) makes prediction for 2024 election.  When asked on the hard hit news program 60 minutes, why the Biden team was 30 points behind Trump, as always she vomits word salad as always and says nothing, click on the link, you won’t believe it if you didn’t see it.  But when she guarantees the her and John will win, that takes some balls, which I am sure she has bigger ones than Joe, but wow.  Now she does say, we have to get the word out about what a great job this administration has done, what that means is the legacy media is going to be doing the campaigning on a very bias basis.  You watch, they will begin to portray them as the best administration ever.

The biggest thing I could not believe from 60 minutes, was the admission that they are 30 points behind.  Was this an error on 60 minutes part, or are they beginning to see how bad the polls really are?  Could it be that they are laying the ground work, by the admission of polls showing Biden is 30 points behind, that the democratic party is going to parachute a new candidate in the future?  I am not sure, but something is afoot, just don’t know what.

Speaking of Something Afoot – I know some out there may call me a nut case, or conspiracy theory nut, but I believe in the bottom of my heart that COVID was unleashed on the world for one reason, and one reason only, to stop Trump.  We know what the relationship is between the democrats / Bidens is, so there was noway, with the way America was during the Trump administration,  that the Democratic party was going to win 2020.  So call him the outside influence, China and their germs.  Now you might say, but the whole world suffered, even the Chinese people dies as a result of COVID.  Well China is not concerned about human rights at all, so if people die, even their own, oh well.  It was also a really good test to see how long it would take to spread something even worse, and if you don’t think they would, think again.

So now lets talk about what is going on now, Ukraine / Russia, Israel / Hamas(Iran).  Is this just distractions to take the heat of the Biden Administration, 30 points behind Trump.  Biden’s relationship with Iran, hell he just tried to hand the 6 BILLION, to spend as they see fit.  And Ukraine, well once again the relationship with the Bidens are well known, I mean they gave the deadbeat Hunter millions.  So I wonder if this is all meant for a distraction so that the democratic behind door leaders can do what they need to do to make sure they keep control of the White House in 2024.

KJP Won’t Call out Anti-Israel Protests ExtremistsKJP won’t call out anti-Jewish protestors, this is not a surprise.  After all she can’t offend Iran, as this weak faltering administration wants to treat them with kid gloves.  Nothing more to say.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 10/29/2023

Weak Biden – I don’t believe that I need to restate or replay the new about Israel, and the on-going conflict in Gaza.  There is more than enough coverage by all of the media to keep you informed.  The part that I am concerned about is the repeated weakness on the world stage.  It started with the botched pull out of Afghanistan, leaving many Afgans, who helped the US behind, and leaving 13 dead Americans behind.  So, with that total failure, Putin decides to invade Ukraine.  The again Biden and his worthless administration has to respond with help to Ukraine, as they are one of our allies, and they paid his son Hunter, boat loads of money to for nothing.  Mind you, Ukraine is a corrupt as any government can be, but we throw tons of money and military aid at them.  Then the Biden administration cuts some kind of dumb ass deal with Iran, and of course hands the 6 billion.  No this money was supposed to be for humanitarian aid, but as Iran said, they will spend it the way they want, basically the middle finger at the US and the rest of the free world.

So now fast forward to the Biden Administrations stance with support of Israel,  then kinda, and then don’t do the ground attack, because we still need to get people out, too bad he didn’t do that in Afghanistan.  I think this whole move is an effort to try and make up for the Afgan mess.

Anyway, this show of weakness and say one thing and then try to do another behind the scenes will only encourage other acts in the world stage.  I am worried that China will now move on Taiwan, and this administration will do nothing.

Biden and the Economy –  This link Bidennomics, will spell out how bad things are going to get under this administration, if we don’t get him out.  The media has been focused on the events in the middle east, and this issue, with the economy has not had the attention it needs.  I forgot, the main-stream media would not give it the coverage it needs, as they will support the Biden Administration no matter what.

Speaker Of The House – The Republican Party has a new speaker of the house, Mike Johnson.  I am hoping that he can bring the Republican controlled house back on track, and get somethings done, and most of all, hold this administrations feet to the fire, and give the administration the same level heart burn that Trump had to deal with when the Democrats and Pelosi.  I am hoping that Johnson and his power can rain in Biden.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Mary and Varied 10/15/2023

Getting Foreign Nationals out of Gaza –  I guess I am not quite sure why there is such an issue or problem getting foreign nationals out of Gaza.  Now I understand that Hamas is doing all they can to keep those people in there to use a shields, and to create a more dramatic statement.  I also see the Egypt is now willing to help out and do what they can to get those people out, which is great.  I wish that Biden would have laid down the choice, return our citizens, unharmed, or we will do whatever is needed to get them safely out of Gaza, up to and including ground invasion.  I know there are some in this country / government that would not stand for that level of involvement, however, I feel we much show strength, power and resolve, and we put America and it’s citizens first.  This administration has shown only how weak it is and will cower and cater to terrorists,  and Dictators of other countries, hence why we are seeing issues in Ukraine, Gaza, and you watch, the next will be Taiwan, with China invading it.  These has ass leaders know the US leadership is weak, and timid and will do nothing.

We will see what the next week brings.  I hope and pray, that when Israel goes into the Gaza, they don’t find unspeakable war crimes, but I believe they will.

Pritzker and taxpayer funds –  Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker revealed that his state would be steering taxpayer funds away from Illinois residents in order to direct them to the care of illegal immigrants.  First, he said that he would welcome illegal immigrants, saying we are a sanctuary state.  Then Chicago started having issues when the migrants showed up and kept showing up.  Then he gets in front of the cameras and says that the state can’t sustain this type of flow of migrants.  Now mind you every border town between the US and Mexico has been dealing with this since the Biden administration took office and opened it wide open.  This is just another example of Democratic policies that are complete and utter failures.

From the Top, President Biden, all the way down to our Democratic Mayor in Peoria, every policy made, every decision made, have been total and complete failures.  All ANY of these have done is cost EVERY American untold amount of money each month, in inflation.  Cost America is standing in the world stage, from being the symbol of freedom, to being a third rate power, and going weak.

I believe we have not seen the worst yet, and believe me, there is nothing more that I want to be wrong about this.

I only hope and pray that the Republicans will quit the in-fighting and petty crap, elect a speaker, and get down to restoring this country.  Right now, I feel that the Republicans are fiddling, which the country is burning, and they need to get down to restoring this country.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 10/11/2023

So many things to comment on, not sure where to begin, but here we go.

War on the Border – Israel / Gaza – Well I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t heard of the conflict in the Mid-East. Hamas attacked Israel, and the actions of that terrorist group are totally unspeakable and defy human comprentation, but then Hama is nothing more than animals, regardless what people say, like, this is a Holy Jihad, when you commit the acts they have, you are a wild animal that needs to be killed, and nothing more. I was really glad to see that all of the crap that the ‘Squad’ has said and done, has at least for the moment been rebuked by even the Democrats in Washington, heck even Biden finally had something come out of his mouth that made sense when denounced the ‘Squad’ and their actions. I just hope the voters in their districts will remember that they were OK, even glad that people where murdered in the streets, and babies beheaded, when it comes to election time. We will see how this all plays out over the next weeks.

War on the Border – USA – Well I guess the Biden Administration is going to ‘build’ some more border wall down south. I have to admit, if this weren’t so serious, if would be funny. This is like watching a replay of the Three Stooges. Biden, Mayorkas, and KJP( Karine Jean-Pierre ). Biden saying it is not his fault, but a Trump era ruling, he has to spend the money on the wall, he didn’t want to but by law he has to. Mayorkas, saying the border is secure, then he says it is secure and we are making it more secure, and now we are doing this to secure the border, because it is not secure, and of course KJP, mixing her word salad and repeating what Biden and Mayorkas said, all the time looking down cause she knows everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.

The one thing we ALL better remember is that this wide-open secure, unsecure has let who knows how and terrorists have come into this country, and I only pray that we don’t have anything happen in our borders.

Distraction – As bad as this war is, please don’t let this distract us as a party or a nation from those things that we HAVE to address is OUR country. Biden and his have ass monkey circus of an administration needs to go. The Republican party needs to stop the in-fighting, and concertate of the issues that effect the every day American, Democrat or Republican, or any other party. I worry that we will loose sight of the goal, removal of the progressive / Biden / America destroying administration.

Once again I will be posting more often, as we need to stay alert.

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Subject Many and Varied 8/31/2023

Biden’s Slap in the face to America –  I was going to talk about how Biden spoke to the people of Maui and tried to relate his kitchen fire to the wild fire, that destroyed everything they had.  Then he tried to relate to the people of Florida that have lost in many cases everything, to getting water in his basement.  Biden tries to turn everything into something about him.  He can’t relate to anybody about anything.  Instead, maybe he should just listen to what the Americans who have been effected by these diesters,  and offer help and hope, instead of turning it into a story/lie about him.  These were bad enough of a slap to those people, but last straw was not going to the 911 memorial.  This jerk is going to be in Viet Nam at a global warming summit, and the going to Alaska to a military base to attend a memorial for 911.  Instead Harris is going to be attending the 911 ceremony in I believe in New York.  This to me is a major slap in the face to the American people and to those who lost loved ones during that day.  Every other President since that day has attended either in New York or Washington, or Pennsylvania.  This action shows what he really thinks of the America and it people, no matter what side of the isle you are on.  This move is just to marginalize what happened that day and treat it like Rep. Ohmar said, ‘some people did something, someplace’.  Of course 911 or for that matter Peral Harbor, or D Day are not being taught to our young people, and they are just something they may or may not have heard about, but really no big deal.  With the liberal progressive teaching that is being done in many schools from K thru 12 and then post high school this will be marginalized and forgotten about.  It seems those liberal/progressive teachers are more concerned about pro-nouns that what the country and history all about.

Now to rub salt in the wound, I am sure that Harris will attempt to speak and vomit her word salad, and then laugh like a wild hyena.

Mitch McConnell – What can you say on this one.  To see him freeze like that, your heart has to go out to him and his family.  I truly believe it is time for him to step down, through no fault of his own, and get medical treatment.  He can no longer fulfill his role, and at this time, we need someone who can withstand the punishing schedule of the job, and bring fire back into the position.  Believe me I only wish him and his family.

I hope that everyone enjoys the Labor Day weekend, celebrate your hard work.  Spend time with your family.  Give everyone hugs, and count all of our blessing.  Remember that is thru God and with God we are Blessed.

Have a beer, just not Bud Light…LOL.

Stay Vigil.

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Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied – 8/24/2023

Debate or Debacle, Jury Is Still Out – Well I am sure you either watched the debate or caught the talking heads review by now.  Me, I was, to a point disappointed.  I was really hoping for more substance and, if you will allow me, ‘Biden Bashing’.  Ron DeSantis did do the best job of that, when allowed.  Christie, I feel, just shot any hope of the white house out the window by the level of Trump bashing he did.  Vivek Ramaswamy had some really good talking points and some ideas that we, the working, normal people agree with.  However, that said, hi personality to me, was a smart ass, who knows everything just ask me, and I am the only one who  ‘was not bought and paid for’.  That remark, to me, was really off base, and showed that he is not ready to be President.  Mike Pence, what can I say, he was not, to me, not good at all.  Nikki Haley, did well, and showed she is ready to go toe to toe with whoever it might be.   The others, might as well pick up their toys and go home.

I just saw a pole, that DeSantis and Ramaswamy, and a 52% approval rating, and the others combined, didn’t even come close.

So, who won the debate?  Who stood out?  Well, Ramaswamy stood out, however, he is like the guy you see at a party and totally avoid, regardless of how good he can talk.  DeSantis, I hope will keep his attack going on Biden and democrats.  I think Donald Trump won the night.  After all, when they did talk about problems and solutions, most all of the solutions were what Trumps. 

I hope in the next debate that the questions will lead to more discussion on the Biden administrations failed policies, and the economy, and throw some of the crap about the Biden family corruption back at them, like they are throwing shit at Trump right now.

Just my thought, but if Trump wins this kangaroo court crap, he will win the Presidency with a landslide.

We will see what the next debate will be like.

Stay Vigil.

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Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 8/20/2023

Special Counsel For Hunter Biden – Attorney General Merrick Garland last week appointed David Weiss, the Delaware federal prosecutor who has led the investigation into Hunter Biden, as a special counsel overseeing the investigation.

Who is David Weiss?  He was appointed by then-President Trump as the U.S. Attorney in Delaware.  Now I have heard some good things about him, however with that said, I truly believe this is nothing more than the beginning of a cover-up, bury job.  We know that the DOJ and Merrick Garland are nothing more than a tool to be used as the string puller in the Democratic party sees fit.  We are seeing it play out now as they go after Donald Trump.  I know I am not telling you anything, but OMG, they are going to charge and try and charge Trump with everything they can, and keep it in front of the public, and demonize Trump as much as they can.  I mean can you imagine if Trump, after winning the election, had turned the assets of the DOJ on Hillary, and attacked her the way they are attacking him now, the left and the legacy media would have gone off the rails, and I believe all but refuse to report on it.

I believe this action against Trump is just one of the many tactics that the Democrats will be using to divide and conquer the Republican Party, and this scares me.  The Democrats want nothing more than Trump to be out of the picture for both campaigning and the election.

Trump Votes – Well lets just say that Trump is not able to run, what happens to all of his supports votes, all 70 million of them.  So do those votes automatically go to the Republican candidate?  I don’t believe so.  I believe those votes will go to the candidate that does not do their best to trash Trump every chance they get.  The candidates like Pence and Christie, they might as well pack up their bags and go back home.  At this point in time they have beaten up Trump enough, to have lost any support from the Trump base they may have had or hoped for.

We will see what the rest of the week brings.

Stay Vigil.

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Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 8/2/2023

Trump’s Indictment:  Well, I know by now you have heard endless hours of Trump’s indictment.  How he will be in court tomorrow at 4:00pm, but he won’t be seen as he will enter underground.  Last night the legacy media broke in on programming and then spent the next 90 minutes hashing over the same thing over and over.  Now mind you, there was NOTHING on Hunter’s issues.  This is without a doubt the biggest display of a double set of standards I have seen.  Heck, even without Trump’s issues, you heard and/or read very little about Hunter, and if you the media was downplaying it and basically saying that the Republicans were picking on Hunter and Joe.  As a sidenote, Joe and his brood are on vacation when the indictments were handed down, and of course no comment on that.

This is a solid in your face people weaponization of the DOJ, and the back media to bring Trump’s issues to the for front, and bury Hunter’s.  And one other question, if Trump’s ‘supposed’ crimes were so damm important and earth shaking, why did these upstanding and righteous prosecutors wait for 2.5 years to go after him, even I can figure that out, they are going to do all they can to make sure Trump is not on the ticket.  We will see, this could backfire on them, Trump’s support could even get stronger.

No Joe Biden or Trump in 2024:  One of my followers had a real interesting idea.  He thinks that BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties are working together, kinda.  He thinks that Joe will either 1). Drop out cause of his mental state, and/or his distress of his loving son Hunter’s issues, and of course they really don’t Harris at all, no way.  As far as Trump, well once again Mitch has not said one thing in Trump’s defense, and wow Pence jumped on the bandwagon to bash Trump.  The others in the Republican race, were very, very careful on any remarks they made about it.  So now, if his theory is correct, would the Democrats put out there?  My guess would be Cavin Newsom, and then, Gretchen Whitmer for VP, that ticket would totally destroy the country.

Now for the Republicans, well I would lean toward DeSantis, and who for VP, not sure.  I think Pence is out of it, especially after his comments about Trump today.  What Pence forgets is, if by wild chance, he was able to be the choice, he WILL need the Trump supporters to win, and at this point in time, I think he has blown that big time.  I guess we will see after the debate who shakes out.

JB Pritzker Show:  Well Pritzker is doing all he can to show the far left socialists that he is worthy of being part of them, especially with the Democratic convention going to be held in Chicago.  He signed a House Bill that will allow NON citizens be in law enforcement i.e., police.  Let me repeat that NON citizens.  Does anyone else think this is totally wrong on so many levels, you can’t even start to count them.  Hell, Chicago is a wild city now, totally out of control, and Pritzker does not say one thing about that, does not hold the mayor accountable for it.  This is just a true example of shit-show leadership.  I bet this one might come back and bite him.  It will be interesting to see how many law enforcement agencies hire these NON-citizens.

We will see what the rest of the week brings.

Stay Vigil.

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Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day