Subject Many and Varied 2/1/2024

Bidens Administration – I was just watching the NBC nightly new and they had a clip of Biden talking to the UAW, trying to get the votes, and he said, ‘the economy has never been better, the best in recent history’.  And then one minute he is saying, ‘the border is secure’, then in the next clip he is saying, ‘he would do more at the border and make it more secure, but the Republicans won’t let me’.

The Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was in front of the cameras saying that president Biden will not tolerate US soldiers being killed by a drone attack.  Austin said, ‘we will pick the time, we will pick where, and we will pick what type of response’.  Well I think what he means is, don’t worry Iran, nothing is going to happen, we will just talk big.  After all BOTH Obama and Biden have sent literally plane loads of cash to them, with some bull crap justification.  All that has happened with that money is that it has funded Iran’s terrorist proxies.

So, Biden has funded terrorists, let terrorists in this country, via open borders, and will not strike back when US forces are attacked.  Remember the Afgan withdrawal, how FUBARed that was, well it was just a preview of things to come.  This President will go down in history as the one who wsa the worst and almost destroyed this country.

The open borders, have to be closed.  Energy independence for the US is mandatory.  Resume the use of fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas.  Present strong resolve in the international arena.  All of this, will allow the economy to grow, give people a break on the inflation.

This country can not take another 4 years of this administration, or it’s proxies as well, the progressives/socialists/far left democrats.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 1/21/2024

Breaking New – DeSantis Ends Bid For White House – Well I am sure by now you have heard that Ron DeSantis has ‘suspended’ his campaign.  Wow, that came out of the blue.  I wonder what the real reason he did this?  I don’t mean the press release version, but the real reason.  I am glad that he put his support behind Trump, now we will see what this does in New Hampshire.

Disease X  – WHO director calls for world pandemic treaty.  Click on the link, and you can read how the WHO wants all of the countries would sign a treaty, by May, to address Disease X, as they are calling it.  The WHO is concerned the a new pathogen, that will make COVID 19 look like a cold, would get out of control and kill many more people than COVID did.  This treaty would give the WHO control in calling the shots and setting protocols in response to the Disease X.

First, the track record for the WHO is garbage.  The WHO along with Fauci, blew everything about COVID, and lied, lied, lied.  Even now Fauci is admitting he ‘might’ have gotten some things wrong, lots of walking back statements, and more lies to cover the lies he told earlier.

I believe that is Trump is the Republican candidate, then the socialists left, will work with China, for example, to release a Disease X on the world to derail the election process in the US, and disrupt the world as a whole.

As I have stated in previous articles, I believe that China released COVID on the world to stop Trump and his administration.  Things were going way too good, and Trump had China, Iran, North Korea by the balls and was not going to let go.  The democratic party knew they could not win a heads up election without all of the tricks, lies, and just plain illegal acts, so in came COVID.

Now we have the Republican field down to two.  We will see what happens.  If Trumps runs away again with huge margins, does Haley stay in or drop out, unknown.

If it is Trump, I predict we will see more states try to keep him off the ballot.  You will see more worthless lawsuits pop up.  You will see the legacy media make sure they paint Trump and anybody around him painted as the worst thing to happen to democracy and this country, EVER.  If all of this does not do it, then comes the Biden replacement, and just to make sure a new Disease X will popup, and we will be back to mask mandates, lock downs, and mail in or on-line voting. 

I am sure by now you are thinking, wow Mark is out there and off the rails, and been watching too much TV.  You could be right, and I truly hope that history shows that I am just a nutcase and I need to put tinfoil on my windows and over my head.  But, I truly believe that is Trump is the candidate, there will be no trick left untried, or no lie left untold, and no good disaster unused to keep the socialists in power.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 1/16/2024

Iowa Caucuses Have Spoken –  Well, I know by now you know the results of the Iowa Caucuses.  Trump took it all.  Put Haley and DeSantis together and they still fall way short of Trump’s numbers.  I mean some will say this is no surprise.  Mid-West people are pretty much the text book example of the hard working, expect nothing to be given to them, honest, and real tired of just getting by.  Now others, barley even acknowledge what happened, as they just can’t understand why people would want Trump to be President again, those that do, are just MEGA-MAGAER’s as Biden puts it, and are really stupid, and we want to destroy democracy. 

We have JB Pritzker telling us where Trump’s weakness’s are and that the democratic party will hold the White House.  Ok, this does not surprise me at all, as he is doing everything he can to be a important part of the democratic convention and then make sure he has a spot higher up once Biden is back in office, or that is his dream anyway.

So now, what happens?  Do the socialists/democrats blow off Iowa, and wait and see what happens in New Hampshire?  Or will they start pulling out all the stops to stop Trump?  I believe this is the route they will go.  We have 2 blue states trying to keep Trump’s name off the ballot, using a weak argument and the 14th amendment.  I wounder how long it will be before other blue states and attorney generals will try this tactic?  Mind you, I believe this will fail, as you are really taking the ability to vote away from 70 million people, that sounds like killing democracy.  But the stunt could delay the process, and place more drama on this election.  We will see, but I am betting more states will follow Colorado, even if it fails.

Now if Trump does well in New Hampshire, I believe that Biden will be removed from the ticket and someone else dropped in.  I believe that if DeSantis or Haley was looking like they would be the candidate then I think the democratic party and Biden can win, especially with the help of the legacy media, and some creative ballot counting.   Trump, presents a whole new issue.  Biden/Trump rematch, how would that play out?  Debates, oh hell no, Biden couldn’t do that.  Campaign, hell no Biden can’t do that, he can barely make it through the day without loosing track of where he is.  No the democratic party will have to put someone on the ticket that can go up against Trump, so we shall see.

MAGA have spoken in Iowa, and I hope that Trump does as well in New Hampshire.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 1/10/2024

Democrat/Socialist Administration – Joe Biden made his speech on Jan.5th about the third anniversary of Jan. 6th.  In his speech, and I quote “January 6th, a day forever shared in our memory because it was on that day that we nearly lost America — lost it all.  Today, we’re here to answer the most important of questions.  Is democracy still America’s sacred cause?  I mean it.”  Joe goes on to say the following “This is not rhetorical, academic, or hypothetical.  Whether democracy is still America’s sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time, and it’s what the 2024 election is all about.  The choice is clear.  Donald Trump’s campaign is about him, not America, not you.  Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future.  He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power. 
Our campaign is different.  For me and Kamala, our campaign is about America.  It’s about you.  It’s about every age and background that occupy this country.  It’s about the future we’re going to continue to build together.  And our campaign is about preserving and strengthening our American democracy.  Three years ago tomorrow, we saw with our own eyes the violent mob storm the United States Capitol.  It was almost in disbelief as you first turned on the television. “

This speech was nothing more than to tell the American public, that if you even utter the name Donald Trump, you support destroying democracy and destroying the future of this country.  Once again, Joe, along with the help of legacy media, is gaslighting and just flat lying to the country.

Then, JB Pritzker gave his State of the State address, and OMG, this state has never been in such good shape both  Fiscal Responsibility and a Sound Economy , speech link,.  Once again gaslighting and just flat lying at its best.

I have heard it said, ‘The Democratic Party is not your dads party’, well I am 71 and my dad was a World War 2 veteran and democrat.  He would be applaud at what the Democratic Party has done to this country that he fought to protect, and to protect the way of life we have in this country. 

Open borders, that hundreds of thousands of people have crossed, and we know nothing of their intent or even who they are.  Law and order no longer is respected in many democratic run cities, just do what you want to, and there will be no accountability or consequences for your actions.  You don’t have to work anymore, cause the government will take care of all of your needs, and in at least one state, they are taking about a minimum $1000.00 per month check, just for being there.

This list can go on and on, but this country can’t under this Rule, and yes I said “Rule”.  Those in power now are going to use every arm of the government and step all over the Constitution to remain the Ruling Order, and WILL destroy democracy, as it only gets in their way.

Keep in mind, that not all members of the Democratic party are Socialists, however those that are still what at one time ‘Regan Democrats’ are very few and far between, and no longer carry the weight they once did.

This Sociatrist Rule has to be taken down at the next national election, or we will be very hard pressed to recognize this  country as it stands now.    

 We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 1/2/2024

Happy New Year.  Again, I want to say thank you so much for following this blog.

This year I am going to try a little different format, where each post will cover one main topic, but may include other writings, depending on the main topic.

Enjoy reading, and comment if you wish.  We will look forward to 2024, as I am sure it will be interesting at the least,

The Border Collapse  – Record number of illegals have crossed the border in December.  And at this point, I don’t think that anyone really has a clue what the total number of people coming into this country is.

This is a true effort by the Democratic / Socialists in this to take over the country form the inside.  This is nothing more than sand bagging votes for the upcoming and future elections.  And worse, what scares me, is there are some who have come across the border that are terrorists and have disappeared into the crowds and who knows what will happen.

Now you say, well wait a minute, they can’t vote, true if everything was on the up and up, however we know that is not the case.  There are already rumors that some in Washington are floating the balloon that is to give illegals the right to vote.  If that happens, be ready, this country will never be the same, and it will be worse than we could ever have nightmares about.

You are already seeing the beginning of this type of thinking right now.  Gavin Newsom the ruler of California has proposed FREE healthcare for all the illegals in his kingdom, sorry, I mean state.  To me, I can’t believe the normal people in the state, have not run him out of the state, but then there might not be any normal people left in the state, they all left for Texas, Florida, or Kentucky.  To those people who remain in California, he just slapped them in the face.  Those who playing by the rules, but might have a low income, or might be homeless they don’t get it, but just walk across the border, and we will take care of you.  Now mind you, all of you folks that are working hard, driving trucks, or running a small business, policeman / fireman, delivering the mail, hell, even those who make movies or TV shows that live in a make-believe word daily, WILL PAY FOR ALL OF THIS.  So Joy Bahr, remember that when you are running your mouth on the View, it is costing you.  But once again, I believe this a vote buying move.

Now for the governors of those state of Illinois, New York and Colorado that are calling this border a crisis with all those illegals being bused to their states, well as I heard a wise person saying one-time, ‘Karma never forgets an address’.  When this worthless president/administration opened up the border, and those southern states had to deal with everything and complained, you all said come to us, we are a sanctuary state or city and we welcome all.  Now, you are saying you can’t deal with all those people and we don’t have the money, well hell, deal with it, kinda like you told the southern states.  And just think all those people in those states that work hard every day, and play by all the rules will get to pay for all this BS.

There is one thing in common with all of this.  ALL of these states and policies are set forth and run by Democrats, far, far left democrats.  They are doing all they can to reshape this country, into their twisted vision.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 12-04-2023

IRS Raising the Interest PenaltyIRS will be raising  interest penalty for those who are supposed to file / pay for those who have to estimated taxes from 3% to 8%.  And of course, right now the funding bill that the Democrat’s want for Ukraine, and Israel, and Taiwan is being held up by those Republicans who are wanting spending cuts, one of them being cuts from the IRS.  I remember writing about this HUGE increase in the IRS and their reach.  If I remember the number was 87,000 more IRS Agents, and they would be able to carry guns.  As I said, that is bigger than some countries armies.  This overreach, or attempted overreach of the IRS is another setting of the administration to control the country, and to use the IRS as a weapon to be brought to those people and/or groups that are a threat to this administration, or future Democratic administrations.

Tax Payers Pay The Bill –   Tax payers paying bill for UN climate trip, UN, really.  UN, what the heck, but then again that is what this administration wants.  First heck with what the public thinks, we will do what we want, and secondthe UN rtes very high with this administration for sure.  But typical, throw money away on absolute crap.

Biden Administration a Train Wreck –  The Biden administration is a train wreck, and it just keeps getting worse.  I was looking at some of the headlines just a few minutes ago, ‘Ernst slams Biden’s border policy as cancellations sweep Massachusetts hotels, ‘displacing’ military families’, ‘ Congress aims to hold vote to initiate Biden impeachment inquiry’, and it just goes on and on.  The legacy media, print and broadcast give this entire administration of clowns and incompetent people a pass. 

Compare this to how President Trump was treated from the very minute he won the election, all through his term, up to today.

This just shows how much the liberal/green/socialists have control of the information outlets.  How they will use these as weapons against anyone they feel does not conform of follow what they believe.  Well people I am not going to drink the Kool Aid on this one.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 11/19/2024

Biden’s War on Energy – Biden has had a busy week doing all he can to make sure he lays the ground work to destroy American energy, and makes us totally dependent on other countries for our energy.  His first move was to strike a pact with China on energy.  This pact will move us closer to a China style planning, production quotas.  This will make us in the China image, which is what Biden seems to want to do.  This whole meeting with Xi has just been a kiss China’s ass fest, and China telling Biden what he will do next for them.  The second thing was Biden enacted the War Time Powers Act.  This is the first time a president as done this, citing climate and energy.  This project is for electric heat pumps, which will take the place of natural gas ones.  Once again here we go, with the electric talk.  Of course first, we don’t have the infrastructure to support the demand, and second, how are we going to produce more electricity, coal fired plants?, Nuclear?, oh wait, wind and solar, yea right, no way.  Anyway you can read the links and judge for yourself, but Biden is doing all he can to destroy this country.  Side note, I bet Hunter has finical ties to these companies that will benefit from this action, but it will not be investigated. 

Biden Cuts Deal –  President Biden is set to strike a deal with China that would limit the use of artifical intelligence in nuclear weapons.  This deal is so out there, it stuns me.  Biden acts like a deal with China is something that is good and China will hold up there end of the deal.  As we all know China could give a crap less about keeping any part of a deal, unless it happens to benefit them, and only them.

Trump Finally Catches a BreakA judge with common sense and the undertanding of the law said that Trump will remain on the ballot in Michigan.  I am hoping that this trend will continue.  This whole Trump 14th Amendment if a fracking joke.  This is nothing more than a attempt to destroy Trump’s chances to win the 2024 nomination and White House.  It looks like maybe, just maybe, this 14th Amendment joke is starting to fall apart.

Time for a reality check.  Bidenomics is not fracking working.  Obama during his time in the white house took out food, fuel, and property(Rent or Mortgage) of the in index that was used to calculate inflation.  The three thinks you send the most on, don’t count.  Fuel has come down a tiny bit, still well above what it was while Trump was in office.  Mortgage rates are now what 8.+% and when Trump was in the White House 2.+%.  And of course your food prices reflected the lower cost of transportation, so your food bill was less.  Now we haven’t even addressed the utility bills that everyone faced last winter/summer and going back into winter.  All of the coal fired electric plants that have been shuttered, and our lack of energy independence will result in higher utility bills this winter.

These past three years under this weak administration has done more to knock this country down, betray it’s citizens, and place this countries national security as risk as never seen in prior history.

I read an article, that if Trump were to get in office in 2024, that he would sign the most Executive Orders in history to reverse the damage that has been done, and do all possible to ensure these socialist agendas/ideas don’t take over the country again.

For me, Trump can’t into office fast enough.

We will see what this week brings.

We will see what this week brings.

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With the continuing damage that Biden and his worthless administration has done this week, for me, Trump can’t get back in office soon enough.   

Subject Many and Varied 11-13-2023

Some Shorts or Quick Hits In The NewsPhotos of cocaine find in the White House.  Of you does it surprise you that the Secrete Service has closed this investigation with no idea of how it got there.  Of course the Dems and the legacy media shrug it off, with nothing to see here. 

Both  Tlaib and Omar squad members have been slapped on the hand just a little for all of the comments they have made about the Israelis’ Gaza conflict.  Once again nothing said in the legacy media about it, in fact they gloss it over, and even attack those who do say something about it.

And then Joe Biden tell the press it was not him who fell during a UAW speech, even though there were cameras that caught it.  Once again the legacy media well, all you hear is crickets.

Where I am going with this, is you can’t trust or believe anything that comes out of the administration cumulative mouth.  They will say and or do anything they want to, and not be held accountable.  Especially Hunter, oh my, and yes, he is part of the crooked, weak administration, if you think he isn’t, just look where he is all the time.  He is Joe’s shadow, so you tell me what kind of real power he has.  At one time I thought maybe he would get what he deserves, but not now, not with the DOJ, FBI, and White House in his back pocket.  And then you look at the way the Trump family has been treated is just the complete opposite.  They have been drug through the mud.  Accused of everything that any two bit half ass Attorney General can think of.  Best yet, this AG is not called on this by the media, in fact they give her high marks and a pass on everything else.  This worthless AG even make the news for smirking at Donald Jr. during the trial.

Biden and China –  Well Biden is going to meet with Xi Jinping on Wednesday.  Weak Joe is going to meet with him, and find out what is supposed to do next.  Now mind you, JKP is already painting that Biden will be strong and take a strong stance on Taiwan, and talk about trade.  Well Xi already knows what the response will be if China would move against Taiwan, the same weak response and the botched withdraw from Afghanistan, and the same weak response to Putin in the Ukraine invasion.  And the most recent, Israel, Humas conflict.  First voice support for Israel, then back pedal that a bit.

This administration has shown nothing but weakness to both our allies as well as our advisories.  This is not good of us as a nation.  But when we have an administration as corrupt as this one, and open that is truly being run by a shadow government behind the scenes, this is what you get.

We will see what this week brings.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 10/30/2023

Queen of Word Salad Makes Prediction  – Well Queen of the Word Salad (VP Harris) makes prediction for 2024 election.  When asked on the hard hit news program 60 minutes, why the Biden team was 30 points behind Trump, as always she vomits word salad as always and says nothing, click on the link, you won’t believe it if you didn’t see it.  But when she guarantees the her and John will win, that takes some balls, which I am sure she has bigger ones than Joe, but wow.  Now she does say, we have to get the word out about what a great job this administration has done, what that means is the legacy media is going to be doing the campaigning on a very bias basis.  You watch, they will begin to portray them as the best administration ever.

The biggest thing I could not believe from 60 minutes, was the admission that they are 30 points behind.  Was this an error on 60 minutes part, or are they beginning to see how bad the polls really are?  Could it be that they are laying the ground work, by the admission of polls showing Biden is 30 points behind, that the democratic party is going to parachute a new candidate in the future?  I am not sure, but something is afoot, just don’t know what.

Speaking of Something Afoot – I know some out there may call me a nut case, or conspiracy theory nut, but I believe in the bottom of my heart that COVID was unleashed on the world for one reason, and one reason only, to stop Trump.  We know what the relationship is between the democrats / Bidens is, so there was noway, with the way America was during the Trump administration,  that the Democratic party was going to win 2020.  So call him the outside influence, China and their germs.  Now you might say, but the whole world suffered, even the Chinese people dies as a result of COVID.  Well China is not concerned about human rights at all, so if people die, even their own, oh well.  It was also a really good test to see how long it would take to spread something even worse, and if you don’t think they would, think again.

So now lets talk about what is going on now, Ukraine / Russia, Israel / Hamas(Iran).  Is this just distractions to take the heat of the Biden Administration, 30 points behind Trump.  Biden’s relationship with Iran, hell he just tried to hand the 6 BILLION, to spend as they see fit.  And Ukraine, well once again the relationship with the Bidens are well known, I mean they gave the deadbeat Hunter millions.  So I wonder if this is all meant for a distraction so that the democratic behind door leaders can do what they need to do to make sure they keep control of the White House in 2024.

KJP Won’t Call out Anti-Israel Protests ExtremistsKJP won’t call out anti-Jewish protestors, this is not a surprise.  After all she can’t offend Iran, as this weak faltering administration wants to treat them with kid gloves.  Nothing more to say.

We will see what this week brings.

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Subject Many and Varied 10/29/2023

Weak Biden – I don’t believe that I need to restate or replay the new about Israel, and the on-going conflict in Gaza.  There is more than enough coverage by all of the media to keep you informed.  The part that I am concerned about is the repeated weakness on the world stage.  It started with the botched pull out of Afghanistan, leaving many Afgans, who helped the US behind, and leaving 13 dead Americans behind.  So, with that total failure, Putin decides to invade Ukraine.  The again Biden and his worthless administration has to respond with help to Ukraine, as they are one of our allies, and they paid his son Hunter, boat loads of money to for nothing.  Mind you, Ukraine is a corrupt as any government can be, but we throw tons of money and military aid at them.  Then the Biden administration cuts some kind of dumb ass deal with Iran, and of course hands the 6 billion.  No this money was supposed to be for humanitarian aid, but as Iran said, they will spend it the way they want, basically the middle finger at the US and the rest of the free world.

So now fast forward to the Biden Administrations stance with support of Israel,  then kinda, and then don’t do the ground attack, because we still need to get people out, too bad he didn’t do that in Afghanistan.  I think this whole move is an effort to try and make up for the Afgan mess.

Anyway, this show of weakness and say one thing and then try to do another behind the scenes will only encourage other acts in the world stage.  I am worried that China will now move on Taiwan, and this administration will do nothing.

Biden and the Economy –  This link Bidennomics, will spell out how bad things are going to get under this administration, if we don’t get him out.  The media has been focused on the events in the middle east, and this issue, with the economy has not had the attention it needs.  I forgot, the main-stream media would not give it the coverage it needs, as they will support the Biden Administration no matter what.

Speaker Of The House – The Republican Party has a new speaker of the house, Mike Johnson.  I am hoping that he can bring the Republican controlled house back on track, and get somethings done, and most of all, hold this administrations feet to the fire, and give the administration the same level heart burn that Trump had to deal with when the Democrats and Pelosi.  I am hoping that Johnson and his power can rain in Biden.

We will see what this week brings.

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