Sunday 1/24/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Cancel Culture

Well President Biden and the extreme left are doing everything they can to cancel the last 4 years of Tramp’s administration. Biden is using executive orders to kill the Keystone Pipeline, the boarder wall, Paris Climate Accord. This Administration is going to make sure, to them, the last four years never happened, and the mainstream media, will be right there to help them. Turst me, they will paint Biden as the most important person in the world, and will NEVER do anything questionable or wrong. For that matter, anyone around him will be treated the same way, i.e. Hunter has it made now, he can go back to his normal life, and the media will protect him. And then you have ANIFA – a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology, this is according to Webster’s. Well hell they don’t even know that. They are protesting Biden. And Seattle and Portland are paying the price. Of course the mayors of both those cities have no backbone to do what is needed to shut it down, so now they will ask the Federal Government to help them get out of the mess. So fracking sad that this is the leadership we have.

Subject Many and Varied – Trump Impeachment

I believe the move to impeach Trump will continue and move forward. First they, the Left Socialists Democrats need to make sure that Trump can never run for so much as a dog catcher ever again. And as I have stated, Most of the so called Republicans don’t have the balls to stand up against it, Mitt Romney, who has been a democrat for a long time but won’t admit it, is a fine example of this. You know Biden and his bunch are preaching unity and move forward, yet trying to impeach a former President, does not quite match what they are saying.

Moving forward with my posts, I am going to try a different format, and maybe cover just one topic in depth. Let me know what you think.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.