Subject Many and Varied for 6/12/2022

Stock Market: Wow Friday was just a great day for the market, NOT. Down 880 points, and I am guessing that this coming week will be more of the same. Prices are going through the roof everywhere, and it does not matter what you are buying, be it fuel, coffee, or dog food, cost are going through the roof. At the rate of inflation, of between 8.6 percent and 9.0 percent, Now if you wages happened to go up lets say 5% last year, well you are only about 4% behind the curve. Now this yea, I will be will to be the raises will not be that much at all. Where I am going with this is the Biden administration does NOT care one bit. Now he says he is going to reduce costs for drugs and healthcare, but really for most of the people of this country, this is not what is needed, Relief for food and fuel costs is what is needed, but once again, Biden administration does not care, in fact they are really very smug about it.

Biden says it is all perception of the American people that things are bad, when really they are. This attitude and response really just blows my mind, and yes I know it shouldn’t, but it does. This administration, along with the progressives / socialists that are part of the Democratic party and administration are doing everything in their power to reshape this country into their vision.

Electric Vehicles: Now, let me travel to the progressive / socialists Democratic USA, in the near future, where we are really beginning to switch over to our electric whatever it might be. Wow fossil fuel usage has dropped by 40%, and all is milk and honey. Oh but wait, what do you think the Government is going to do about lost tax revenue. Now currently, just for gas, the FEDS get .18 per gallon, and currently we are using 369 million gallons of gas per day. Ok, that is just a little over 66 million per day in LOST taxes. Now do you think that the feds are going to do without their just a little over 24 billion per year, hell no. They will just find something else to tax the crap out of, to make up for the loss. And oh don’t worry, your state and local governments will do the same thing, cause they need that money.

Lost Opportunity: OK, this is just me. I am watching the responses from the Republican leadership is kinda missing the boat. I wish they would get out in front of the cameras, and tell the American what they would do and will do if elected to begin the process taking American back to the way it was prior, to this administration coming into power.

More to come this week. Today was a blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day