Subject Many and Varied 9/25/2022

MAGA Radical Republicans – I am proud to be called a MAGA Radical Republican. After all, I want to Make America Great Again, now more than ever. What this administration and all of its ugly, lying fingers have done to this nation should and would be grounds for impeachment of Biden. After all they went after Trump for a lot less, heck it only took a hooker saying something that was a lye to get the word impeachment throw around.

Biden 60 Minutes Interview – Well I know a lot has been said about this joke, however the only thing I am going to say is, the republicans should just take this interview and use it for their campaign message, as it just showed how out of touch Biden is with what is really going on, and more over, he and his party does not care about how high inflation is. His comment on the inflation only show how he tries to trivialize the high inflation by saying ‘hey man it has gone down a tenth of a point, still fracking high for all of us, but a fracking joke for him.

Janet Yellen and The IRS – Janet Yellen on 9/15/2022 addressed the IRS and IRS leaders. She detailed a 4 phase of a remake of the IRS. This is coming from a woman who could not manage a food truck, scares me to no end. I truly believe that the 85,000 new IRS agents are not going to be used for customer service on your 1040 tax return, but will be weaponized to target, those who the administration does not like.

Back To MAGA Radical Republican – I want to return to where this country is energy independent. To where your 401K is still worth something. To where are boarders are secure and people come into this country the right way. That stopping the spread of fanyntal is more important than worrying about what pronouns are taught in school. This up coming mid-term, I feel, holds either the beginning of a path the MAGA, or it will spell more government and less America. Please go and vote.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

One thought on “Subject Many and Varied 9/25/2022”

  1. Well said Mark. For someone who loves this country and what it stands for, it is very hard to watch our country being torn apart like this. I don’t even know where to begin. I just saw a commercial on tv for a program promoting homosexuality. I work with people who have green hair and have no clue to what they are doing. My 401-K has lost 20% of its value. It’s $100 to fill my tank. I can’t afford to buy meat! I worry if I will be able to retire at 70 due to inflation. I see kids being taught to hate America in school. Our President is a laughing stock and Congress keeps spending money driving us into high inflation and a recession. Crime is ramped and our State will soon just forgive all but blatant murder, and even that will be ok soon enough. WTbleep is going on? I wake up sometimes and think I’m in the twilight zone. Everybody please vote Republican and save America!!!!

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