Subject Many and Varied 8/15/2024 

Kamala Harris Gaslighting Empty Suit – I have held off on posting anything about this until I gave it a little time to settle down, and see if the honeymoon with the press and public slows down.  It also gave us a chance to see what she will really be like.  Well, you can see that she is not going to speak to the press unscripted.  Ans when she does get in front of a crowd, she has a teleprompter, and it is very, very controlled.  And she has even been trying to use some of Trumps campaign talking points as hers, i.e. ‘No Taxes On Tips’. 

While writing this, I had the NBC evening news on, and the media and statistics are sure going in the Administrations / Harris favor.  Out of nowhere, the unemployment is down below 4% for the first time in many months.  Inflation is slowing and prices are beginning to drop.  Now we all know that these numbers are really made up.  They will be made to show what they need to support this Administration / Harris.  This will give her a real campaign speech that their polices are working and we will do more. 

I can also talk about some of the campaign speeches she has made statements like ‘On Day One I will address the border or the cost of medications, or how police need to be reformed’.  First of all, anytime she says ‘On Day One’, the first thing you should ask is, ‘Why haven’t you done anything for the past 3.5 years’. 

I am sure I am not telling you anything new, or what you haven’t already heard.  That said, we have to call out those who support Harris, and call out the lies and gaslighting.  There is going to be so much of all kinds of BS that comes out of Chicago next week, it will shock us.  The legacy media will be eating out of the DNC’s hand…and portraying her and her VP the savior of our country. 

Also, you can expect Obama, and Clintons to make a real pitch and tell the world how great Harris is.  Of course, you realize if Harris would win the election, it once again will be Obama running the country and it will take him no time at all to shape this country into a socialist / communist country. 

I want to thank you all reading my posts.  I am going to begin posting at least twice a week.  I value you all and your opinions, please feel free to comment. 

Thank you again.    

We will see what this week brings.  

Put America First  

Make America Great Again  

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day  

Stay Vigil 

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