Subject Many and Varied 5/9/2024

Maxine Waters – Never in a million years did I think I would ever agree with anything that Maxine Waters says.  Well, I guess that time has come.  Maxine is worried that right wing Trump supporters are training in the hills somewhere, and gearing up for an election attack if Trump does not win.  Well this fruit cake should be worried, as she knows that the last election was a sham, and if Biden were to win this year, there could be some protests in the streets.  Now, lets talk about that.  We have some snow flake wimp-ass students protesting on campus’s all over the country, and of course both the legacy media, and the Biden administration are really giving them a pass, pretty much like they did with the BLM movement.  And even when Trump won the first time, there were people in the streets having a cow and small protests, all of those were ok.  However, when Trump supporters came to the capitol, OMG, it is a attempt at taking over the government.  Once again, a double set of reporting standards on display again.   When Trump wins, what do you think will happen to those who take to the streets to protest his win?  They will be national hero’s according to the legacy media and the PSDems, and they will make sure the world knows it.  Anyway, back to Maxine, she should be worried, there are a lot of people out there that see through all the BS, and tricks this administration and PSDems have done, and 70 million voters might not like it.

Allies –  Well, Biden just proved to the world, that the United States, under the Biden/Obama administration can not be trusted on any level.  He has just sold-out Israel on a level that should take everyone’s breath away.  This just proved that this administration is catering to Iran and all of their proxies, just as Obama did.  If Trump wins, it is going to be a real challenge to reassure ALL out allies we will stand with them, I hope it can be done.

CNN and Biden –  Biden’s interview with CNN was a complete disaster, you can watch it by clicking the link.  That said, first, I was shocked that this interview with CNN went as bad for Biden as it di.  He lied, and lied and lied, and Erin just kept going after him, as much as CNN would, but wow, the man was lost.  I am sure when that was over, Biden was asking WTF just happened, and Erin, might be looking for a new job.  She put CNN in a position of NOT being a Biden safe haven for interviews.  You have to love it, he was so flat footed, and fracking loss.  I am sure his boss, Obama, was pissed as well.

Trumps Trial – You might be wondering why I have not said much about the joke of a trial that President Trump is having to endure.  Very simple, I am not going to give this sham of a trial, and media feeding frenzy anymore time that it already has.  We all know the reason this is going on, and it is weaponization of the judicial system at it best.

We will see what this week brings.

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Make America Great Again

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Stay Vigil

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