Well, we have no ‘agreement’ on the budget ceiling. Which I do believe that both sides are playing their fracking little games and we are all in the middle of this. You know really if it was that bad, I would think that the President would not be at the G7, and McCarthy would be on the offensive to force the issue, but that has not happened. I guess they will begin talks when Biden gets back, in the meantime, financial markets will be going nuts because they will be afraid the country will go into default.
This administration has done the most of any other administration to destroy this country, and in the process rebuild it in a socialists / progressive way. Think about this next time you turn on your TV and just look at the ads you see, and then tell me progressive ways aren’t being pushed down our throats, and anything and everything is acceptable and normal.
You know over the past 18 months, I have talked about the mainstream or legacy media and how they are so bias towards this administration and it’s progressive agenda. Well, I am beginning to read CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and others. I will be picking two to three topics and see what their spin is VS Fox News, Wall Street Journal, and others. I believe that I will find that the mainstream / legacy media is playing a big part in gaslighting and indoctrination.
Brandon Johnson Mayor of Chicago. I thought that Lightfoot was off the rails, well Brandon has taken how to screw the people of Chicago to a whole new level. Below is how he is proposing to raise revenue for the city. Mind you, businesses are leaving as well as people, so he has to figure out a way to generate revenue:
$100 million from taxing financial transactions at a rate of $1 or $2 for every “securities trading contract”
$400 million over four years from raising the real estate transfer tax on high-end home sales, commercial, apartment and other properties worth more than $1 million
$98 million from “making the big airlines pay for polluting the air”
Over $20 million from reinstating the $4 per month, per employee “head tax” on “large companies” that perform at least half their work in Chicago
$30 million from increasing one of the nation’s leading hotel taxes
$100 million from new “user fees on high-end commercial districts frequented by the wealthy, suburbanites, tourists and business travelers.”
Now that you have read these, what a plan, wow, and of course lets throw a little class warfare in there as well.
This is just an example of how these socialists / progressives work, and as I have stated, they start at the local level. Keep you eyes and ears open.
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Make America Great Again
Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day