Subject Many and Varied 4/13/2022

Well once again the week has provided a lot of interesting news and thoughts.

BLM Mansion – Well the BLM co-founder is slamming the slamming charity transparency, well hell I wonder why. I mean after all don’t you think that you should be able to take donated money and government money given to the non profit you co-founded should be used for a $6 MILLION dollar mansion. I am sure she will justify this in some BS speech or comment. That said once again it is an example of we can do anything we want and the rest of you can kiss our ass. RULES do NOT apply to us, only you, just ask us. The really sad part is it gives the BLM movement a really bad name, and puts their creditability in real question.

Inflation and Joe Biden – Well as no surprise to any of us who live in the real world, that inflation has hit a 40 year high. What is such a joke, is Biden is still trying to hang all of his failures with the economy, and energy on Putin and his war. And the sick part about it is the mainstream press just helps with his story. Oh but a side note, only 33% approve of his job, the lowest since he took office, should tell you something.

I know this sounds like I am just reposting what I had written before, however this is new daily news. So, what does this tell you? To me it tells me that the man in the White House is incapable of thinking on his own, and flat ass can’t do his job. But that is the way the Democrats / Socialists want it. Behind closed doors, they are the ones making policy, and then they wite it on clue cards and give them to Biden, and he gets in front of the camera and reads them, then walks off to take another nap. The Democrats / Socialists / Progressives are doing everything they can to reshape our society and country into their vision. They want to change how children are taught / educated, actually they are doing that now. How society should think about sex, equality, and the big one, class division, as they put it. You should not be rewarded to achievement, but everyone should be the same, except those in power.

I am hoping that the Mid-Terms will be the beginning of the path to change, and that 2024, will continue at the highest level.

Toady was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

One thought on “Subject Many and Varied 4/13/2022”

  1. I couldn’t agree more Mark! It is so sad what this administration has done to destroy this economy. At one point our economy was about as strong as it has ever been in my lifetime and then the democrats stole an election and have driven the economy straight into the ground. I was quite young during the Carter administration, but I remember my parents had to struggle through it. Everyone said it was the worst presidency of their lifetime. Well guess what…Biden is going to make Carter look like Ronald Reagan. We are headed into the worst recession in 40 years.
    Now we could turn thing around a bit if we tried. I’m by no means a world economist…just an average conservative with a little common sense. How about we try:

    1. Stop spending!!!!!!!!!!! Put a real balanced budget in place.

    2. Stop giving everything away. Do not forgive student loans. Make the kids get off their ass and get a job and pay back their damn debt. I here there are plenty of jobs. I mean employers are begging for workers. We all know the loan forgiveness is just another ploy for the millennial vote. Again, the tax payer takes it in the ass.

    3. Drill baby drill!!!! If they want to give something away. Give away some government land to more oil drilling. Give some money to complete the Keystone pipeline. Promote fracking. Do whatever we need to do to produce more oil. Drill Drill Drill. We have the resources, we have the need, we have the tools. Give oil investors tax credits to produce more energy. Get this country back to being an oil exporter. God knows, that not only do we need the energy, Europe and the rest of our Allies need it too. We could crush Putin by doing that! Why are we shutting down our energy sector when we need it the worst? This is beyond me!

    4. Shut down the border damn it! Not only are we flooding this country with illegal immigrants, but the drugs coming into this country is like nothing we have ever seen. And it’s going to get ten times worse when Biden let’s Title 42 expire. Again I’m confused. Title 42 was put in place to help control the immigration surge because of the Covid crisis in this country. Is Biden saying that Covid is over by letting Title 42 expire? If that’s true, why do we have to wear a mask on airlines and in government buildings and mass transit? All this immigration and drug surge is a serious drain on our economy. We can’t afford this and it could be stopped. Here’s an idea…every illegal immigrant must serve 5 years in the US military to acquire citizenship! We will either have a strong military or much fewer illegal immigrants. Either one would be ok by me!

    5. Get government out of the way! Red tape and Federal rules cost companies trillions per year and creates years of delay, increasing uncertainty and cost. Sometimes projects are canceled and jobs with them. We need a system that rewards those who create real value, not impedes them.

    6. Cut taxes and cut give-a-ways! Give the American tax payer a break. Maybe they will invest more money into the economy. Stop giving people money not to work! Maybe they will be incentivized to find a job! The Reagan and Trump tax breaks both spurred a robust economy! It’s been proven to work. Where’s the problem? Oh, the people who don’t pay taxes won’t get any relief? So what! They are not contributing to the economy and paying for all the services they use. Why should they get a break? Oh that’s right…there that democrat voting thing again! You know, just about everything that makes no sense when it comes to liberal policies can be answered by one commonality. Appeasing the democratic vote. It’s all about power for them. You see, it’s not about doing what’s right for the American people. It’s about doing what ever it takes to stay in power. If that means they need to destroy everything that made this country great, we’ll then that’s what they will do!

    I’m going to stop with all the steps to turn thing around, because there is just one step this country needs to do to get ourselves back on track. That step is to TAKE A STAND!!!!! Stop the liberal madness and say something. Do something! Boycott something! Rise up and let your voice be heard! Do not be afraid! We have them vastly out numbered. We hold the purse strings. We have the power to take back our country. We must act before it is too late. Take a stand now!

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