Subject Many and Varied  10/10/2024 

Biden / Harris Administration and FEMA – This administration lack of leadership and the mismanagement of FEMA is beyond description, can’t find the words.  Then you have the LSD media covering for them, and really trying to gaslight the country with their own version of misinformation.  Mind you, Mayorkas, said on TV that DHS/FEMA does not have the money for another storm.  And of course, they said the money for the illegals came out of a different fund/bucket, BS.  that is a lie.  Mayorkas will get the socialist democrats in congress to try and get more money for FEMA and DHS.  You know, democrats never let a good disaster go wasted to get more money. 

Now on NBC tonight, it was so sick how Lester Holt and all of the reports in different parts of Florida used every opportunity to first call this climate change, and second to bash Trump for what he is saying about the FEMA response to the hurricanes.  What was funny, but sad, is that FEMA on NBC said they do not have enough boots on the ground.  For Florida they were supposed to have like 1275 people, but ONLY 3,  were shown as active. 

There are people in North Carlonia that have not seen anyone from FEMA, how sad is that.  I can’t imagine what it will be like tomorrow.  My guess is FEMA’s response will be totally lackluster and poor. 

I wonder if the Biden/Harris and democrats want a very slow response so that it will have a negative impact on the upcoming election.  I mean, there could be a large part of the population in Florida and North Carolina that might not be able to vote due to no way to cast your vote.  I know you can call me a real wack job. 

Everyone in this worthless administration needs to be fired from Biden on down, the Cabinet, every last one of them, they have done all they can to try and destroy this country in some many ways, as Trump would say, ‘YOUR FIRED’. 

One last thought or question.  For those who read this, and those who are former military, could the President use the regular Army, Marines, Navy or Air Force to bring all of their equipment to help these areas?  I mean setup meal tents, bring heavy equipment to restore infrastructure and help these people. 

Please stop and pray for all of those in Florida and North Carlonia.  

Trump 2024.   

Thank you again.       

We will see what this week brings.     

Put America First     

Make America Great Again     

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day     

Stay Vigil 

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