Biden and his documents – Well I am sure by now we all know about Biden and his many boxes of documents, so not going to go over that anymore, other than to say, it seems like every day they find more, i.e., this past Saturday. And of course, we all know he has a classic Vette, and documents piled around it. I guess they wanted us to believe his garage was full of stuff, you know, kinda like mine is if you open the door. I will admit, that when I go to clean it up this spring, I am sure I will find stuff I forgot I had, that said I am pretty sure I won’t find classified documents from my employer. We aren’t going to talk about the way the legacy media, and The View are putting their spin on this, as it is all Bull Crap. The the departure of the White House Chief Of Staff Ron Klain, what the heck does he know.
What I am going to say is I wonder if this is a very complicated and well thought out way to remove Biden from the 2024 election, and for that matter from the White House before his term is up.
We all know that since Biden has taken office, that fuel prices are through the roof. Inflation is growing and growing. He has made it clear he is a war with fossil fuel, and even though we don’t have the infrastructure setup to support EV’s or everything else that is electric. Hell I am sure he will be after our gas stoves next. He has done more damage to this country in 18 months it is almost incomprehensible.
I feel that behind those Democratic closed doors, they know at this point Biden is a boat anchor, not an asset, so, he needs to go. So how do we do get rid of him, and make it look like it was something out of the Democratic party’s control. So this documents circus show just might do the trick, time will tell.
Today Was a Blessing and Tomorrow Is a New Day.
Make America Great Again.
I will make my own prediction, but I think Biden is out of the running for 2024, now comes that scary thought of who the Democratic party might put out there.