President Trumps Address – Well I am sure if you didn’t watch the address, you have at least heard about it. I won’t go over all the good things that President Trump had to say, suffice to he hit the nail on the head. I will admit, that I wish he would back off on the Greenland idea, I don’t think that is a good idea, and pretty sure, it won’t happen. I do like the idea of taking back the Panama Canal back is what is needed so it does not fall under total control of China.
I do love the way President Trump setup the Democratic gallery. Telling everyone there, that no matter what he said, they will never clap or stand. Man, was he ever right, and they played right into his hand, and even the late night talk show hosts noticed. This is the party that says Trump is dividing the nation. proved that they are the party that wants nothing to do with any type of hands across the isle. The actions that that group showed, just how much they loath America and all that Trump and the voters who put him in office stand for. This group has lost their control of the government and all of THEIR perks and piggy banks. They and their fraudulent agencies and spending have been exposed.
The democrats sat in the gallery with their little paddle signs or stupid saying on their backs. And the one who got thrown out should be forced to resign. Nancy was banging her dentures around so fast I am surprised they did not come flying out, and wow she looked horrible, guess the past few months have taken their toll on her.
What is sad, is that Democratic galley is the face of the Democratic party. This is what people see on TV. This is the face that defines the party. I know there are democrats out there that do not follow their party right now. There are a lot of good people that have been in many case life long democrats that do not like what their party has become. Will those democrats stand up to change their party, or will they just switch parties? What will this change how the mid-terms play out, I guess we will see.
We will see what this week brings.
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You’re right Mark! The democratic display last night was awful, but I expected that. I truly believe that group only represents about 15% of Americans. The rest of the democrats I think are in disbelief that their representatives are so bad. Hopefully they are going to do something about it and come to center. We will see who they want to represent them in the midterms. Hopefully not this jackass group! If so, they will always lose elections going forward. Which is perfectly fine by me.
I did not hear the speech we were on the road! Thanks for the recap. I agree it is sad how divided we are. The democrats in office are the leaders showing the rest of their followers
How to behave. That is what is dividing us. Like or lump Trump they need to show support to keep the states UNITED and not the Divided States of America. 🇺🇸 Thanks for the post I always enjoy reading your thoughts and appreciate the insight!
Totally agree they say that they’re the party for women in all their pink. They are not. I guess Nancy likes playing sports against men and going to the bathroom with them. I for one don’t want my girls and granddaughters in the bathroom with men! And where were those women’s motherly instincts ? Losing a child or a child with cancer? Shame on them.