Subject Many and Varied 01/05/2025 

As we Begin 2025 – Wow are we off to a wild start for 2025.  We still have some in the legacy media, especially on CNN that still don’t understand what or how this could have happened with the election.  Then I saw a rant by Don Lemon, former CNN, now a nothing, well, let me just say every other word was the Fbomb and called everyone who voted for Trump stupid, and we have no idea what is good for us, we are uneducated, and need to be led and told what to do and when to do it.  That is just one example of how those in the Democratic media carry the message of those running the Democratic party.  I really believe that those that have run the Biden administration from behind closed doors, I.e., the Obama’s and the Clinton’s, or at least Hillary, truly believe the American public is just plain dirt dump, and will believe whatever they are told.  I mean, think about it, how many time did KJP get up in front of the reporters, during a briefing and just flat lie to them, or what they saw on camera, along with the rest of the world, really didn’t happen and we really didn’t see what we thought we did.  This administration was nothing but an administration of lies, gaslighting, and self-serving half-truths. 

Now we are coming to the end of a the most horrible Presidency in American history, and they, (The Administration), keep rolling out one jaw dropping event after another.  You have Biden giving pardons to unbelievable criminals, and I am sure the Biden is not done yet.  Let me make it clear, the ONLY pardon Joe Biden did, was his son, because he could focus long enough to do that one.  Now the other pardons that are coming out are coming from the Obama backroom, and Joe is just reading what he has been told to read, cause he will go back into his office, eat pudding and drool. 

Now the latest, The Presidential Medal Of Freedom presentation.  This is the nation’s highest honor a civilian can receive.  So, among the 17 that this administration gave out, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros received one.  This is the final way they can pat themselves on the back and reward each other for what they have done to this country.  But most important is the disrespect shown to those medal recipients that came before them.  George Soros and Hillary have done more damage to this country that we will know and should be fully investigated.  We know that won’t happen, and that is ok.  President Trump as a huge job to do and I don’t him or the Capital distracted from the job at hand, putting America first, and getting America back on track. 

I am willing to bet, that we will see more pardons that will shock us, and more medal presentations that will blow our mind before Jan 20th, so just be ready. 

Support President Trump for the Next 4 Years 

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

2 thoughts on “Subject Many and Varied 01/05/2025 ”

  1. Right on Mark! We can’t get them out of office fast enough! Pray God gives Trump and us the strength to fix the damage.

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