Subject Many and Varied 2/12/23

Wow, what a week.  We have Biden telling us that the economy, jobs, and inflation is the best in 40 years.  He has done more than any other President since, who did he say, Hoover?  And now we have China using balloons to spy on us, and it looks like several of them.  And I did see in an interview with him, he was asked if the shooting down of the balloon was going to hurt our relationship with China, and he said in one word ‘NO’, he said he talks to them all the time.

Well as far as his SOTU speech, he must have been thinking about and/or living in a alternate universe.  As I am sure we all disagree with all that he said, and it shows that Washington in general, don’t live the same day to day life that we do.

As far as the balloons go, well I still don’t understand why it took so long to down the first one, unless Biden had to call his buddy in China and ask if it was OK to shoot it down.  Who knows maybe he got permission to shoot others down as well, just keep sending them.

I think, myself, it is a plan by Biden and China, to distract from first, his documents found in his keep, you know the ones behind the vette, and second, to distract from his slug son, Hunter.

This kinda stinks like the COVID crap that came from China, to slow down Trump, and the country from doing so well, I really do.  The Democrats knew that if things kept going as good as they were while Trump was in office, there was no way they were going to gain the White House in 2020, so they had to do something, and of course China was more than will to help, as they were not pleased with Trump either.

These are examples of how low the Democratic party/leaders will go to destroy this country from the inside and make it into the country they want, which is not good for ANY of us.

We need to really think hard on what we want as a society and nation for the 2024 election, and vote that way.  This group of liars, and scum, need to be voted out and common sense needs to come back into our country.

Vote these people out.

Today Was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.

Subject Many and Varied 2/4/23

China Balloon-  Well Biden shows he is a tough guy and not to be messed with.  He shot down the China balloon that has been floating over the US for who knows how long.  He is a man of action, NOT.

Well first I am sure that he call his buddy over in China and said, ‘Look man they are giving me grief over here about your little balloon, so come on man I am going to have to shoot it down, and make it look good.  So let me know when you guys have everything you need, and I will pull the trigger, and it will make me look good, and you guys got everything you needed.  Thanks man.’

And now Biden is saying he told the Pentagon over a week ago to shoot it down, I find that hard to believe.  That said, we will never know if he did, so this is one of those times he thinks he did, but never did, you know his brainfarts from time to time, so you never know.

The big issue I have, is if he did tell them, then what was the old up?  I mean we have planes all over the place that are more than able to take that thing out, even at 60,000 feet, so does that mean the joint chiefs are a bunch of limp whimps and afraid to do it?, I have no idea.

So now they know it when down in the ocean, and where the debris field is, oh boy.  Now some poor Navy divers are going to have to go down and pick it up, and you just watch, there will be nothing to see there.  They will tell us that everything that was recovered, was very low tech and poses not threat to the US, count on that.

And while we are talking about it, this really makes you wonder what all of the documents found in Biden’s garage were, once again, we will never know, but hell he had more than enough time to get copies of them to his China buddies, and the really important Top Secrete crap, he might have given them, have long since found their way to the shrewder and the local landfill or burn pit.

All of this antics of the Biden administration we need to hope he has not totally sold us out, and then make sure he does not get a second term.

Today Was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.

Subject Many and Varied 02-03-2023

What a Week – Well so far for the first week in February 2023, we have documents still being found at Biden’s hang outs, and we have balloons flying around all over the place.

Documents – Wow, really they are still finding more and more, what the hell. In one of my past posts, I did say that if this is common place, and for the length of time Biden has been at some level in Washington, this is bad. What I can’t figure out is it really that easy to take home documents from the White House, or Congress, or where ever, cause if it is, there is a real hole that needs patched.

Deflection? – Well Biden starts off by really telling everyone how his economic package is working and the numbers across the board are the best in 40 years, and fuel prices are coming down and inflation is slowing, and he is the savior of the nation, and oh by the way, I will NOT take any questions on anything other than what I said, and bang walked away from the mic. OK, he is in a shit storm over his documents all over the place, so he needed to really say something important that he has done, even if it is a lie, that will take some of the press of the document story. Then bang, another one pops up, not one but 2 balloons from China flying over the US. So what the heck, made for TV distractions just when you need them the most, hell, Hollywood couldn’t write it this good.

Now for the balloons, really, the BS explanation’s that both the White House and the Pentagon are giving are just BS to the max. These need to be shot down, and whatever is left, put it in a box, and take it over to Xi Jinping, drop it on his desk and say ‘ I believe this is yours and I am returning it. Should another come over our way, I will shoot it down, bring it back over, and shove it up your ass, now knock it off’. And if they can’t find anyone in the Biden administration to do this, and they won’t, just give me a call.

I know I got a little off the rails there, but this balloon crap just goes to show you how Biden and this administrations, and all the back room boys are in bed with China. This administration will do nothing to offend the Chinese leader, hell Xi Jinping has Biden eating out of his palm. Without a doubt, in my humble opinion, China is the biggest threat we have right now. They are buy up land like it was going out of style, and real estate like crazy. They need to be challenged and put in check, and the sooner the better.

I realize this won’t happen, not at least with this administration, however I just hope that not too much damage will be done, prior to the next election, when hopefully this administration will be walking out the door, and without papers in their hands.

Today is a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again.

Subject Many and Varied – 1/22/2023

Biden and his documents – Well I am sure by now we all know about Biden and his many boxes of documents, so not going to go over that anymore, other than to say, it seems like every day they find more, i.e., this past Saturday. And of course, we all know he has a classic Vette, and documents piled around it. I guess they wanted us to believe his garage was full of stuff, you know, kinda like mine is if you open the door. I will admit, that when I go to clean it up this spring, I am sure I will find stuff I forgot I had, that said I am pretty sure I won’t find classified documents from my employer. We aren’t going to talk about the way the legacy media, and The View are putting their spin on this, as it is all Bull Crap. The the departure of the White House Chief Of Staff Ron Klain, what the heck does he know.

What I am going to say is I wonder if this is a very complicated and well thought out way to remove Biden from the 2024 election, and for that matter from the White House before his term is up.

We all know that since Biden has taken office, that fuel prices are through the roof. Inflation is growing and growing. He has made it clear he is a war with fossil fuel, and even though we don’t have the infrastructure setup to support EV’s or everything else that is electric. Hell I am sure he will be after our gas stoves next. He has done more damage to this country in 18 months it is almost incomprehensible.

I feel that behind those Democratic closed doors, they know at this point Biden is a boat anchor, not an asset, so, he needs to go. So how do we do get rid of him, and make it look like it was something out of the Democratic party’s control. So this documents circus show just might do the trick, time will tell.

Today Was a Blessing and Tomorrow Is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.

I will make my own prediction, but I think Biden is out of the running for 2024, now comes that scary thought of who the Democratic party might put out there.

Subject Many and Varied 01/15/2023

Biden / Trump Classified Documents – Well this is a cluster or what. I will say now that Biden is wearing this shit suit, the Democratic media are sure trying as hard as they can to give him a pass, but even CNN is starting to ask questions, gentle as they might be. I don’t need to re-hash how they were ready to string Trump up on national TV, and how that it is ‘their man’ it sure is a different story, which it should not surprise us at all.

Now for what I am scratching my head over is these documents in their hands, off-sight from the White House or Pentagon. Someone needs to educate me on, First, is this normal for Presidents to take papers home with them?, Second, I can some documents that might be used in a Presidential Library, but I am thinking Top Secrete would not be. I know if I were to bring home documents from my work place that were marked Confidential, For Eyes Only, or Top Secrete, I am pretty sure , one, I would be fired, and 2, might even be prosecuted. Just me, but if this is SOP, then it really needs to be looked at big time. You can never tell who else might get their hands on these documents, could even be a coke head, hooker loving son of the President.

I question the timing of the discovery of these Biden documents, as could it be a distraction from what needs to be addressed like the border, economy / inflation, energy independence, I have no idea, but just seems timing is weird, and yes I know some were found nine days before the mid-term and that was kept very quite.

I hope that McCarthy remains focused on what he has in the works now, and does not get side tracked.

We shall see what this week brings.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.

Subject Many and Varied 1/8/2023

Well we now have a Speaker of The House, and as far as I am concerned that is all that needs to be said. Now lets move forward and get this house sworn in and lets get moving on the items that need to be addressed, and do it as unified group. Only time will tell now how the members of the House will work together or not.

Biden’s Trip To The Border: What a fracking joke this is, and only a publicity stunt at best. Of course he will not go anywhere near where the major border crossings are taking place. Of course the White House sanitization team showed up in El Paso days ahead of Biden’s visit to clean the town up and make it picture perfect for Joe, so that as goofy as he is, he will think and say all is good there and no issues. And this whole border thing for this White House is a cluster to say the least. The laughing VP hasn’t done a thing, and DHS, and the worthless leader Alejandro Mayorkas says the border is secure. This is another area that needs to be addressed.

Well we will see what this week will bring. We are out of the holiday short weeks, and it is business as usual for all of us working folks. I am so looking forward to hearing what the first items is that the Republicans and House will take up.

Let’s all buckle up and see what this ride will be.

Today is a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.

Subject Many and Varied 1/5/2022

Speaker Of The House Circus – I am not really sure where I want to begin on this one. It is correct in saying the Democrats have their popcorn and beer and are watching this shit show. I was really hoping that the Republican party would pull together and ALL be on the same page and pulling in the same direction, as Lord knows there is so much crap that the Democrats have done that needs to be addressed, and Republicans can’t even elect a speaker. This is a total slap in the face to ALL those waiting to be sworn in. The rest of the world is watching this circus as well, and it is a total embarrassment as far as I am concerned.

I was under the impression, I could be wrong, but I thought that if Kevin did not do the job the way the Republican party or the house thought it should be done, then he could be removed.

I am to the point I would like to tell the 20 or so hold out, to put on your big boy pants, and suck it up and show some party unity. Instead they seem to be either trying to make a name for themselves or figure this is the time to grind an axe they might have with Kevin, and if that is the case, now is not the time to do that.

I will say that the Democratic party shows unity and solidarity. It is like they have a conference call every morning at like 3:00am, and go over the talking points for today, and they are all in lockstep for the rest of the day. Right now the Republican party looks like the old Laurel and Hardy ‘who’s on first and what’s on second’ routine.

If this is any example of what the House is going to do, after a speaker is decided on, then we will be screwed, as they will not be able to get anything done as they will be bickering too much.

Let us pray that this is only a one time issue, and that once this is compete, the House can move forward and actually get something done, and begin the repair work that is needed on so many levels.

Time will tell.

Today is a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.

Subject Many and Varied 01/02/2023

IRS and 1099K: The IRS and the Democratic Administration is now going to start to reach into every form of monetary transaction, see below:

“From all payment card transactions (e.g., debit, credit, or stored-value cards), and In settlement of third-party payment network transactions above the minimum reporting thresholds as follows:

For returns for calendar years prior to 2022:

Gross payments that exceed $20,000, AND More than 200 such transactionsFor returns for calendar years after 2021: Gross payments for goods or services that exceed $600, AND Any number of transactionsThe American Rescue Plan of 2021 changed the reporting threshold for third-party settlement organizations, including payment apps and online third-party settlement organizations. The new threshold requires reporting of transactions in excess of $600 per year; changed from the previous threshold of an excess of 200 transactions per year and an excess of $20,000. TPSOs are required to report payments for goods and services. The law is not intended to track personal transactions such as sharing the cost of a car ride or meal, birthday or holiday gifts, or paying a family member for a household bill.NOTE: On Dec. 23, 2022, the IRS announced that calendar year 2022 will be treated as a transition year for the reduced reporting threshold of $600. For calendar year 2022, third-party settlement organizations who issue Forms 1099-K are only required to report transactions where gross payments exceed $20,000 and there are more than 200 transactions.”

As you see it went from $20,000.00 to $600.00, and ANY number of transactions. So for those of you who sell all your old garage treasures on eBay, watch out, you will get reported on a 1099K, and you will have to account for those incomes. To be honest, I am surprised they haven’t done this before now. I guess this is why they needed another 87,000 IRS agents, the next thing will be garage sales, the IRS will want you to report any transactions over $600.00.

Doing this overreach of government and hiding it under the ‘American Rescue Plan’ is a total lie and insult to the American people. What out to all, the people in power in Washington now want to get into every aspect of your life. We see this from telling you what is best for your kids education, to telling you what gender you are or are not, to seeing where you are getting money from and how you are spending it. This Administration and all of is nasty tentacles needs to go, quickly.

Fentanyl and Guns: This Administration is bound and determined to get ALL guns out of the hands of EVERYONE, or at least try. They talk about all of the deaths from gun violence, and yes there is a lot just ask the people in Chicago, or Portland, oh but wait, can’t count them just because they have crappy worthless mayors.

Then I hear about the amount of fentanyl coming in across our southern boarder and how every state no matter how rural or metro are seeing deaths. And that a pin head amount can kill a person, wow. I am sure if the statics are kept, accurately, that there are many, many times the number of deaths caused by this drug, than there are deaths cause by guns. That said we will never know for two reasons, First, I a sure the reporting avenues have been told, do not report the death as fentanyl, look for another cause of death, you know like wwe did in the first year of COVID, person was killed in a traffic accident, but had COVID, well then it was COVID, not the car accident, or the heart attack, or even the gun shot wound. Second, and most important, this Administration would have to deal with the boarder issue, which we know they are not going to, nor will they ever. The crisis at the southern boarder is going just they way this worthless Administration wants it to go. This Administration and all of is nasty tentacles needs to go, quickly.

I am going to continue to pound this Administration, and all who support it, until we see a change. Look at your life now, vs two years ago. Look at the impact this worthless Administration has had on your wallet, your quality of life, and now starting to reach it’s tentacles into your financials. This is changed at the ballot box, remember this.

Today is a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 12/20/2022

Final Post for 2022.

Well here we are at the end of 2022, and what a ride it was.

Local / State:

Pritzker got re-elected, not sure why, other than he got the votes, but why? I guess not enough people from I-80 south got out and voted, or, the Republican candidate didn’t get the message out, or at least the one that would count, on a side note, that seems to be a real problem with Republicans, not getting the message out. That said, Pritzker has manage to make Illinois the first state with the no-cash-bail, or as he calls it the Safe-T Act. Now mind you, just about all law enforcement, and states attorneys have opposed it and have tons of questions, but hey as Pritzker puts it, this is fair to those it effects. BS.

Pritzkers gas tas will kick in Jan 1, 2023, and of course another one on July 1, 2023. Not going to say anything more about this, it is pretty self explanatory on how he is screwing us, and lining pockets, and of course balance his fracking budget on our back, but typical.

And of course the mayor of the biggest city in Illinois, Chicago, is going to run for reelection, well hell why not, she has done such a bang up job so far, why not, give her more time to really screw it up and blame all the problems on something or someone else she is such a looser.

Is there any wonder why Illinois has lost more than 269,000 people in the last 2 years. It is just my thought that as long as we have Pritzker and Lightfoot, we are going to be in bad shape.

Biden and his Second year in Office:

What a cluster Frack it has been. Just a quick review, High Inflation, Open Boarders, High Energy Prices, Cabinet members who in in charge of the money, and she couldn’t manage a food truck, a transportation secretary that is going to beat up the airlines cause it gives him camera time and it something easy, but never got involved with the railroads cause he would have to do his job. And lets not forget the IT that is the head of DHHS, and is pushing transgender and gender affirming is great and he supports it, now that is a fracking nut job. Actually the whole administration is a fracking circus and a laughing stock.

What does 2023 Bring:

Well I am sure it will bring more of the same BS that we have now. But we should know if Biden will run again, and who the Republican Party will have as their candidate.

For me, well I have updated my web iste a little, and I am going to try and post at least twice a week. I thank you for your comments, and look forward to hearing from you all.

I wish you all and Happy New Year, and wonderful things for 2023.

Today Was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 12/01/2022

I hope that all who read this had a wonderful and blessed holiday. We really do have so much to be thankful for and our blessings are more than we can count, sometimes, we just don’t see them, even when they are right in front of us. Remember to look around and truly realize how blessed we are.

Well the dems and far left are just off the rails with Elon Musk and Twitter. They are so afraid of what is going to come out about the level of censorship and other types of media crap that Twitter and others have pulled to influence elections and public thought. I say thought, because it seems like so many people take what they read on Twitter, or snapchat, or Facebook, as gospel, they can’t THINK for themselves, and rely on being told what to think or what is important. The far left, progressive socialists have learned how to use this to their advantage to direct the outcomes they want. I am hoping that Elon will be one of the first to out this whole bunch of crap.

The administration this week is batting 500 with all of the gaffs that Biden has done, OMG way to many to list. The Janet Yelen comes out and says the reason for inflation and high prices is people are spending too much money on ‘stuff’. This has to be the best statement to define the entire administration, and just how incapable this group is to lead their way out of a one door hall. This type of remark only goes to magnify the need to replace the entire administration, sooner rather than later. Hopefully beginning next month, we will see efforts begin that will start the process of returning America to the country it was prior to the Biden administration.

We will need to take note and STUDY, and THINK with our own minds as things begin to unfold.

You might get tired of hearing my thoughts, as I am going to have a lot, but it is what it is, hang in there with me.

Today was a Blessing, adn Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.