Subject Many and Varied 5/21/2023

Well, we have no ‘agreement’ on the budget ceiling.  Which I do believe that both sides are playing their fracking little games and we are all in the middle of this.  You know really if it was that bad, I would think that the President would not be at the G7, and McCarthy would be on the offensive to force the issue, but that has not happened.  I guess they will begin talks when Biden gets back, in the meantime, financial markets will be going nuts because they will be afraid the country will go into default.

This administration has done the most of any other administration to destroy this country, and in the process rebuild it in a socialists / progressive way.  Think about this next time you turn on your TV and just look at the ads you see, and then tell me progressive ways aren’t being pushed down our throats, and anything and everything is acceptable and normal.

You know over the past 18 months, I have talked about the mainstream or legacy media and how they are so bias towards this administration and it’s progressive agenda.  Well, I am beginning to read CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and others.  I will be picking two to three topics and see what their spin is VS Fox News, Wall Street Journal, and others.  I believe that I will find that the mainstream / legacy media is playing a big part in gaslighting and indoctrination.


Brandon Johnson Mayor of Chicago.  I thought that Lightfoot was off the rails, well Brandon has taken how to screw the people of Chicago to a whole new level.  Below is how he is proposing to raise revenue for the city.  Mind you, businesses are leaving as well as people, so he has to figure out a way to generate revenue:

$100 million from taxing financial transactions at a rate of $1 or $2 for every “securities trading contract”

$400 million over four years from raising the real estate transfer tax on high-end home sales, commercial, apartment and other properties worth more than $1 million

$98 million from “making the big airlines pay for polluting the air”

Over $20 million from reinstating the $4 per month, per employee “head tax” on “large companies” that perform at least half their work in Chicago

$30 million from increasing one of the nation’s leading hotel taxes

$100 million from new “user fees on high-end commercial districts frequented by the wealthy, suburbanites, tourists and business travelers.”

Now that you have read these, what a plan, wow, and of course lets throw a little class warfare in there as well.

This is just an example of how these socialists / progressives work, and as I have stated, they start at the local level.  Keep you eyes and ears open.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 5/14/2023

Well, this week was busy.  The end of Title 42 and the flood of border crossers is in full swing.  But, of course Alejandro Mayorkas says the border has never been more secure.  Remember people these are not just poor people from South America looking for a better life.  Some of these people are criminals, terrorists, gang members, and human traffickers.  But once again the Biden administration has told us all will be ok, we should welcome these poor people.  And the best one is VP Harris is saying all is going smoothly on a fund raising trip to Georgia.

Now we have the debt ceiling and possible default.  Of corse the administration is doing their very best to push the whole blame on the Republican House.  Which as we all know is a bunch of BS.

These administrations fiscal policies, as well as their foreign policies, energy policies, and virtually everything this administration has done are total and complete failures.  And yet the mainstream media prop up this administration as the best ever.

Now this week we might hear something on the Hunter mess, and how far it extends into the Biden family, but I am sure it will be spun to where nothing really happened that was that bad.

What I am hoping is that all you can see through this sham of a administration, and how ever important it is to remove this bunch in 2024.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 4/30/2023

Well April fools came a little late this year, but it did come.  Joe Biden announcing, he is going to seek reelection.  And he is, at this point, going to keep Harris as the VP.

I have to admit.  In past postings I did state that I thought that Joe would have been out within the first 3 to 9 months, and Harris would have been the President, and Pelosi the VP.  That did not happen, and I am not quite sure why.

I thought maybe the Democrats would have put someone else on the ticket, or at least thrown a name or 2 out there that might challenge Biden, but nope.  I will give you that Kennedy is making some noise, the problem with him is he has a brain, and his own thoughts, and just might not be able to be told what to do by those behind the doors.

Joe Biden is the perfect choice for the party, and I mean party as in Socialists Democratic Party.  Biden is no more than the face of the progressive socialists democrats, and will do their bidding for them.

So, moving forward, what will Biden run on?  He can’t run on the great economy. He can’t run on his foreign policy achievements, not after the mess in Afghanistan, and the second mess that is brewing in the Sudan.  He has show no strength towards China, or Russia, they know that Biden as a person is weak, and the government that he represents is even weaker.

His energy policy’s have driven fuel prices through the roof and, he has given our National reserves away countries that could give a crap less the United States, other than us being a cash cow for them.

As this election cycle moves forward, I am sure we are going to be treated to the biggest and best mud throwing and finger pointing, and name call event ever.  But hopefully through all of this, you will be able to get down to what each platform will stand for and on.

We know that the current administration is not for making America great nor does it want the people to be happy and prosperous.  It want division, and turmoil so that it can do it business under the cover of distraction.

Over time we will see how this plays out.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 4/21/2023

I know it has been awhile since my last post, 3/18, I did take a little time off to head to Gulf Shores, and now that I am back and getting back in the swing of things.

I am going to change up my format a bit, instead of covering many topics, I am going to try and speak on one or two.  Let me know what you think, I just didn’t want to get into rambling and not making sense.

Biden Administration – Total and Complete Failures.

The list is way too long to write out.  I mean it started from the day he took office and started his war on fossil fuels, to his total and complete disaster of the Afgan withdrawal.  To allowing the boarders to be wide open, his do-nothing attitude about inflation the list can go on and on.  However, one of the biggest and scariest are his foreign policies.  This administration has done more damage on the world stage in 27 months than ALL of the other Presidents combined, maybe with the exception of Carter and Obama.  His dancing with and catering to China just scares the crap out of me.  China knows this administration is weak and spinless, cause they paid for it, will do NOTHING on the world stage to protect Taiwan, or go against China.  For that matter our allies are really beginning to question the US resolve / commitment to them.

So how Biden is SUPPOSED to announce he is going to seek a second term.  IF he were to get a second term, the damage he will do to this country, just might be irreversible.  With that said, how do we Make America Great Again.  The ballot box is the only way.  This has to start at the local level, I mean local, in your town.  We in Peoria have a mayor that really could give a crap about crime, or what is going on in her city.  She only wants to get Amtrak in Peoria, and of course work her way up into state politics and then maybe to the national level.  Where I am going with this is, this is how worthless socialists liberals get to the national level.

Now for the White House, already attack ads have begun attacking Ron DeSantis, and he has not even officially declared he is running.  I just saw a attack ad on President Trump, and it would not surprise me to attack ads starting soon on Nikki Haley.  I suppose as a side note, maybe the socialists’ democrats and those behind the closed doors running the Biden Administration are scared a little.

WE MUST TURN America back into what it was a GREAT Nation.  Please be informed, really listen, yes to both sides of the isle, and use your God given brain.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 3/18/2023

President Trump and his ‘Pending’ arrest –   Well the left and the legacy media is off the rails with a statement that President Trump made about his pending arrest, ‘Urged is supporters to ‘protest’, if he is arrested.  The media, and the ‘View’, like they count for anything, are going to do their level best to tie this back to the Jan 6th.  They will want to accuse Trump of in sighting violence.  Just like they did with the Jan 6th crap, they said his ‘words’ were the cause of all of that violence.  Of course, Biden is loving this distraction.  Him and his family are showing up more and more in the news about questionable ‘deposits’ made to just about everyone in his dirty family, and this will give them time to cover up and take care of all the crap they need to hide.  And then add to it the issues with the banking industry, I am sure Biden’s are thinking their problems will be buried on the back page of the sports section.

All of this just goes to prove out a point that the far-left socialists will go any length to accomplish their goal, including a dumb ass DA like Alvin Bragg, who thinks I am sure was promised some sort of lofty position when Biden is reelected.  At least Lindsey Graham has supported Trump, and called out the lousy DA for his actions, now if only the rest of the Republican Party Leadership would get behind him, oh but wait, they didn’t support him when he was President, so I am sure they won’t now.

This crap along with the developing Biden tangled web investigation.  The banking industry mess are examples of the mess that this administration has produced, and released on this country.  These people need to be gone, voted out, and the investigated.  I only pray that now the republicans control the house, that some of the crap can be slowed down or stopped.


Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 3/15/2023

Joe Biden and the Lack of Leadership and Courage – I am sure by now you know three banks have failed, leaving billions of dollars in question.  And Monday morning Biden was in front of the cameras telling everyone how HIS teams fast reaction to the SVB failure was to assure the public that their money will be given back to them, and that his team will continue to monitor banks and take action if need, well then Sunday they closed another bank Signature Bank in New York failed.  Biden would not take any questions after his press conference, and then again today in Las Vegas he would not address questions, but instead wanted to talk about how he was going to lower prescription drug costs.  And then of course today, the stock market really tanked, at one point almost 780 points down, but did rebound a little to only be 280 points down at the close, and currently in premarket the DOW is up 12 points, I am sure that will not last.

Then we have Russian fighter jets playing tag with one of our drones, and sending it into the ocean.  Of course, both sides are doing their expected chest beating and finger pointing, and I am sure the Biden administration hopes that by tomorrow it will be forgotten, and the legacy media will find something else to showcase the Biden administration.

My take on this, these three bank failures might be only the tip of the iceberg.  The Feds are looking at another interest rate hike to , ‘cool inflation’, and this could put some banks that are in marginal shape now over the edge, and they would be forced to close (fail), then watch the investors start to freak out and pull money out of everything, and yes I feel a run on the banks could happen, I pray not.

Joe Biden in both of these case has NOT shown leadership, and has NOT shown courage, instead he runs from the mic when questions are asked about either of these, and would instead want to talk about drug costs.  Hell many more banks fail, drug costs will be a moot point.

Biden and his administration are a total and complete failure on EVERYTHING and has made America weaker on so many levels.  He has our allies questioning if we have the power to support them if needed, or if that alliance is gone.

This administration has to go in two years, that said, the Republicans better get their head out of the sand, and focus on what America really needs and don’t get distracted by the Hunter Biden crap.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

Subject Many and Varied 3/11/2023

Biden Selling (SPR) Again – Biden is going to sell oil out of the SPR, but he has a 3 part plan to replace it.  This whole plan is a fracking joke, and he should be held accountable for this.  He has been selling out of the SPR for some time, to countries, who really could give a crap about America, but then this is how he and his administration does business.

Bank Failures – SVB and Silvergate banks failed with 48 hours of each other.  SVB was mainly a venture capital and Tech banking service, and Silvergate served cryptocurrency industry, you can click on the link and read the article.  From what I can tell, SVB was hit very hard, along with it’s clients, were hit hard by the higher interest rates, which is a direct result of the Biden administration policies.

Biden and his cabinet do well to put their clothes on in the morning, much less able to make decisions that would affect America.  It is so apparent that this bunch of clowns are taking orders from behind the closed doors of the White House.  These people have an agenda, to remake America from the inside, make it in their vision of a socialist society.

I am sure come Monday, the stock market will take a huge hit as investors pull out their money while it is worth something.  Let’s hope the FDIC steps in and backs SVB.

On a Lighterfoot Note – Well maybe just maybe we are beginning to see the end of the stupid far-left progressive total morons get the boot.  Of course, Lightfoot says she lost because she is a black gay woman, well ok if that is what she thinks.  I know it has nothing to do with the crime rate off the charts, or the dumb ass things that come out of her mouth, or the business moving out the Chicago area.  I hope we will see more of this type of collapse of the woke / social reformists.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day  

Subject Many and Varied 3/5/2023

Biden run for 2024 –

Once again Biden has pretty much snubbed the people of East Palestine by not showing up, but maybe sometime as he said.  I guess he was too busy putting together his ‘Advisory Panel’ for his run in 2024.

The board will include a mix of the president’s former primary rivals, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and  allies, such as Delaware Sen. Chris Coons and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester. Governors Gavin Newsom, of California; J.B. Pritzker, of Illinois; Gretchen Whitmer, of Michigan; Josh Shapiro, of Pennsylvania; Phil Murphy, of New Jersey; and Wes Moore, of Maryland, are also expected to be part of the group. 

With the likes of Pritzker, Newsom and Whitmer, you can see that the plan is to keep Biden focused on what THEY want the country to be.  And with this ‘board’, I am will to bet big time that Newson, Pritzker, and Whitmer will be cabinet members should he win in 2024, and that would be a diaster for the country to say the least.  These people will push the far left agenda to new levels.

We all know that Biden is nothing more than a puppet or place holder for the far left.  Biden can’t think of this crazy stuff by himself, the behind the scenes far left are telling him what to say and do.  So now with this new board, they are going to move even farther left, and it will be a all-out push to destroy America’s energy plan, what is left of it, and be more reliant on other countries for EVERYTHING we need.

The republicans need to, 24 hours a day, every day, tell the citizens of this country how they are going to make us energy independent.  Restore belief in America as a country that stands strong, and independent of the policies and politics of countries like China, Russia, and Venezuela.

The government needs to go back to the basics of strong Military, self-sufficiency, patriotism, and pride.  Stand with our Flag, and be proud.

It is time to Put America First, Make America Strong, and Return America to the Great Country we know it to be.

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is  New Day          

Subject Many and Varied 2/26/2023

This week Biden’s administration really showed everyone from the common folks in Ohio, to the world leaders around the globe, what really is important to him, and his administration.

Biden goes to Ukraine to promise help and support to those people, but the best he can muster up is to send the complete failure of a transportation secretary Pete Buttigeg,  who said it was a slow response, and just and worthless as his puking word salad he delivered after he got there.  He did of course, blame Trump for it, wow what a worthless looser he is.  But Biden, wow, giving away the world to in help to Ukraine, side note, don’t be fooled, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and not so much as even sending a case of water to them and the stating he WILL NOT be going there.  Hey Palestine, you just got the middle finger from your President.

When President Trump went to Palestine, he showed true leadership, and he brought supplies to help the residents, and NOT a bucket full of Bull Sh!t.  Yes I know some will say that was a campaign stunt, and if it was, good for him, he beat them to the punch, but I feel he truly wanted to go there and help the residents.

Over this past week, time and again, this administration, and all of it’s tentacles have shown, that it is more important to work with Venezuela for oil than it is to make America energy independent.  That is is more important to make sure foreign countries are taken care of, than Americans.

Rumor has it, Biden is going to run for reelection, ok, but with the amount of damage he and his party have done to this country, I don’t believe this country could withstand another 4 years of this crap.

All of this said, I am adding a new parting statement to my closing.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Put America First

Make America Great Again

Subject Many And Varied 2/19/2024

Administration Failures – Administration failure to come up with a halfway believable story about the balloons or UFO’s.  Administrations failures at the border, way too many to list on this one.  Administrations failure on the transportation front, from the airlines nightmare, to the derailment in Ohio.  Administrations failure in the economy.  Now if you listen to the press releases, man Biden say we are doing great, but as we all know that is not the truth.  Administration failure on energy, this is just a total and complete failure, however once again, if you listen to them, the price of fuel is coming down, and is lower than it was a year ago, maybe, but not as low as it was when Biden took office.

Party Failures – The Democratic run states are failing right and left.  California, Oregon, Illinois, Wisconsin are just a few examples of very poorly states.  I mean people are moving out, not into those states.  Crime is out of control, and the school systems suck.

I know that all of you hear or read the news, you all know it is time for a change.  With that said I am announcing that I am running for President of The United States.

Now that you have stopped laughing, we must change the direction in which this country is going.  We must remain focused on the area that, as a Republican controlled house can either change, or lay the ground work for change.

We, as a country, are being distracted, which by the way is by design, from the day to day matters we need changed.  China and the balloons are a distraction.  Biden’s BS touting of the economy, and jobs report, a distraction.

We must make sure that McCarthy and McConnell work for the needs of the country, and not get distracted in vendettas.

We will see what the next week brings in the sick saga of the Biden Administration.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Make America Great Again.