Protesters – Well what a show. These college protests are just an example of what the colleges are really teaching kids, especially the Ivy League schools. Wow these pink, green, or purple haired spinless demonstrators have masks over their faces and hoods over their heads, and sun glasses, they are so brave. Then these little cuddled mindless, who are working for a degree in Gender Studies, come up with demands. Well, they can take their demands and those professor’s that support them, and take a long walk off a short pier. It seems like these little leaches on society will still get their grades, and can be so proud of their actions and maybe if they were lucky, got arrested, or even better, got their face, even though it was covered, on the nightly news, on one of the legacy media outlets. Something they can look back on with pride in later life. It just goes to show what the education system has descended into teaching/setting the stage for socialism and this type of behavior is fine and accepted. These little people should have been given one warning to get up and get out, then if they don’t arrest them and keep their little asses in jail until their parents come and bail their asses out. These punks have no clue what real life or reality is.
Trump’s Campaign – Even with Mr. Trump’s hands tied behind his back, his campaign does more in one day, that Biden does in a week. Just think of what it would be like if Trump was REALLY on the campaign trail, what would that look like, OMG. There would thousands of people, exciting events, and of course, Trump telling us what he is going to do to fix the issues that the current administration has created.
But, due to the weaponization of the DOJ, along with worthless DA’s and States attorneys. The offers/deals they got behind those closed doors to go after Trump must have been unreal. However careful planning went into this whole rouse to keep Trump tied up for the entire election process. That said, Trump does more in the first 4 hours of the day than Biden does all week. Fannie might be thinking right now it was not worth it, after her and her lover were making headlines all over the place. Which we all know the her and Bragg and others are just stupid pawns in the Obama/Biden bid to keep the White House.
I watched Fox this morning, and they were showing the poles for Trump and Biden. I know you all know what they show, Trump leading in most, and dead heats in the others. First, that is a HUGE testament to how bad the Biden Whitehouse/Administration is doing. Cause if they were doing such a great job and the public was better off that they were 4 years ago, the pole numbers would be really lop sided in favor of Biden, cause as we stated earlier, Trump is tied up. Second it proves if Trump WAS out on the campaign trail just think of what the pole numbers would show. It would be a landslide for Trump and Biden in the basement. Oh wait, Biden is always there. I believe, as time goes on, more and more people will see what a slam this whole trial is.
I believe there are still more tricks that will playout over the next few weeks, to keep the mainstream media busy reporting on silly things like campus takeovers. Or maybe even they will another study into the Jan 6th riot or insurrection as they call it. Whatever it is, it will be designed to take the focus of Biden and his administration, and try and put negative focus on Trump and anyone or group of people that would support him.
We will see what this week brings.
Put America First
Make America Great Again
Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day
Stay Vigil
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