Many and Varied 5/22/2020

Well it is Friday, TGIF, and a little sunshine for the day. I spent most of the day cutting two lawns. Wow, my bad, I should have done it sooner. I actually cut each yard twice, gee I guess the fertilizer I used worked great.

Anyway, while you are mowing you can do a lot of thinking and of course discussing things with yourself. Today I was thinking about this contract tracing that the Governor wants to put in place. First I am really torn with this whole idea, tracing where you go, in case you come in contact someone with COVID. While he and Dr. Izeki where explaining, that you would get a call from some contract tracer to inform you that you might have come in contact with COVID, you need to answer your phone, even if you don’t know the number. Well when I do that now, I either get a Medicare supplement or my vehicle warranty is expired so have no fear I won’t answer. Second thing, why the hell do they need to know everywhere I go? And third, and could be the most important, is that for Illinois, they said they will need 30,000 people to work as contract tracers. They even went so far as to say if you are looking for work, give us a call. To me that was a slap in the face to all that have lost their work due to this shut down. And as we all know, once the government sets up any department, it will NEVER go away, and those people working there will be on the states payroll for ever, and have a Pension, which is forced by the Illinois Constitution , hence why we have issues now, and Pritzker wants to add more? WTH?

I get we need to control the virus, however, that said, I am scared that we as a people, could be in the first steps, of loosing some of our freedom we value so much.

We will see what happens.

More tomorrow, but as always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 5/21/2020

Well good afternoon all. Gee wizz for those of us in central Illinois are just about tired of the gray wet weather. Maybe we can have some sunshine tomorrow, I am keeping my toes crossed.

Moving on, sure looks like the vote by mail is headed for a vote. And of course it is all about public health, right. Even tho there were a lot of voter fraud concerns brought up by several republican members, it is on a fast track to be put in place. To me, this is totally unacceptable. I don’t care what side of the isle you are on, you should totally shut this down. This is nothing more than a bid to load the election to those who certain people want in office. For the state side, it will be Pritzker and his agenda to cripple Illinois. At the federal level, it will be the far left Dems and Joe Biden, and his VP, which will just totally scare me. I am hoping that this does not happen, and only time will see. If the Dems and far left Dems want Trump out of office, they can do it by getting the vote. Oh wait they can’t get the vote, so they are going to load the ballot box with unknown voters.

On a different note. I 8 days, some business in central Illinois will be able to reopen, be it at reduced levels, but they can open and maybe things will seem a little more normal. And maybe we will keep moving forward.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 5/19/2020

Well all I hope all are doing well. I am listening to Pritzker tell us the daily briefing on COVID-19. Not a whole not new, other than we are getting close to Phase 3 only 10 days, so be good or I won’t do it. And of course he had his normal doctor’s on and giving their totally supportive words as for what he is doing, gee there is a shock.

I guess the biggest thing is moving to have mail in voting. Wow, that really scares me as if that happens, there will be a lot of dead people voting, and Pritzker will remain governor. Now if it goes to a federal level,mail in voting, OH MY GOSH, Biden will be in the White House for sure, be it sitting the corner talking to himself, and whoever he picks for VP will be running the country, now that is a scary thought.

As always, stay safe, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied May 13, 2020

Well what a day. Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker said that businesses and counties will face consequences if they defy his executive orders intended to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. The governor said the state’s Liquor Control Commission and Department of Professional Regulation would use their authority over the businesses they license, although he did not outline specific steps. Well he is going to be a tough guy to all the people just trying to make it. My take on this is first, if he allows the downstate counties and/or cities, before the greater Chicagoland, then his phone will blow up with all of the important people and their businesses wanting to know why they can’t. Second, I think it is a power thing, i.e., you people are going to do what I tell you, I am your King. Third, I wonder, only a thought, he wants to bankrupt the state big time. No small business, the state broke, nothing coming in. Then he can go to Pelosi , and get all the aid he needs from her 3 trillion aid package. I mean it would take care of a lot of the money issue the state has, if that money made it that far, but that is topic for later. So I believe that mayor Ardis, and those that put their proposal together for our area and sent it to Pritzker is DOA, done, toast.

OK now for the national scene, Joe Biden, and his basement campaign. Wel what I am starting to see, and even hear from others is that Obama is going to be the face and voice of Biden. He will be out campaigning for his, with Joe only making a cameo appearance every now and then, we shall see, I am sure there will be more to come on that one.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied May 12, 2020 Part 2

Well as I was catching up on the news, I see that JB Pritzker is now saying how lawmakers need to come together and help the people and small business, wow what a concept. However yesterday when Pritzker was asked about liquor being sold from restaurants when carry out orders were being picked up was allowed, and he said they were getting orders to stop. Now mind you these places normally sell liquor when you dine inside, they have a license. Once again this seems like common sense is in high demand and short supply. No different than allowing Walmart, Target, Lowes, Home Deport remain open and sell WHATEVER was in the store. But store that have like lets say only shoes, or combination of clothes and bikes can’t sell anything but bikes if they want to stay open.

Not allowing salons to open for those people, who in many cases are self employed, and rent the chair space, can’t even have one person at a time, oh gee maybe let them run their business SAFELY. Most small business are blessed with common sense, and know how to make it on their own, WITHOUT the government telling them how to do it.

The our mayor said he can’t go against the governor, after that is, the East side of the river said we are going to open. Then I see today he is asking Pritzker to rethink his plans….REALLY, OMG.

Now after my comments, please don’t think i don’t care about people’s safety, I do. I would not want anyone to become sick with this at all. However that being said, I believe that state government, especially in Illinois needs to get out of our way and let us deal with it. Oh but wait, then the power brokers wouldn’t have any control over the people, and I am beginning to believe that is really what a lot of this is all about. Government controlling what we do, how we do it, and when we do it. I hope that I am wrong, but it sure looks that way.

Anyway tomorrow is a new day and we shall see what it brings.

Many and Varied May 12, 2020

Well all good morning. I see in reviewing the news this morning that Dr. Fauci says the doom and gloom if we open the country up to soon. And then our wonderful governor say we won’t peak until mid June. Well that is not good news, and you really have to wonder what is going on. I wonder if there is not a control thing going on, keep everyone locked up until after the elections. Just a thought.

First Post

This is my first venture at a blog and writing for other people to read. I will tell you up front, I am NOT a professional writer, nor do I use proper grammar all the time.

I will however tell you what is on my mind, and how I perceive what is happening in the world and in my life.

So moving forward we will see how this all works, as I will be learning as you are reading.

Thank you