October 20, 2020

Many and Varied for today – What is going on in Illinois.

I hope I am wrong, but I get this feeling that a coordinated attack on us may be coming. By this I mean I believe that Pritzker, along with his bunch, i.e. Mayor of Chicago, and Speaker Of The House, are going to shut down the state, just in time for voting. I really hope that I am wrong, but it scares me. Pritzker has already rolled back Southern Illinois, and he has gone back to daily breifings, and then Lori in Chicago is going to roll back due to the cases raising. The next thing that will come out of Pritzker,s mouth will be, no in-person voting, only mail-in due COVID.

These people are full of tricks, and I hope I am just going wacky here, but I feel the Dems / Socialists are scared that Trump could win, in a fair normal election, and they need to have a plan in place in certain places to stuff ballot boxes.

Now you might say, what the heck Illinois is a blue state anyway, so why would it matter. Well one I bet they have semis full of ballots ready to go, and two, if Illinois say no in-person voting, how many other states do you think would follow. California, Michigan, Florida, who knows, and truely I hope we don’t have to go down this road. Time will tell.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

October 19, 2020

Hello all. Well I have been out of touch with things for a bit, but getting back into this.

First I want to thank all of you who take your time to read my thoughts, it means a lot to me that you spend the time. Please feel free to comment on whatever you want.

OK today, first thing in the morning, I reader that the mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, was going to have to raise taxes on SO many things from property, to gas, to plug a 1.3 billion dollar budget gap. Then this afternoon, she says she is thinking about rolling back restrictions in Chicago. Going backwards, no indoor dining, no groups, you know where I am headed with this. OMG she has no idea of what she is doing, she is totally in over her head with this, and has NO idea how to run a city, none zip zero zilch. The end result, of this, IF she does all of this, is to once again drive people out of Chicago, if they are able too.

Next I see Pritzker is down in southern Illinois smacking their hands cause they are not following the rules that he believe they should, and BAM at 1159PM this Thursday, southern Illinois is rolled back to no inside dining, or bars, or gatherings. Oh wait, the weather is so wonderful for outside dining, and gatherings, so this should not be an issue.

Then Pritzker, is blaming Trump for people not following the wearing of masks, or doing what he wants them too. Lori Lightfoot, pretty much said the same thing about Trump, and then you have Gretchen in Michigan claiming that Trump caused the plot to kidnap her, it was all his fault.

Now all three of these people blame Trump for all their issues, however they never think that their actions, and the way they lead and govern have anything to do with it. Oh gee, they are all three Democrats, which, as we are seeing more and more, is how Democrats think and operate, ‘it’s not my fault’, or ‘I don’t know anything about that’. These people never, ever want to take accountability for their actions.

That kinda rolls into Biden and his son, which we will speak more about later this week.

Remember people if Biden wins, Harris will be the President, and Pelosi, if she is speaker of the house, she will be Vice-President. If that does not scare you, nothing will.

More later people.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Tuesday 10-06-2020

Subject Many and Varied

Well after posting last night, I received a comment from one of my readers that hit the nail on the head and I am going to share it with you all. I wish I could of said it like he did:

‘Your right, if you vote for “Lunch Box Joe” your not really getting  Joe Biden. Your getting what he is packing in that lunch box which is the fringe left socialistic agenda. And that scares the hell out of me.  We all got a taste of this agenda during the 8 years of Obama’s radical dismantle of our society as we knew it. I can’t go through that again! We would be hard pressed to recover. Trump has pulled us back to what our country was, and that is a great victory.  It is hard to believe he did it all while the left was trying to take his administration down. Just imagine what he could accomplish if we had congress on our side too. The left cannot control any of the branches of government in my mind. They are too radical and go to any length to gain power in order to put their agenda in place.  From all that I see, they are corrupt to the core and I don’t want to live in their world. Everyone, please vote your conscious but don’t be fooled by the Democrats and liberal media. Trump has our back and is fighting for us all. We need to support him!’

He really hit the nail on the head. I was catching up on my reading, and I found a comment from a Wall Street Journal reporter that called for defunding Walter Reed Hospital, unreal. They want to defund the police, they want to defund a hospital because they treated Trump, and then let me go home. Bottom line lie is they want to defund everything that stands in their way of taking over and running the country. If I remember correctly, this was the way that the Socialist/Communists do things. Take everything away from the people, including the freedom of religion, and then you, the ‘government’, controls everything. There will be no more small business, and for that matter, no more large companies or businesses. You won’t walk into Hyvee or Home Depot, or Lowes to buy what you want when you want. Everyone will be the same have the same, as they put it, that is only the fair way. You will drive a small electric car, if you are lucky. Your healthcare will go down the tubes.

Remember this vote in November is not voting for a president, it is voting for the American way of life. Are you going to live free, or are you going to live under a far left Socialist way.

You out there can say, Joe Biden would not let that happen, he has changed his views on some things. REMEMBER you are not voting for Joe Biden, you are voting for Harris / Pelosi. If Joe were to win, I would very suprised if he is in the Oval Office more than 90 days, and he will be found mentally unstable, and then Harris would take over, and if Pelosi stays speaker of the house, she is Vice President. With that said, that now makes the local congressional races even more important.

We will talk more later as they is a lot more to say on this.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Monday October 5, 2020

Subject Many and Varied

First I would like to apologize for not posting sooner. I was away in Colorado for a week to visit my daughter, and spend time with some close friends. The weather out there was very hot, in the mid 90’s, and forest fires were all over the place.

I can see it was no hotter out there than it has been on the local, state, or national scene.

Local, well it sure looks like it will be quite a race for just about all positions that are up. From the Mayor, to the local councilmen. The one that represents me Chuck Greyeb, and I can’t say enough good about him. He has the city and the second district in his heart, and works for us. I know his opponent is NOT what we want, very, very liberal, and wants to defund anything and everything.

On a national level, I have to admit, I was disappointed in the first debate between Trump and Biden. I was really hoping that Trump would have talked about all that was done up to and during COVID. I am the first to admit, there are many times that I do not like the way that Trump says things, or does things, however that being said, he has put China in there place. Your 401K has never been better, or your stocks are doing well. I believe that if Trump gets a second term, it will be an economic boost for us all.

Please remember, Biden is not the one that is running for President. It is Harris and Pelosi that will be president and Vice-President, and that people will spell economic disaster.

I will be writing more later this week, but I am back, and thank you all.

Tuesday 9/01/2020

Many and Varied – 9/01/2020

As you can see I have changed the title just a bit. I was speaking with a very well respected follower of this tiny blog, and they stated sometimes it was hard to see what I had posted, and she would scan them to see if she has read them. I thought I would try using the date to see if that makes it a littler easier. I am also hoping that over the next few weeks to make this blog more visually appealing.

Our wonderful District 150 School Board, or should I say Gregory Wilson, the vice president, has suggested removing the school names of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, William Henry Harrison, Calvin Coolidge and Charles Lindbergh. Their legacies on human rights and equality that don’t hold up to 21st century standards, according to some observers. He is doing this under the premise of the name of school inspires many students. Well gee there is a shock, 21st century standards, what the heck. This is scary, 21st century standards, let me rephrase this, re-framing, or erasing or what ever. This attempt erasing, changing, or as I have heard it put re-framing is becoming the trend, and the norm. This is a unsettling to me. History is history is history. Before long, these people will want to re-write the Constitution to fit how they think it should be. This will result in the lost of freedom for us all, that will never be gotten back. I know there are those out there that say is you object this, or you ask doesn’t the school board have better things to do like make sure education for students are the best, or making sure that our special needs students are taken care of, you are a racist, believe me I know I have been called that. With the school board common sense is in high demand and very short supply. More to come on this.

The protests as they are being called in Portland, Kenosha, and unfortunately so many other cities is being accepted as ok. The media places blame for these on the cops, or President Trump, and they make it sound like it is justified. This is pure violence on out citizens, and pure destruction of property. The people doing this make the evening news, and are supported by main stream media, then, disappear into the shadows. NEVER once have they gone back to speak the businesses that were ruined or destroyed to ask them how they are doing, or how they are feeling, and if they feel this ‘protest’ was worth the cost for the cause. Of course we know they won’t, as that would defeat their agenda, and that is to make all cops look bad, most white people are racists, and President Trump is the cause of everything.

We will see what tomorrow brings.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 8/18/2020

Well tonight will be the second night of the Democratic convention. I guess tonight will be more Trump bashing, I mean Michelle Obama did a great job of it last night. Tonight will be quite a line up of leftist Democrats. Speakers include former acting U.S. attorney general Sally Yates, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, former secretary of State John Kerry, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester, and former president Bill Clinton. To this I am not going to say anything more, other than this will be a hate filled night, nothing will be said of any value, other than Trump is bad, and you people need to understand that we are the party of the people, and will make everything right, and if you vote for Trump, as Hillary put it, we are a bunch of back woods deplorable s.

One thing that they did say at the convention last night is very, very true. This is the most important election in recent history.

This election will determine, what the definition of Liberty will be. What are rights will be. And if the Constitution will withstand this test if the Democrats win.

Some have been saying Joe is a Moderate Democrat. And the cow jumped over the moon. First Joe is running for the Presidency in figure head only. If he wins, he won’t be in office long, so the Harris, and Pelosi, and Schumer, and AOC, and the rest of the Progressives will be in control. That will be the beginning of the end for a lot of our freedoms we take for granted, and more state control of what goes on. You can bet that this bunch will even try to tear apart the Constitution, saying it needs to evolve with society, and be rewritten.

Yes this election is more than important, it will determine the future of our society, and the world, and that scares the hell out of me, not for me, but what it will be like for my grand kids.

I implore you to pay close attention to the words they speak, and who speaks them, as they are looking to take a lot from us, and pray, pray, oh wait, GOD will be one of the first things that will go.

More on this.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 8/16/2020

Well it is Sunday evening, and I have done the yards, worked on the shed, had some great food, and now I am pooped. You know some are saying these are the dog days of summer, but man on man, this weekend felt like the middle of July instead the middle of August, it was just plain hot and humid.

Anyway I was catching up on the news, and of course floored by some of the items. First the national leader of the NAACP say, in reference to Trump’s brothers death, too bad it wasn’t the President instead of his brother. Wow such a level of class in that statement. Such an example of black leadership at the highest level. His people have so much to look up too, wow, they can be so proud of him. What a fracking joke that whole group is.

I have Pritzker say if we don’t do what he says, he is going to impose restrictions on us again, however, he has not said what. Actually, he has been running all over the state saying that, but you never know, it might be just in time for the election.

Over the next post I am going to be looking at Liberty and Progressives / Democrats / Socialists. This next election is without a doubt the most important in modern times, and we must stand for liberty.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 8/13/2020

First I want to thank those who read my last post and left such wonderful and insightful comments. I hope it is OK with them that I use them a bit, as their words will speak volumes.

On the subject of the cancel culture and education. A quote from one reader, “My friends and other people I know are reacting to the absolute absurdity they see on the news regarding the riots, political insurgents of radical left ideas etc., but what scares me most is what they don’t see. Take for example the 1619 project and what it means as a weapon against our children’s learning and mindset, not to mention our history as a nation. How does this get instituted into our education system without full examination and review from the public?  I don’t understand how we can sit back and allow something like this to continue! Where is the outrage? Where is the push back? Where are our representatives? Where is the press? Where are the local school boards?

The 1619 Project aims to recast Americans’ concept of their nation as one founded on freedom, equality and opportunity into one irremediably corrupted by slavery, inequality and racism. Using distortions, half-truths and outright falsehoods, the Times promotes a narrative that our founding ideals, allegedly false from the beginning, remain so, by extension, today.  Paired with the project’s inaccuracies is an ideological slant, representing the “American left’s ongoing campaign to rewrite history” and approach history “not as a search for truth but as a vehicle for advancing a political agenda. And that my friend is WRONG! When will we stand up and say no? I hope in November.”, I have to admit that pretty much says it all.

His question, where is the push back? Where is the press? Well push back, those in power that could push back, don’t have the spine to call them out on this. Where is the press? Oh hell, they are the biggest supporter of this whole movement. They, the mainstream media / press are the most important weapon the liberal socialists have.

The Democrat / Liberal / Socialists plan for victory plan is to overwhelm President Trump and the American people with crisis after crisis until the public is so sick of it, they vote Trump out of office in hopes of returning to normal. The return to normal will NEVER happen if the Democrat / Liberal / Socialists get into power in 2020. The return to normal will be what they want it to be. To control us, and our kids / grand kids, teach our kids the new ‘reframed’ history. Teach them that that riots, violence are ok and the way to achieve your goals, or just plain be a bunch of spoiled asses. You can see this is already happening in Chicago, Seattle, Portland, amd other cities. Riots and violence every night since Floyd was killed, hell that is not even the point anymore, that is back on page 58 of the new paper. It is all about civil unrest, and destroying as much as possible in the name of some cause. Where is the push back? None of the mayors of those cities have any balls or leadership, so no push back there. NONE of the state government had anything to say, once again no balls or leadership. So at the Federal level Trump sends in DHS, and others, and OMG, he is the devil, and the worst thing there is. Why, because he has balls, and he is a leader, but NOT NOT, to their liking. As a matter of fact, the ACLU is trying to get a movement going to, you got it, DEFUND DHS, because of the treatment of the RIOTERS in those cities was unfair and DHS DHS isn’t capable of acting consistently with the U.S. Constitution. Really, so it was OK to destroy the lives and businesses and property they did, and who is the hell is the ACLU to interpret U.S. Constitution. Remember what ACLU stands for, the middle 2 words are CIVIL LIBERTIES. So I guess it is ok to trash and destroy, and those that try and stop them are in violation of their CIVIL LIBERTIES.

We all need to make it known where we stand on this, and I am going to research how we do this, As I am not sure yet.

As a side not, I see Biden today said he will make it a Federal Mandate that everyone will wear a mask if he becomes President. Well first, to me, that is the best he can do, OMG, I think there are more important things he needs to address, but it is kinda funny to see him trying to act Presidential. More on him at a later date.

Thank you all for your input / comments, I value everyone of them, thank you so much.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 8/12/2020

Well, I am now a year older and they say you are supposed to be wiser. I know I am a year older, especially in the morning, things just don’t get moving as fast as they used to. However the wiser part, well jury is still out on that one. So much is going on a lot to process, but going to give it a go.

First the unrest in Chicago. Really having to put the bridges up to try and prevent more trashing of the city. Good old Lori, up to her old blame game, calling for help, to her fiddler, Pritzker, and him not saying much. Really what went on up there should have been condemned, by her, Pritzker, and eve Obama, after all he wants his library of lies in the city, and he called it his home. Alas, not a peep out of them, what a shame. Once again total lack of leadership.

Then we have 1619 Project. Wow, this one blew my mind. New York Times Magazine started this garbage. As they state it, America really started in 1619 when the first slaves were brought to this country, and HISTORY needs, and I love this term, be ‘reframed’. Well I had to research that. So for an old guy that translates into CANCEL CULTURE, CANCEL HISTORY. WHich that leads me to my next topic.

Illinois State Rep. La Shawn Ford has made a public statement that he is proposing ALL History curriculum is removed from Illinois schools, and teaching stop, UNTIL it can be rewritten to his liking. This too is scaring me.

Now as far as teaching goes, I have heard that some liberal / socialist teachers are concerned the as they put it ‘helicopter conservative’ parents, who will be watching what is being taught to their kids, might be a problem.

People, we need to take a close hard look at what is going on. First, COVID is bad, however I really believe it is being tested / used to control the population. First sign of this to me, is taking away the vote. Oh, you say, you can still vote, just by mail is all. Well to me that is taking away the vote, cause in this case, I believe, your vote WON’T count. Fraud will be so rampant, it will scare you, example, one gentleman in California got 9 mailin ballots sent to him, gee what could go wrong there, Trusting the government to run something like, and I don’t care what party it is, they can’t do it without messing it up. Watch out what the government might try to control next, after all we have the flu season coming up.

They are trying to tell us that HISTORY is all wrong, and we have to rewrite it to favor one race or culture. This is a form of control as well, and we better be real careful, people HISTORY is what it is, good or bad. This is something we need to study and understand, good or bad, so that we as the human race don’t make the same mistakes, and we move forward.

The destruction of our wonderful country will come from inside, NOT from and outside power. Unfortunately, I believe there are signs this is already starting, and we, ALL need to take note.

Kamala Harris is the VP choice for Biden, and I believe things are going to get just crazy wild before it is over.

Please stay tuned for more, and OH yes I got my book Live Free or Die, really good so far.

Please all stay well.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 8/3/2020

Well all I hope you had a good weekend. I worked quite a bit on my new shed, and now I am ready to put the roof sheeting on, and then start the shingles. I also worked on a table that I we are refinishing and the last coat just went on, so that will be back in the house tomorrow, and that project will be done.

Now onto important matters. I see again that Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot is trying to blame all of the violence in her city on the states that neighbor Illinois due to their poor gun laws. Wow once again she is showing that she in so incompetent, she could not run a bingo game. She accepts no accountability for her in-actions and lack of leadership, it is always someone else to blame. I hope the people of Chicago are taking note of this and vote her out, she is a total and completely worthless mayor, must leas a leader.

Now Pritzker is running around doing PSA’s, to remind people to wear a mask, and social distancing, once again ignoring what is going on in Chicago. As a side note, there was a 9 year old boy killed, and all he was doing was playing ball. By Lori said nothing about that one. And a second side note, it was a black child, killed in a black neighborhood, by a black man, but you don’t hear anything about that, or any community outrage, form the same two, Pritzker and Lightfoot, however they did march and making speeches for BLM, oh wait, that was pandering to the voters.

On the subject of voting, I see Nancy is saying it is all but mandatory they do mail in voting for safety, and a fair election. Wow she must not feel Biden can win and will make sure the votes are mailed in so every vote gets counted, even from those are in the grave, and her candidate will be in the White House. Here is just a little thought for you. If Biden wins, we all know he can’t govern, heck he is unsure what day it is, so that would mean his VP, whoever that is would become President, and then Nancy Pelosi would become Vice President. Now if that does not scare you, I don’t know what would. More on this subject to come.

Well I hope everyone stays cool, and safe. As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.