Many and Varied May 13, 2020

Well what a day. Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker said that businesses and counties will face consequences if they defy his executive orders intended to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. The governor said the state’s Liquor Control Commission and Department of Professional Regulation would use their authority over the businesses they license, although he did not outline specific steps. Well he is going to be a tough guy to all the people just trying to make it. My take on this is first, if he allows the downstate counties and/or cities, before the greater Chicagoland, then his phone will blow up with all of the important people and their businesses wanting to know why they can’t. Second, I think it is a power thing, i.e., you people are going to do what I tell you, I am your King. Third, I wonder, only a thought, he wants to bankrupt the state big time. No small business, the state broke, nothing coming in. Then he can go to Pelosi , and get all the aid he needs from her 3 trillion aid package. I mean it would take care of a lot of the money issue the state has, if that money made it that far, but that is topic for later. So I believe that mayor Ardis, and those that put their proposal together for our area and sent it to Pritzker is DOA, done, toast.

OK now for the national scene, Joe Biden, and his basement campaign. Wel what I am starting to see, and even hear from others is that Obama is going to be the face and voice of Biden. He will be out campaigning for his, with Joe only making a cameo appearance every now and then, we shall see, I am sure there will be more to come on that one.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.