Many and Varied 7/05/2020

Well what a Fourth of July weekend. This was the first year in 30 + years that I have not spent on the water watching fireworks. First I have not even put the boat in the water, going to sell it, and second there was not going to be the big fireworks display on the river this year due to COVID.

With all of that said, there was still plenty of fireworks, wow, they were going off like crazy around my house. I guess there were several towns around the area that did put on shows hoping to begin the return to ‘normal’. I hope you were able to enjoy some, and celebrate the 4th to some level.

We need to remember what the Independence Day is really about. I am not here to give you a history lesson, we all have had those. This is to remember that we are blessed to live free and be able to express ourselves with fear of punishment. We might not agree with everything we hear, but we will stand so they can say it.

With that said, we CAN NOT allow history to be erased, or re-written, to fit some current social beliefs, or social flavor of the day. If we continue to allow, statues to be torn down, to be defaced, or wanting history to be rewritten, we will loose our way moving forward, and then some of those freedoms we take for granted, maybe taken away due to some new social wave. I have 4 grandsons, and I want them to be able to grow up and have the same freedoms that I did, and I worry that they will not.

Well there was a lot going on in the potical front this weekend as well, and I am still reading to determine what it all means, and how much of it is BS and which has merit. More to come on this.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.