Many and Varied 6/15/2020

Good evening all. Yes I apologize it has been some time since I last posted. Well I have some many thoughts running through my mind, wow I am not sure where to begin. It seems, if you look at the market, we take three steps forward and five backwards, as a economy / civilization. One minute things are starting to get back to normal, then some talking head expert says, no not yet, as the COVID is coming back or numerous statements that throw the brakes on everything.

There are times I really do wonder how much of this is real, and how much of this is made for prime time. I truly feel that COVID and the BLM movement have been and are being weaponized to be used as a political tool, to gain footing for the up coming National election.

As I have stated, I do not believe Joe Biden could win this election on a honest election. I believe, whether you like it or not President Trump had everything rolling, and the economy was doing great, look at your 401K. Unemployement was very low. He told China, the rules are changing, and they did not like that, and then all of a sudden COVID shows up, and well I don’t need to tell you the results there. And on you might say, well the whole world has been impacted, yes you are correct, which I believe was planned, as if it would have been only the US, well that might have even looked like a act of war from China.

Then, we have the BLM movement, which, I will stand beside Floyd’s family, as what happened there was more than just a White / Black issue, and from what I have seen, the cops, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, however that being said, now it seems political Liberal, real want to take this tragedy, and use it as a weapon to reshape society to what they want, so they can have control of everything, and you would need to rely on them to provide, socialism I believe that is what it is called.

I hope that we as a country can get our heads and hands around this, and work towards good solutions. We work towards a fair election, not a loaded one, which is what certain people are trying to have with mail in voting, more on that later.

I am going to keep thinking on this, and try to put my thoughts together better and not ramble, I apologize for rambling.

High note of the day, I had the chance to send sometime with my 4 grandsons, no matter what life throws at me, I can look at them, and listen to the world according to them, and I realize how truly blessed I am.

thank you for reading, and as always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

4 thoughts on “Many and Varied 6/15/2020”

  1. There are more people than you think with similar thoughts. We are called the silent majority. We will be silent for only so long. Let’s pray we are not silent at the ballet box. We can not allow the fear of being called a conservative restrict our beliefs and actions. Time to stand up for what you believe in. So right on brother….keep those thoughts coming.

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. I will do all I can to keep things out there and in front of us. If you feel so inclined, feel free to give out the address to other.

      Thank you again.

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