Subject Many and Varied 10/21/2022

Biden Scare Tactics – Biden has been out stumping for some Democrats that would have him, and of course, now that it is getting close to the mid-terms, and they, the Democrats, are not gaining and in some cases losing ground, they only have their lies to fall back on. No Biden seems to want to make the mid-terms about abortion, and climate change, as do a lot of Democrats, as they WON’T talk about what mainstreet America’s concerns are. INFLATION, RECESSION, CRIME AND THE BOADER. And then Biden has his press conference and he says that if the Republicans take control, they will CRASH the ecomony. This just goes to prove, he and his party are in a dream world, only they understand, and if they remain in power for 2 more years, we will not know this country. Biden alone has done more to destory this ecomony and country than all the President’s combined. The Democratic party is now a party of liars, gaslighters, and frauds, and they do not give one crap about you or me. Nor do they really give a crap about climate change, unless, it works in their favor, and Pelosi, or Harris husband can make a shady insider trading deal. Hell crime, there is no crime, it is oppressed people, and they all need to be let out of jail, you that trend that is sweeping the country, let criminals out and they will vote for me. Never mind they might do more crimes while they are out, oh yes dems, that is a proven fact.

Now I want to make a prediction, if there is a red wave, as we hope, I think Biden will be removed from office, the 25th Admendment, they will throw him under the bus so fast it will blow your mind. The bad part is, and super scary, Harris will be the President, and the speaker of the house will be…???? unknown yet.

This upcoming mid-term election is the most important, I feel in the past 50 years. This election will determine the course America will take over the next years, will will either stay they course and continue to go down hill, or we will change course and Make America Great Again. Make American Strong Again, Make American Great Again for our kids, and grandkids to go up in.

You must vote, you must tell everyone you know to vote, for if you don’t vote, leave this country as you did not do what is required of you to live in this country. We all have a job to honor those before us who have made this country great, and a responsability, a duty, to keep it this way for the following generations.

Today is a Blessing and Tomorrow is a new Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 10/12/2022

Binden’s CNN Interview – Well I have no idea on where to begin with this one. Without a doubt, this was the most blatant display of worthless leadership I have seen. I mean when the question is asked about a possible recession, you get the response of, ‘well we might have one, not saying we are, but if we do, it will be a small one, but hey let’s talk about how far we have come and what we have done’. Right there it shows you, first, the dems DON’T want to talk about the economy, or inflation, or the impact of their failed policies on the American people. They only want to talk about, what they have done in their fantasy world, and how good THEY think things are going, which is a joke. This administration and ALL those involved with it really do not care how it impacts the American public, as they have an agenda that is very non pro America, they are doing all they can to tear the country down, and remake it in their vision. They do not care about how high fuel prices go. They do not care how much you have to spend at the grocery store. They do not care how much you have to change your life style, in fact they look forward to you suffering, they even say that. ‘You know change can be painful, but we have to look forward to OUR goals’. I have no respect for these people, nor to they deserve any.

Biden’s Administration Targeting Desantis – Well I figured this would be coming. They are going to investigate Desantis on his migrant flights out of Florida. Of course they are, they have to really begin to make him look like the worst person there is and he is a extreme republican. Now mind you, I would love to ask them about all of their midnight flights of migrants to other cities, done by the dark of the moon, oh but wait, we can’t question what they do.

This up coming mid term is growing more and more important every hours that this administration stay in control, it is a must that this gets changed. Please above all, get out and vote, the red wave has to happen from the local level all the way to the federal level.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 10/09/2022

Biden’s Failed Energy Policy – Well Biden’s buddies at OPEC+ have stated they will reduce output by two million barrels a day, and gee what do you think happened, the price of fuel went up AGAIN. Now if you listen to the little girl that speaks for the White House, she is still blaming this on Putin war, and other factors, but NOT the Administrations policies. However, Jennifer Granholm, Secretary Of Energy., said that transition is sometimes hard and there is pain involved with it, but we must keep moving forward. Translation, we, The Administrations, does not give a damm about whatever pain you feel at the pump, or the supermarket, so just deal with it.

Once again, it just shows that from day one his policies, and intentions, were to destroy America as it was, and make it like the socialists want it.

Mid-Terms – Well it sure does seems like ALL of the Dems in the Mid-term, and of course the legacy media, only have 2 talking points, Abortion, economic relief , and for us in Illinois cash bail. Why do you suppose these are the top talking points. I mean they can’t talk about a good and strong economy. They can’t talk about the very low inflation. Or how this country is energy independent. Or how secure our boarders are, and how people are entering the country the correct way.

I only wish that more of the head Republicans would jump all over this and hold these peoples feet to the fire, but it seems like Mitch is just going to be his normal milk toast person.

As the time gets closer, the Dems and the media will be doing everything they can to demonize any and ALL Republicans, so just be ready for some really nasty crap they will be throwing out.

We shall see what next week brings.

Today is a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 09/27/2022

Jan. 6th Hearing – Well this clown show was supposed to start tomorrow, however it is delayed and will be rescheduled due to new evidence. Not really sure what that means, other than there is supposed to be some cell phone video of things being said on what Trump would do if the election didn’t go his way. Of course, we know that we can trust any and all evidence that the commission would bring forward, I mean those people are of the highest integrity and above reproach, That was said with tongue in cheek and crossed fingers behind my back.

The soul purpose of this clown act is to do whatever, I mean whatever it takes to, 1). Make sure that there is some kind of charge or indictment that can be brought against Trump so that he CAN’T run again in 2024, and 2). To make sure that there is no longer Republicans, only Radical Republicans and, they are the threat to democracy.

If you listen to any and all legacy media outlets and to any and all democrats, they are all using the same talking points. Republicans want to ban abortions, and lock up women and doctors involved, Fossil fuel is bad. There is no inflation, it is only a perception of inflation, after all fuel prices have gone down a few cents, and inflation index dropped by a 10th of a point, oh wait did I say inflation, we don’t have inflation, I apologize.

Your 401K is in great shape, and the market is doing great, even tho it is the lowest it has been since Biden took office.

But don’t worry Biden and the Dems are going to take care of us, he tells us that from time to time.

Truth is, to all of us, I don’t care what political party you align with, your wallet is taking a hit, your family is taking a hit, and most important your future and your families is taking a huge hit, and going backwards.

We DO need to Make America Great Again, we DO need to have energy independence, and we DO need to close the boarders, and quite frankly we need to tell this want-to-be New World Order to take a hike.

I believe that things over the next few weeks and into months will really turn nasty and the legacy media will make sure they keep out in front of us all, how bad Trump and the Republicans are. If you notice, they never say Trump without saying Republicans in the same breath. So for us Republicans out there, we are the demons of everything, just be prepared for that.

I am adding a little extra to my closings now:

Today is a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day

Make America Great Again

Subject Many and Varied 9/25/2022

MAGA Radical Republicans – I am proud to be called a MAGA Radical Republican. After all, I want to Make America Great Again, now more than ever. What this administration and all of its ugly, lying fingers have done to this nation should and would be grounds for impeachment of Biden. After all they went after Trump for a lot less, heck it only took a hooker saying something that was a lye to get the word impeachment throw around.

Biden 60 Minutes Interview – Well I know a lot has been said about this joke, however the only thing I am going to say is, the republicans should just take this interview and use it for their campaign message, as it just showed how out of touch Biden is with what is really going on, and more over, he and his party does not care about how high inflation is. His comment on the inflation only show how he tries to trivialize the high inflation by saying ‘hey man it has gone down a tenth of a point, still fracking high for all of us, but a fracking joke for him.

Janet Yellen and The IRS – Janet Yellen on 9/15/2022 addressed the IRS and IRS leaders. She detailed a 4 phase of a remake of the IRS. This is coming from a woman who could not manage a food truck, scares me to no end. I truly believe that the 85,000 new IRS agents are not going to be used for customer service on your 1040 tax return, but will be weaponized to target, those who the administration does not like.

Back To MAGA Radical Republican – I want to return to where this country is energy independent. To where your 401K is still worth something. To where are boarders are secure and people come into this country the right way. That stopping the spread of fanyntal is more important than worrying about what pronouns are taught in school. This up coming mid-term, I feel, holds either the beginning of a path the MAGA, or it will spell more government and less America. Please go and vote.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 09/13/2022

End Of Cash Bail in Illinois, End of Law and Order – Gov. JB Pritzker signed the Safety Accountability Fairness and Equity-Today Act on Feb. 22, 2021, calling the legislation a “substantial step toward dismantling the systemic racism.” I am not sure where to even begin on this one. This is nothing more than a vote buying ploy, and a great opportunity to blash any Republican that goes against it as racist. This is it only purpose, and to set prisoners free for anything second degree murder or less is just plain stupid. This morning I was watching two Illinois sheriffs trying to figure out what will happen next, as the state has no given any guide lines on how they will proceed after 01/01/2023. This is just typical of a democrat governor that is out of control, and thinks he is above everyone, and more over does not care for anything else, other than his own ambitions. This seem to be the trade mark of this type, look at California, Michigan, New York, all the same, and some I am sure are looking at a Presidential run in 2024 or 2028, at least in their own minds they are. And in Illinois, of all places, with Chicago crime out of control he is pulling this crap, nothing more than trying to buy votes, and get his face out to the country. We won’t talk about Chicago crime, hell even the mayor, who is another joke, won’t talk about crime, she will however get in front of the cameras and talk about the boarder states busing people up to her city and how they are creating issues for her, but sure as the hell not going to address crime.

These people need to go and hopefully the mid-terms and the general election will resolve some of this.

Common sense is in high demand and short supply.

Inflation Reduction Act, Bidens Mucking Fess – Well Biden is having a big gala tonight to celebrate the signing and implementation of his Mucking Fess, call the Inflation Reduction Act. Well I guess he didn’t hear the number on inflation that came out today, or the stock market across all taking a 1200+ point hit. And I guess he missed his goffy Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen saying thgs right now are ‘tricky’, whatever that means, also saying the price of fuel will most likely go up as fall and winter set in. Of course along with that the cost of everything else will go up, that is except your paycheck. But of course Biden is half goofy anyway, and can’t remembe shi!, so I am sure he thinks everything is great, lets celebrate.

Common sense is in high demand and short supply.

Railroads and Strike – To compound issues, the railroads could go on strike as well, and I know just enough of the reason why they might, but that is NOT the issue I have. We have a Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg – who right now seems more concerned, at the bidding of his boss, Biden, to hammer the airlines so that they treat passengers better if a flight is delayed or cancelled. I would think, him and the White house might want to get involved with the railroad issues, cause if the trains stop rolling, the store shelves for ANYTHING will get real bare real quick and a lot of people will be out of work and business will close. Perish the thought that that is really what this administration wants, so that they can step in and say we will take care of you, Oh My God, perish the thought.

Common sense is in high demand and short supply.

These examples are so blaintant even imagine I can see how out of control this Administration is and how they have done more damage to this country that the past administrations combined. It is time to vote these people out, from the local, to state, to the White house. Get out and vote, get out and vote.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is New Day.

Subject Many and Varied 9/11/2022

9/11 – First we need to remember today for what happened 21 years ago today. Pay respect to all of those who lost their lives. To those who ran to the Trade Centers and who gave their lives to save others. I say humbly thank you to all who helped and survived, and I salute those who remember every 9/11 with the reading of 2.982 names.

However, with the current political people saying the like, Ilhan Omar, saying about 9/11, ‘someone did something’, I doubt our reaction would be the same today. In fact I am sure she would say it is our fault. Others in her group would say we deserve it for all the horrible things we have done in the middle east. It has also been proved that due to our wonderful open board policies, terrorists are coming into the country and then going underground for their next move. This Administration should hang it’s head in shame, however as you see, they feel like they are the best Administration EVER.

Biden’s Speech – There is not much more I can say about his speech, that hasn’t already been said. It was horrible, disrespective, and disgusting on so many levels it is hard to wrap your brain around it. In his inauguration speech he said he was going to bring the country together, and be the great uniter. Well has we have learned, he is a liar, and serves only those who pull his strings, remember he can’t think for himself, a great divider, and did more with that one speech to insight civil action than Trump ever did.

59 Days Until Mid-Terms – Well Biden’s speech was just the opening to what I fell will be an out right onslaught of Republicans. For the next 59 days we are going to see the Republican demonized, painted to to public that Republicans are the ones who are going to take away the rights of everyone. Republicans are the ones who want to close boarders, and drive gas powered SUV’s and pickup trucks. Republicans are the worst thing that could ever happen to this country. And of course, the legacy media will be more than happy to carry that message for them. I am sure at some point there will even be a special on ABC or NBC or MSNBC that will show how much the Democrats and this Administration has done for the American people. Just be ready for this people, cause it is coming.

I would like to thank all of you who read my little blog, and value your input so much, and I am so blessed to have the audience that I do.

Today is a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Subject Many And Varied 08/29/2022

It is hard to read, listen, or watch any media where you can find an honest view of everything that is going on. That said, wow I can’t believe how the legacy media is just out and out lying about so much and really carrying the water for the socialist democrats. You have the White house saying, something as simple as, there are no unvaccinated illegals coming across the border, to Biden calling republicans bad and mean. I really had no idea how bad the lying and gaslighting would get, and I don’t think we have even seen the bad stuff yet.

For the rest of the year and until 2024 elections, the socialists democrats will be portraying how evil Donald Trump is and those who follow him are the same, and how they socialists democrats can save this country. Republicans need to focus on what really matters to the people of this country, I don’t care if you are red or blue, it all hits your wallet the same.

I am so disappointed with Mitch McConnell. There is no fire in his words or his positivity. He should be the fire driving the Republican party, and as Donald Trump said, he should be helping getting republicans elected. Instead, he has all but conceded a bit part of the mid terms. He should be shouting what the republican stand for, nut he is not. That is one thing I can say about the democrat socialists have is they are all saying the same thing, at the same time in the exact same way, which is a worry in and of itself, but they are all saying the message from the top down. The Republicans need to take that lesson from their play book, and talk about the values we hold. Also, stop worrying with Donald Trump will run again or not, that is to be decided later, worry about these mid terms, that, right now that is more important than who might or might run for President.

Republicans have a real message problem, i.e., getting it out, so that is where we can help. When the chance presents itself, talk about what the Republican view is and how it differs from the Democrat / Socialists view, and most important, GO VOTE.

We are going to be in for a real Sh!! show over the new few months, that will have us all saying you are kidding. There will be more vote buying in the form of more money being handed out in the name of ‘The Government will take care of you’. Remember President Regan said the worst 12 words in the english language are ‘I am From The Government And I Am Here To Help You’, never rang more true.

Remember we must vote, vote, vote.

Today is a blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 8/17/2022

What a Past Few Days: I am not going to comment on the raid at Mar-a-Lago, as so much has already been said, and I would just be repeating. It does not matter what side of the isle you are on, you should be very upset on the weaponization of the DOJ / FBI. Worse yet, they really have not shown cause yet for the whole circus. Then you have the IRS going to hire 87,000 more IRS agents, heck that is more than some countries have in their military. They say it is to go after those making more than $400k a year, BS, they will be going after ALL of us. Then you have Biden coming home from is vacation to sign his bill, that is supposed to reduce inflation, we know it won’t. However he did take the opportunity to say no less than 3 times, that every Democrat voted for it and every Republican voted against it.

All of this show at Mar-a-Lago, and then this bill signing is nothing more than the opening of a long very carefully thought out smear / lie/ gaslight campaign to demonize anyone of is a Trump supporter, and more over anyone who is a Republican, and it will get much worse, as the mid-terms are coming up and the Socialists are going to do anything, or pull anything they can to discredit the Republicans.

We are truly in a fight to save this country in so many ways. It is time we put common sense back in everyday life. Put the American people first, ALL American people. It is time we put AMERICA first.

Today was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Subject Many and Varied 08/08/2022

Fuel Prices – Well the Biden administration is trying to take another victory lap for the cost of fuel dropping. In fact the White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre was trying to sell that this had been the biggest drop in years, and we all should be glad. Even when pressured about the average being above 4.00 per gallon, she just blew it off, unreal. As a side note, man is she ever good at saying MANY, MANY words and not saying a thing. They sure picked the right person to gaslight, and lie, and just plain BS the press and the public. Of course the legacy media, hang on her every word, and then just real say it, unreal. I still believe that the White House has a conference call every morning at like 230am and tell all of that days talking points, so as everyone is one the same page, and says the same thing.

Inflation Reduction Act or Plan – I don’t care what these morons are calling it. This is nothing more than another power grab by the socialists in the White House. Really I mean, give the IRS 87,000 more agents, WTH. They need to reduce the amount of agents, and the power of the IRS. Let me tell you what the IRS will be into everyone’s business now. This portion of the act really scares me. This is only the first step into controlling the people of this country. One thing, on a lighter note, I bet this will drive cash underground. By that I mean I bet there will be more work done for cash money, and it will not go through any bank or credit union, it will go into a box in the basement.

China – Well everyone is trying to guess if China will invade Taiwan. Of course they will. China saw what happened when Russia invaded Ukraine, nothing. That was just a test to see if the White House had any balls and Biden would react. We we know, and of course Biden will not go against China, so heck China will invade, and Biden will do NOTHING other than mumble a few words and that will be the end of it, and Hunter will get a big payday.

This mid-term election is beyond important, I feel it is critical to the nations survival.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day