Friday 2/12/2021

Biden’s First 100 Days in Office.

Well is ir just me, or has the president been missing from center stage, for the most part anyway. I mean, it is Pelosi, and Schumer that are doing all the press crap, and making all of the decisions, and running the country. Oh wait, that was what was supposed to happen. I mean Biden has not had a press conference, or even addressed the nation until last night, and it was very, very, well choreographed. It was almost like he was a robot no real feeling or inflection in his tone. Then just urn and walk away, like a old tired robot.

Also there has NOT been a one on one with Biden and the press, gee there is a shock. Even the VP, who has had a one on one with the press, totally turned around and walked away from the Q&A when she was being asked questions about the President.

Now even the foreign press is starting to pick up on this, and question if he is really fit for the job, however they are giving it a bit of a pass, for the time being anyway.

I still feel that the end game of the Democratic party is for Harris to be president, and Pelosi will be the VP, then the Liberal, Socialists, Democratic Party will take Socialists wishes to a whole new level, and this truly scares me.

The plan from the beginning, was to put Biden in office at any cost, steal the election, cheat, lie and yes even kill to make sure that happened. You ask why Biden, and not one of the many prospective Democratic contestants. None of the other candidates could actually guarantee the Democratic Party the White House. Most were way out there on the far, far left, Sanders, Warren. The other just could not motivate the voters, and were to wishy washy. So to defeat Trump they had to come up with someone that could “look good”, to us older voters, and not piss off the conservative side of the country too bad, so Joe was tapped for the job. Really don’t you think if he REALLY had wanted the job, he would had been it from the get go?

So now back to what I said prior to the election, Joe will NOT complete his term, and the socialist side of the Democratic party will be running the country, and that does worry me, not for me, but for my grandsons.

Only time will tell if I am right, or full of hot air.

Once again I will be trying to post more, and most of all let me know what you think.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 2/16/2021

Immigration Over Haul:

Well President Biden is backing citizenship for 11 MILLION illegal immigrants. Gee go figure that. First that will be a guaranteed 11 million DEMONCRATIC votes, and a great excuse to expand social giveaway programs. Most importantly to me is the slap in the face it is to ALL of the citizens of this country, and especially those immigrants who came to this country, entered legally, made a life for themselves, WITHOUT government assistance.

Keystone Pipeline Shut Down:

During Biden’s campaign, he said he was going to create 200,000 $50.00 per hour jobs in the green energy fields. First we all know that was a lie, it would take a decade to do that if even then, but that said, the first thing he does is kill the Keystone pipeline. Not only did it put 10,00 to 15,000 pipeline workings and there families on the street, but untold numbers of support jobs from equipment supplier to grocery stores to restaurants, to motels and countless others. Now last week, the new White House press spokesperson was ask where all of these green energy jobs are and, first if looks could kill, that reporter was dead, and second she said, they are coming, that is White House for giving you the middle finger, which as a side note, she seems very good at doing, when asked something she does not like. Oh but wait, they can get government help, maybe, however I am sure they will not qualify, and beside the 11 million in front of them already taken all of the benefits.

Make America Great Again and America First:

The first month of the Biden Administration, has been nothing but undoing, erasing, or reversing what the Trump Administration had done, and more over, wanting to take everyone, especially, Donald Trump to task over it. This is NOT setting unity to the country, especially for the 70+ million voters who voted for Trump, they are only driving a bigger wedge in. But maybe that is what they want, I don’t know. More on this later.

We are going to have to watch very closely what this administration does, as I don’t think, they really have the countries interest at heart.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday 1/24/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Cancel Culture

Well President Biden and the extreme left are doing everything they can to cancel the last 4 years of Tramp’s administration. Biden is using executive orders to kill the Keystone Pipeline, the boarder wall, Paris Climate Accord. This Administration is going to make sure, to them, the last four years never happened, and the mainstream media, will be right there to help them. Turst me, they will paint Biden as the most important person in the world, and will NEVER do anything questionable or wrong. For that matter, anyone around him will be treated the same way, i.e. Hunter has it made now, he can go back to his normal life, and the media will protect him. And then you have ANIFA – a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology, this is according to Webster’s. Well hell they don’t even know that. They are protesting Biden. And Seattle and Portland are paying the price. Of course the mayors of both those cities have no backbone to do what is needed to shut it down, so now they will ask the Federal Government to help them get out of the mess. So fracking sad that this is the leadership we have.

Subject Many and Varied – Trump Impeachment

I believe the move to impeach Trump will continue and move forward. First they, the Left Socialists Democrats need to make sure that Trump can never run for so much as a dog catcher ever again. And as I have stated, Most of the so called Republicans don’t have the balls to stand up against it, Mitt Romney, who has been a democrat for a long time but won’t admit it, is a fine example of this. You know Biden and his bunch are preaching unity and move forward, yet trying to impeach a former President, does not quite match what they are saying.

Moving forward with my posts, I am going to try a different format, and maybe cover just one topic in depth. Let me know what you think.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Friday 1/22/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Biden the pipeline and the wall and others

On January 20 Biden signed and executive order that halts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it. Biden also cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and directs agencies to review and reverse more than 100 Trump actions on the environment. These actions were to appease the left, I should say the far left. Now the mainstream media is praising his actions. As I have said prior to this, the media just swoons over him, and he will never do any wrong. However, the amount of financial damage that he has done with this move is unreal. The amount of jobs that will be lost on the pipeline and the wall. Just people physically working on it, but the suppliers, and the local economies lost. Oh wait, he does not care, because he also signed an order to up the minimum wage to $15.00, so all of these people can go to McDonalds to get a job. This only the beginning, I feel he and his administration, and the left / socialists are going to damage this economy and country to a point that we could find it very hard to recover from. I only pray that I am wrong, and only time will tell.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday 1/20/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Biden’s Inauguration

Well today Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States of America. That being said, it seems, he is setting out to completely undo everything that Trump has accomplished in the last 4 years. Tearing apart our boarders, to going back into the Paris Climate mess, and numerous other things. I am afraid the damage he and his administration will do, will be very hard, if not impossible to repair or overcome. We already know that there are 5000+ immigrants coming from South America and Mexico, and he has all but said I will meet you at the boarder and shake your hands, and give you whatever you need. The next thing the media will be saying is he will be meeting with China, to repair and normalize relations again. And speaking of the media, i.e. NBC, Savannah Guthrie, making the comment when watching Air Force One depart with Trump on it saying ‘ such a beautiful sight, him leaving and gone’, not much lower than that. Just shows how unprofessional and no character, and telling you how the mainstream media is going to treat Biden. They are going to look for every opportunity to bash Trump, like they have for the past 4 years, and put Biden on a pedestal. Yes I realize the Trump is now, just a normal American, however, there are 74 million reasons Trump is still very dangerous to the Democrats / Socialists. They are still going to go after him, and try and get him for anything, including j-walking. I truly believe we have not heard the last of the MAGA movement, and this we can only hope.

Subject Many and Varied – Biden’s Length of Time as President.

This is really just a side note, my own opinion, I don’t believe Biden will be President for 1 year, maybe even shorter. I don’t think he is far left enough for those in the Democratic Party. I believe that he will leave office due to health / mental issues, and then Harris will assume the Presidency, and Pelsoi will be VP, and then the leftist will have it made, and then watch out.

We will see how all this pans out over the next few weeks.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Tuesday 1/19/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Trump Presidency

Well tonight is the eve of the Biden Presidency. From all of the signals being sent out by him and his team, things are really going to change, and I am not really sure for the good. A large portion of the gains and or changes made during Trumps’ four years will be wiped out. More on this later. However sitting here I can’t help but think what Trump’s four years would have been like if the Republican party had gotten behind him. I truey believe that Trump was NOT the chosen one for 2016. To be honest, I have no idea who the backroom Republican power brokers had picked, but it WAS not Trump. However to the surprise of both Democrats and Republicans, the people got behind and supported someone who listened to them, and was going to put America first. Then to think that he could beat Hillary, no way, well guess what way. Then the dirty politics began. I mean the Democrat’s took it to a whole new level not to be seen like that again, or we thought. It just kept going from Russia, to impeachment, to going after everyone he picked, tearing them and their lives apart. Then they found, guess what, Trumps base was growing ever bigger, and things were going good, and your 401K was doing great, and the Democrat’s / Socialists knew they could never ever beat Trump in a fair election, so with that said, first they had to get a partner, enter China. Now China has this virus that should do the trick. It will pretty much stop the US and the world in it’s tracks, and kill most economies, and millions of people, but who cares, collateral damage, or the means justifies the means, or the world population needs thinning. They did not care, they had to stop Trump. So it sure did stop this country in it’s tracks, and the damage, both economic and human, can be counted in dollars and in human lives, but may never truly known. Well guess what Trump still had a large support of his base, and people were feeling good about his chance of getting in for another 4 years. So to prevent this from happening the election was, as they used to say, rigged and Joe Biden won. I know you are saying hey, I know all of this, so why rehash this. My question is, what would the last four years have looked like if the Republican party has been behind Trump. Would this crap have happened, or at least to the extent that it did? And now, you have Mitch McConnel really throwing Trump under the bus. The Republican party has sold out the American’s who called themselves Republicans. They have lost their values, and what the Republican Party has stood for. There is, with the exception of a very few, that are gutless, no character, no honor. They sell themselves out along with us. I have heard it said, Trump is destroying the Republican Party, I disagree, the ‘Leaders’ inside the Republican Party are doing that.

The question now will be, will the Republican Party survive, I hope so, or have they disenfranchised people to the point of no support, I guess only time will tell. As a side note, First WE the American Nation, need term limits, and second we need to kick just about everyone there to the curb, and start over, just my thought.

Subject Many and Varied – Biden

Just listening to what he has stated, or implied, he is really going to change things, and not for the good. Going back to open boarders, which is nothing more than getting people to rely on the government, and of course vote for them. Joining the Paris Accord again, and of course kiss and makeup with China, just to name a few.

Tomorrow should be real interesting, and I really hope that it does go smooth, nothing stupid happens. But to all we will need to watch and be very vigilant over the next weeks, months, and years.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Thursday 12/17/2020

Subject Many and Varied:

Well I am back posting my thoughts. Once again for those of you who follow this small blog, and am going to try and post at least once a week. So to start off this week;

Well I guess the election is final. Looks like we will have a new president, now we just have to wait and see who that will be. I know, Biden is President elect, however I still in my heart of hearts, believe it will be Harris as President, and who knows who the VP will be.

I know for a fact that after Time made Biden and Harris person of the year, that set the tone for how the mainstream media will treat this administration. To me that was a slap in the face for all of the front line workers who have dealt with COVID from the start and have given up so much in too many ways to count. The mainstream media is treating Biden and Harris as King and Queen, and they can do no wrong, for that fact no one associated with them can do any wrong, Hunter is a great example.

I have seen a lot of examples first hand of total fraud happen, however this election, and everything associated with it has taken fraud, cheating, lying, and total criminal acts to a new level. At this point I find it hard for the American people to place their trust in any type of election. We can only hope and pray, that down the road, all of this will be brought to light, and new policies will be put in place to prevent this from ever happening.

As a side thought, I wonder what would happen if Trump were to run again in 2024, and win, if the Democrats / Socialists will claim foul, the elections was rigged. Of course we all know the answer to that, it will be Russia’s fault.

I see that Omar is saying her dad died of COVID, and it is Trump’s fault. Lori Lightfoot in Chicago says the violence that has rocked her city is Trump’s fault. Cuomo say all of his states problems are trump’s fault. My question is, when Trump is gone, who will be the next whipping boy they will use for THEIR lack of leadership.

Well the next few days should prove to be interesting. We will see what develops.

Stay Tuned.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.


Subject Many and Varied – Presidential Election.

Well election day has come and gone. Now depending which side of the isle you are on, it is over, or it is not. I am not going to debate if this election was rigged. I am not going to talk about the proven dead people that voted. Nor am I going to talk about polling places being closed to the RNC observers, some actually told to get off the property. Nor am I going to talk about ALLLLL of the mail in ballots that were forged, fraud, or made up.

What I am going to talk about is the process of finding out who really won, so it can be certified by Dec. 14th.

The process of reviewing each states ballots should be embraced, better yet demanded by BOTH parties. This protects the election process now and for the future elections. If it is proven beyond a doubt that Biden has won, then so be it, he is our President. As well the same goes for Trump, if it is proven he won, then so be it he is our President. Now I know, that if that were to happen, the leftist democrats / socialists would go off the rails. The would be large scale riots, the main stream media, wouldn’t know what to do first on reporting, other than the election was ‘stolen’.

I mean this all candor aside, we as a Nation and Democracy must protect this right FOR BOTH PARTIES, as this is what makes a democracy. Joe Biden should be along side President Trump in wanting these counts, to protect our democracy. We will see how this plays out.

Subject Many and Varied – Locks Downs

I know that COVID is spiking, and this is a terrible illness, in fact my grandson has / had it. I also am a firm believer in the wearing of masks, and washing the hands, and social distance. However I am scared that some of these wacco governors are going to use this to fit their needs. I really thought that Pritzker would close Illinois down today, especially as our counts are going nuts right now, but he didn’t. I think I know why, if he closes it down, no non essential travel, then he won’t be able to go to Florida for Thanksgiving.

Believe me, this thanksgiving will be different for us. My daughters will not be here, both are nurses. My nieces and nephews, they to will not be here. Everyone is doing their own Thanksgiving, in their own house this year. Maybe this won’t be a bad thing, as we all, in my family, have a lot to be thankful for, and we are blessed, that yes we have had COVID in our family, we have not lost someone to COVID. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost someone, or are praying for someone going through it now. I am thankful for all I have been blessed with.

I would like to thank those new reader of my blog, I am blessed to have them.

Tomorrow, the local scene in Peoria.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.


Subject Many and Varied:

Well I have been watching the campaign speeches this morning, and I have to restate what I did in the last post. Biden is doom and gloom, and Trump is light and hope.

Biden said this morning that he is not going to shut down the country, or the economy, but he will shut down COVID. He will mandate masks, reopen the COVID department, and listen to the experts as to what we should do to slow this. OK, so that said, he will shut down, restaurants, no inside dining, no inside worship, and no gathering larger than 10 people, and don’t go out unless you need to. Well that should pretty much do the country and economy down to the point it won’t recover without massive help from the government, which gee is what he wants, control.

He just said that Trump got handed a great economy, that he and Obama had built. And now Trump has destroyed it. Really, well tell me then, why has the market been the best it ever has been? Why, prior to COVID, was unemployment been the lowest in decades? Why have 401K’s been through the roof? And tell me Joe, why even with the COVID, our GDP was 33 percent, a record? You didn’t do any of that at all, nothing ZIP.

Also, I truly feel that those who vote for Biden, don’t really realize they are voting for Harris, and Pelosi. If Biden wins, he will be installed, and then my guess is, with 120 days, Pelosi will invoke the 25th amendment and remove him, due to mental issues, and Harris WILL be President, Pelosi will be VP, and at that point, we will be in deep trouble.

One other comment on this election, I see there are several cites that business owners are boarding up to protect them from violent demonstrations, expected after the election. My question is, is this if Trump wins, or if Biden wins? I am thinking it in case Trump wins, and the violent socialists have a hissy fit and go off the rails. I can’t believe that the Trump supporters will, but heck, maybe they should, and then see how the main stream media reports it, and how the local Democratic governments handle it. You can bet, they won’t say that it is OK and this is just a demonstration, like they have when the socialists did that crap.

Now on to a different subject, Pritzker, and Illinois. Well he is trying to shut Illinois down again, a little at a time. From restaurants, bars, school sports, and even churches. But not is going well for him. The IHSA basically told him to go fly a kite, we are doing sports. I really did think they had the balls / leadership to do that one. Many restaurants are doing the same and keeping inside dining, even with the visits from Pritzker’s troops to try and get them to shut down. Once again he has demonstrated NO leadership, and that he really does not care about the economic condition of the state.

The next few days are going to be a real ride, and really go down in history. I am hoping that it will go dow in history as a good event, but I am scared, only time will tell.

Today was a blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.

October 27, 2020

Subject Many and Varied:

Well as the election draws closer, things are really going off the rails, especially with the Dems.

You know in listening to the debate last week, I was listening more to the words and how they used them, not to what they were trying to preach. I mean we really know what each candidate stands for, and what they believe and what they will do for the country. So I wanted to hear how they said this. I have to admit, Joe Biden, with the choice of his words, and how spoke them, just put me in a doom and gloom mood. Trump on the other hand was very upbeat, and you felt good in how he spoke, and in his choice of words, or at least I did.

In the debate, Joe said, it is going to ‘be a very dark winter’. With that statement alone, he sent chills down my spine, as he is already laying out what it is going to be like, under his administration no less. Nothing that comes out of his mouth, or Harris have any light, hope, or positivity whatsoever. Their rallies are sure small and the best they can get is horns honking, wow.

Trump’s on the other hand are like pep rallies. He is always upbeat, and providing light, hope and positivity. I do truly feel this man loves his country and does want to Make America Great, and Keep America Great.

My humble congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett. She is going to server this great country for the rest of her life. She will serve the country by following our Constitution to the letter. We are all in debt to all of the Justices on the Supreme Court.

In closing, I did listen to a portion of Chuck Schumer’s speech about ACB, and without a doubt, it was the most vile, and nasty speech I have ever heard. However it does follow their play book to the letter. They show us how scared they are, and how they see them loosing their power, and just can’t figure out why. They how so much better than we do, and they will show us.

Both parties are saying this is the important election, and they are right. A vote for Joe, is a vote for doom, gloom, and massive government control on EVERYTHING we do. A vote for Trump will give you hope, light, and positivity, and maybe just maybe a return to some kind to normal.

Thank you for hearing me out, and I hope to post more tomorrow.

We are Blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.