Many and Varied – 01/07/2022

Joe Biden’s speech was nothing more than a beat up on Trump speech.  And right on que CNN stepped right in and held Biden up as a hero, and such an important speech, just read the CNN article ‘The single most important — and powerful — line from Joe Biden’s 1/6 speech’.  And continue to watch and/or read anything from the mainstream media, and it is nothing more than a publicity job against Trump, and ANYONE who supported or stood up for him.  Currently the ‘Committee’ that is looking into the Jan 06,2021 event is wanting to get Sean Hannity’s texts, and anyone else, like Laura Ingraham, among others.  The Democrats and the far left liberal have now started their 2024 anti-Trump campaign.  This campaign will include ANYONE from the Republican Party that would throw their hat into the ring.  The mainstream media, which is actually the voice for the Leftist Democratic Party, and all of the Democratic and Socialists will make sure that tie that person to Trump, even if they have to make something up. The one thing I hope and pray is that Fox News does not get sucked up into the defending the Republican candidate, but instead focuses on the difference and how that person can Make America Great Again.  After all, all Joe and his party and all that power in Washington has done is, make fuel, food, and goods prices go up (inflation) to levels that have not been seen since Jimmy Carter Administration.  Oh yes who was it that took over after Carter, President Regan.

I will continue to point out those hypocrites, Socialists, Leftist-Democrats.  I will continue this for my five grandsons, and for all the kids that will be left with a country in a total mess.  Where accountability, hard work, honesty, and self-achievement will be gone.  Instead, total reliance of BIG government will take care of you from cradle to grave, and you will only get what you are given, nothing more.  And there will only be two classes of people.  Those who rely on the government, and those in government, and the later will have and do anything they wish, and those not in government will have what is given to them.

We shall see how this will all play out over the next 2 years.

We are Blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.   

Many and Varied 01/04/2022

Happy New Year to all for 2022.

Well we are into the new year, and I am sure everyone has made resolutions we are all going to keep. Yep that is our story, and we are sticking to it. All of that said, I did make some, and I am going to do my level best to follow through on them. So far so good, yes I know we are only 4 days into the New Year, but it is a start.

Good luck to all with your resolutions, be true to yourself, and make 2022 the best you can.

President Trump and 2022

I realize that it is only 2022, and the national election is in 2024. That said, you can already the Democrats, and the main stream media doing all they can to make sure the Trump is in the news, and how bad he is. It was his fault, according to the media, that the January 6th riot took place. Now I hear that they are even going to bring Sean Hannity in on it, as they want to see his text messages and to who he sent them while the riot was going on. Bottom line is the Democrats are so scared that Trump will begin his run for office soon, that they are going to have to paint him worse than the devil himself.

On the subject of the elections, I am hoping that it will be a Republican wave, and we regain control of the House, at least then maybe they can begin to put this Country back on a right track.

Over the next year, I am going to do all I can to post at least once a week. I will look forward to the feedback you offer.

Welcome 2022.

We are Blessed with Today, and Tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Varied 11-17-2021

Clown Show and Circus:

This would be the Biden Cabinet, or Clown Show. Over the next few postings I am going to be looking at the Biden Cabinet. Believe it or not, there is a method to my madness.

Kamala Harris – Vice President, Supposed to be in charge of what, oh yes the border issues

Antony Blinken – Secretary Of State, Not sure what he is doing, other than running around apologizing for whatever offends any other country, or what was done by the prior administration. The we are sorry tour.

Dr, Janet Yellen – Secretary of the Treasury, wow now this gal is a real fire ball, NOT. I saw her being interviewed the other evening on CNN, and she said that the problems today, inflation, and supply chain issues is caused 100% by the COVID pandemic. Of course she will say that, as they have to keep that out there for the control thing.

Lloyd Austin – Secretary of Defense, This guy scares me, as I don’t think he has a grip on his Joint Chiefs of the Military. He is just a political errand boy the the Biden White house.

VP Harris – wow she has made the position Vice President a laughing stock. She is supposed to be the ‘Border Czar’, to address the issues at our southern border. Well as we ALL know that is not happening, it is only getting worse. Then she goes overseas, and makes a fool out of herself and the US trying to pull off a really, really bad French accent. And then has the stupid laugh.

Blinken, what the heck is he doing? He should be meeting with the heads of state in other countries, instead Harris is doing it and then Kerry, OMG, there is really bad news. He will sell us out in a heart beat.

The whole premise of this administration is to fundamentally change the US or attempt to change us into a socialist country, totally dependent on the government for everything. They want to change your life style to be much lower, and get used to shortages, and higher prices for everything.

They are going to stuff electric vehicles down our throats, whether or not we want them.

The price of fuel is out of control, and Biden asked, or should I say begs OPEC to produce more and they told us what to do with it. This fuel prices you can place on one man and one man only President Joe Biden. He has and continues to shut down pipelines, and wants to do more, and now to ‘ help us’ he might dip into the national fuel reserves. This man is dangerous.

Coming up are the midterms, and the in 2024, the general election. I only hope e can last that long.

Next time, more of the cabinet members.

We are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many And Varied 10/31/20121

Happy Halloween. I think we are still allowed to say that. I know all of the kids are out going from door to door hoping to get all the candy they can. This is the time of year we also get marathons of the horror movies like Nightmare on Elm Street several different ones. As well as Halloween, all 10 or how ever many there are of it. Then there are the one-time horror shows like:

Joe Biden Travels the World: I am pretty sure this movie was supposed to be a serious one where he is supposed to be meeting with other heads of state, and then going to impress them with his knowledge and leadership. However it turns into a comedy when Biden appears to use prepared list of reporters after G20 summit in Rome: “‘I’m told we should start with AP”. I am pretty sure there are going to be several sequels to this one, as Biden’s handlers are going to keep trying.

Nancy Pelosi, The Press Conference: This movie starts off as Pelosi takes the podium and pulls her facemask off, and we all gasp at the horror and evil that comes out of her mouth as she explains how the socialists will have the votes to pass the $1.5 Trillion vote buying bill.

Supply Chains That Came Unbound: This ‘What If’ is really weird. What would happen if all the ships that bring all of our daily needs to us from China all of a sudden could not get unloaded, what would we do? I am not really sure why all of this would happen. I mean after all we have the biggest and most up to date ports in the world, that work 24/7/365. However, maybe if something like this were to ever happen, maybe we should think about bringing some of this manufacturing back to our shores. I am sure that people will be lined up at your local COSTCO, SAMS, and WALMART to see it.

Happy Halloween To All, and As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

September 19, 2021

Many and Varied – Back to Posting

It has been sometime since my last post, so with that said, I am going to do a better job of putting my thought out there. For those of you who have read and followed me, I do apologize for the length of time, so here we go.

Many and Varied – Peoria Public School Football Mess

As most may know there was an event at Peoria High School, (Central) on Friday the 17th, in which there was a large fight. This started with fire alarms being pulled, and when they came out the were met by others wanting to fight. If you want the details, you can find them in the PJStarand other local news outlets. Bottom line, the school district cancelled the Friday night football game, and rescheduled them for Saturday and Sunday, with NO fans allowed. Then to top it off Manual High school forfeited there game with Central. I think Central should have been forced to forfeit the game as their school is where the issue started, and the reason everything was changed. However I think they got special treatment on this one, just me.

Many and Varied – General Milley

All I can say about this man is, if all of the allegations are correct, he needs to be tried for Treason at the highest level, no questions asked.

Many and Varied – Biden and a bad week

On this subject I don’t even know where to begin as he has had one mess up / gaff after another, and on this I will cover in more detail on my next post.

I look forward to writing very soon thank you all for reading.

We are Blessed with Today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Tuesday 3/16/2021

Well for some reason I have thought today was Wednesday all day, wow a day ahead, anyway, now move on Mark.

Many and Varied – Biden’s Taxing

Biden has purposed a tax increase to 5 areas;

  • Raising the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%
  • Paring back tax preferences for so-called pass-through businesses, such as limited-liability companies or partnerships
  • Raising the income tax rate on individuals earning more than $400,000
  • Expanding the estate tax’s reach
  • A higher capital-gains tax rate for individuals earning at least $1 million annually. (Biden on the campaign trail proposed applying income-tax rates, which would be higher)

Now one of his justifications for this, believe it or not, these taxes have not been raised since 1993, like OK, what is wrong with that. Wow that type of thinking just blows me away. That being said, I believe in my heard that the Democrat /Socialist people just can’t stand to see the country running, and NOT depending on them for everything. Oh I guess that is called power. Biden is going to reverse a major portion of the tax reductions that Trump put in place. I believe they do not care what the effect of doing this tax increase will do to the economy. Right now the market is at it’s highest ever, and that is NOTHING that the current administration can take credit for, even though they do. The amount of money that these tax increases would take out of the economy and place under government control will be staggering, and we know how well the government does with money, unreal. But back to what I said earlier, I believe this is a move to create a nation that depends on the government for it’s daily needs. They don’t want this country functioning on it’s own, developing new businesses, creating wealth, spending money on everything from homes, cars, vacations. A country where the people can take care of themselves, with no need for the government to be in control of everything. I think this concept is liberty. I believe that the government at a national level should provide defense, infrastructure, and enforcement of the law according to the Constitution at a National level. However, they are involved with many portions of our daily lives, that NO government should be in.

So what is next? I hope and pray that the Republican Party can grow some balls, and fight this move tooth and nail. I hope the Republican Party can begin to take some seats back in the house. I hope the Republican Party can come together as a body and fight this Socialist machine, I hope, I hope, I hope. However for the most part, they were of NO support to Trump, even Trump being a Republican, i.e., their President, most had no balls, and they could not work as a team to support him, to fracking scared of their jobs, or what people might think.

Well we shall see what Biden’s next move is. I hear that he might be doing a press conference. I wonder if this is Part 1, i.e. Biden mumbles and fumbles a little bit, and it will get blown off. But it does lay the base for him to be removed and then we will be in deep trouble as a nation.

More to follow.

Today is a Blessing, and tomorrow is a new day. In Him We Live.

Friday 2/12/2021

Biden’s First 100 Days in Office.

Well is ir just me, or has the president been missing from center stage, for the most part anyway. I mean, it is Pelosi, and Schumer that are doing all the press crap, and making all of the decisions, and running the country. Oh wait, that was what was supposed to happen. I mean Biden has not had a press conference, or even addressed the nation until last night, and it was very, very, well choreographed. It was almost like he was a robot no real feeling or inflection in his tone. Then just urn and walk away, like a old tired robot.

Also there has NOT been a one on one with Biden and the press, gee there is a shock. Even the VP, who has had a one on one with the press, totally turned around and walked away from the Q&A when she was being asked questions about the President.

Now even the foreign press is starting to pick up on this, and question if he is really fit for the job, however they are giving it a bit of a pass, for the time being anyway.

I still feel that the end game of the Democratic party is for Harris to be president, and Pelosi will be the VP, then the Liberal, Socialists, Democratic Party will take Socialists wishes to a whole new level, and this truly scares me.

The plan from the beginning, was to put Biden in office at any cost, steal the election, cheat, lie and yes even kill to make sure that happened. You ask why Biden, and not one of the many prospective Democratic contestants. None of the other candidates could actually guarantee the Democratic Party the White House. Most were way out there on the far, far left, Sanders, Warren. The other just could not motivate the voters, and were to wishy washy. So to defeat Trump they had to come up with someone that could “look good”, to us older voters, and not piss off the conservative side of the country too bad, so Joe was tapped for the job. Really don’t you think if he REALLY had wanted the job, he would had been it from the get go?

So now back to what I said prior to the election, Joe will NOT complete his term, and the socialist side of the Democratic party will be running the country, and that does worry me, not for me, but for my grandsons.

Only time will tell if I am right, or full of hot air.

Once again I will be trying to post more, and most of all let me know what you think.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many and Varied 2/16/2021

Immigration Over Haul:

Well President Biden is backing citizenship for 11 MILLION illegal immigrants. Gee go figure that. First that will be a guaranteed 11 million DEMONCRATIC votes, and a great excuse to expand social giveaway programs. Most importantly to me is the slap in the face it is to ALL of the citizens of this country, and especially those immigrants who came to this country, entered legally, made a life for themselves, WITHOUT government assistance.

Keystone Pipeline Shut Down:

During Biden’s campaign, he said he was going to create 200,000 $50.00 per hour jobs in the green energy fields. First we all know that was a lie, it would take a decade to do that if even then, but that said, the first thing he does is kill the Keystone pipeline. Not only did it put 10,00 to 15,000 pipeline workings and there families on the street, but untold numbers of support jobs from equipment supplier to grocery stores to restaurants, to motels and countless others. Now last week, the new White House press spokesperson was ask where all of these green energy jobs are and, first if looks could kill, that reporter was dead, and second she said, they are coming, that is White House for giving you the middle finger, which as a side note, she seems very good at doing, when asked something she does not like. Oh but wait, they can get government help, maybe, however I am sure they will not qualify, and beside the 11 million in front of them already taken all of the benefits.

Make America Great Again and America First:

The first month of the Biden Administration, has been nothing but undoing, erasing, or reversing what the Trump Administration had done, and more over, wanting to take everyone, especially, Donald Trump to task over it. This is NOT setting unity to the country, especially for the 70+ million voters who voted for Trump, they are only driving a bigger wedge in. But maybe that is what they want, I don’t know. More on this later.

We are going to have to watch very closely what this administration does, as I don’t think, they really have the countries interest at heart.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday 1/24/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Cancel Culture

Well President Biden and the extreme left are doing everything they can to cancel the last 4 years of Tramp’s administration. Biden is using executive orders to kill the Keystone Pipeline, the boarder wall, Paris Climate Accord. This Administration is going to make sure, to them, the last four years never happened, and the mainstream media, will be right there to help them. Turst me, they will paint Biden as the most important person in the world, and will NEVER do anything questionable or wrong. For that matter, anyone around him will be treated the same way, i.e. Hunter has it made now, he can go back to his normal life, and the media will protect him. And then you have ANIFA – a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology, this is according to Webster’s. Well hell they don’t even know that. They are protesting Biden. And Seattle and Portland are paying the price. Of course the mayors of both those cities have no backbone to do what is needed to shut it down, so now they will ask the Federal Government to help them get out of the mess. So fracking sad that this is the leadership we have.

Subject Many and Varied – Trump Impeachment

I believe the move to impeach Trump will continue and move forward. First they, the Left Socialists Democrats need to make sure that Trump can never run for so much as a dog catcher ever again. And as I have stated, Most of the so called Republicans don’t have the balls to stand up against it, Mitt Romney, who has been a democrat for a long time but won’t admit it, is a fine example of this. You know Biden and his bunch are preaching unity and move forward, yet trying to impeach a former President, does not quite match what they are saying.

Moving forward with my posts, I am going to try a different format, and maybe cover just one topic in depth. Let me know what you think.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Friday 1/22/2021

Subject Many and Varied – Biden the pipeline and the wall and others

On January 20 Biden signed and executive order that halts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it. Biden also cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and directs agencies to review and reverse more than 100 Trump actions on the environment. These actions were to appease the left, I should say the far left. Now the mainstream media is praising his actions. As I have said prior to this, the media just swoons over him, and he will never do any wrong. However, the amount of financial damage that he has done with this move is unreal. The amount of jobs that will be lost on the pipeline and the wall. Just people physically working on it, but the suppliers, and the local economies lost. Oh wait, he does not care, because he also signed an order to up the minimum wage to $15.00, so all of these people can go to McDonalds to get a job. This only the beginning, I feel he and his administration, and the left / socialists are going to damage this economy and country to a point that we could find it very hard to recover from. I only pray that I am wrong, and only time will tell.

As always we are blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.