Just one subject today, the SOTU address delivered last night. While listening I decided to take notes, yes I know I need to get a life, with that said, I found I could not write fast enough.
Biden’s claims were so self-serving, it was nothing more than a campaign speech.
The only two parts that were true and on the mark, support for Ukraine, and support of the police, everything else was a joke.
If you listen to him, HE defeated COVID, by providing vaccines, and lifting the mask mandate. HE is going to make sure that prevented medicine for COVID will be available, soon, which was always there, but HE didn’t use them.
HE feels our pain with inflation. The heck HE does, HE does not open his wallet at the pump or in the store, hell I bet they don’t even let him drive anymore. He is going to combat inflation by forcing price reductions, and of course he targeted drug companies. Now I will agree, prices for life sustaining drugs, like insulin, are stupid high, which they should not be, especially when the government is giving away free needles and drug to addicts, and nothing for the people who need life sustaining medication. What HE should have said was I am going to start the Keystone pipeline and Dakota pipelines again so the WE do not have to rely on oil from other countries, but HE did. HE just said HE wants to reduce the cost of electrical vehicles, and put major infrastructure in place for that. Once again something that is years in the making, but nothing to help us now, and besides, the Democratic / Socialists DO NOT want us driving non electric vehicles, reduce our carbon foot print, so this is their way of forcing us to do that, THEY want fuel for both our cars and homes sky high, to force us to change, they DO NOT want us to have low fuel costs.
HE has created more jobs than any President ever. Well people he can’t create jobs, the private sector does that, the economy does that. The only jobs HE can create is when HE increases government, that is it.
HE said that Intel is going to build a huge factory to produce chips so that we won’t have to rely on outside countries for that. Great idea, however, they have not turned on shovel of dirt to begin this wonderful plant, so my guess is at least 3 to 5 years BEFORE the impact of this development will impact the shortage. And for those jobs he said it will bring, and $130,000 per year, well if those thousands of jobs are at $130,000 per year are true, which we know it is not, then the companies that need those chips, could never afford them.
I could go on and on about last night, how Pelosi and Schumer looked like they were on springs bouncing up and down, in fact Chuch jumped up at the wrong time, everyone else was still seated. Harris looked liked she was trying not to do her famous hyena laugh, or sitting there with a grimness on her face like she had a bad case on hemorrhoids.
Bottom line is, to me HE show cased his administrations failures, at every turn. From the economy, to inflation, to COVID.
This administration does NOT want people in this country who can think for themselves, make their own destiny, and take accountability for their life. As it was stated once, by Hillary, we are a bunch of deplorable people, THAT is what this administration thinks of us.
We will how all of his speech plays out over the next few weeks.
Today is a Blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.