Subject Many and Varied 5/1/2024

Happy May Day to all. May Day is a European festival of ancient origins marking the beginning of summer, usually celebrated on 1 May, around halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. So with that said, I am saying MAYDAY, MAYDAY. This MAYDAY is not to mark the beginning of summer but a call for help.

This week Nancy Pelosi gave her weekly speech and stated that the inflation and the raising prices for everything is being misperceived by the public. In fact she has a lot of data and statistics that really the economy is really doing good, and people just don’t understand how things work. First I would like to ask what universe is she living in, and second do you get the tone of her, i.e., you normal people are just to stupid to understand things, so I have to tell you that it is really good and you just don’t understand that. And the universe she lives in is Washington DC where people like her have no idea what it cost to go from one day to the next. Now I see her and Adam Shifty Siff went to the Ukraine. I just wonder if she told them that they are misperceiving the war, and really things are going just swell for them and it is all ok.

Then we have DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, this goof ball should give you a ton of confidence in the boarders be controlled. This man is so far out of his league it is beyond words, he has no clue of what is going on, none.

I suppose you might be saying, OK your point? My point is how important these mid term elections are. If the Republicans can take control then hopefully at least one of these people can fade into the sunset, and she can stay at home and bug the crap out of her husband.

As these elections get closer, you can bet that the gloves will come off, and the democratic / socialists will do all they can to demonize ALL republicans and they will lie out there teeth and create false stories about them, gee that has never been done before.

Please all go and support your candidate, vote local, state, and national.

Next post we will talk about good old Hunter and his dad.

Today was a Blessing and tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Varied 4/13/2022

Well once again the week has provided a lot of interesting news and thoughts.

BLM Mansion – Well the BLM co-founder is slamming the slamming charity transparency, well hell I wonder why. I mean after all don’t you think that you should be able to take donated money and government money given to the non profit you co-founded should be used for a $6 MILLION dollar mansion. I am sure she will justify this in some BS speech or comment. That said once again it is an example of we can do anything we want and the rest of you can kiss our ass. RULES do NOT apply to us, only you, just ask us. The really sad part is it gives the BLM movement a really bad name, and puts their creditability in real question.

Inflation and Joe Biden – Well as no surprise to any of us who live in the real world, that inflation has hit a 40 year high. What is such a joke, is Biden is still trying to hang all of his failures with the economy, and energy on Putin and his war. And the sick part about it is the mainstream press just helps with his story. Oh but a side note, only 33% approve of his job, the lowest since he took office, should tell you something.

I know this sounds like I am just reposting what I had written before, however this is new daily news. So, what does this tell you? To me it tells me that the man in the White House is incapable of thinking on his own, and flat ass can’t do his job. But that is the way the Democrats / Socialists want it. Behind closed doors, they are the ones making policy, and then they wite it on clue cards and give them to Biden, and he gets in front of the camera and reads them, then walks off to take another nap. The Democrats / Socialists / Progressives are doing everything they can to reshape our society and country into their vision. They want to change how children are taught / educated, actually they are doing that now. How society should think about sex, equality, and the big one, class division, as they put it. You should not be rewarded to achievement, but everyone should be the same, except those in power.

I am hoping that the Mid-Terms will be the beginning of the path to change, and that 2024, will continue at the highest level.

Toady was a Blessing and Tomorrow is a New Day

Subject Many and Varied 04/03/2022

April Fools:

Wow what a week a truly good jokes, I mean after all it is April Fools and time for pranks.

Prank 1: Biden Administration touting the jobs report, as if it was all his doing, OMG, OMG, HE added 430,00 jobs, how in the hell can HE add jobs, unless you count the government jobs he created.

Prank 2: Biden Administration saying that jobs are paying more than they were before he took off, HOWEVER, this might be true in some cases, BUT AS ALWAYS, he forgets inflation and IF you happen to be getting more in your paycheck, it is eaten up at the store or gas station.

Prank 3: Biden blaming Putin for the high gas prices, cause he invaded Ukraine. once again, HE FORGETS that he killed our energy police and plans on his first day in office. I admit that was over a year ago, and he can’t seen to remember shit for more than 30 seconds so, I guess he forgot. Oh wait, he is catering to the Socialists Green Energy side of his White House / Administration.

Prank 4: Biden’s Hunter mess. Of course you remember that ALLLLLL of the mainstream media said there was nothing to it, i.e., ‘nothing to see here’, and this is ALLLLL Trumps fault, just trying to seal the election. Well heck, look at it now, even the mainstream media are starting to ‘acknowledge’ that there is something to it.

Prank 5: Biden stating in his little speech, that “we”, you know you and me the American public, will be fine, and he has our back. What he has is a knife in our back, and a crooked smile on his face. He is telling us we are so stupid, and we can’t see his Administration is the most crooked in History, and is getting worse.

Prank 6: Biden talking about the protection of Transgender, and it being OK to have people, OTHER THAN THE PARENTS talk about sex and what you feel and if you are a boy or a girl, to 5 year olds. This is just so far off base and so wrong in so many ways, I can’t even begin to describe it. Other than this is an attempt by the far left to take control of how are children are educated out of the hands of the parents, and in the hands of the Socialists.

Reality Check 1: The House and Senate need to be taken back so that there is a chance things can be changed / corrected / resolved before it is too late. I believe this Mid-Term will be the most important election in modern times. PLEAES, PLEASE get out and vote. PLEASE PLEASE stay informed, listen to what is being said, and look at your own life and economic status, and ask yourself are you better off now, do you feel better about the government and the direction the country is going, than you did 2 years ago.

Well we will see what the second week in April brings, more pranks?

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a new day!

Subject Many and Varied 3/25/2022

My post today is just a bunch of thoughts and comments I have running through my getting old mind.

Supreme Court and Ketanji Brown Jackson:

Oh my goodness, what a show. Cory Booker was just fawning over her and was just way to sick. And the Dick Durbin putting on his little show of try to shut up Ted Cruz was just unreal. It could have not been a better show of how the liberal Democrats are so one sided and give Ketanji questions that amounted to what flavor of ice cream do you like, and of course they didn’t like it when people like Ted Cruz asked tough questions. Mind you that when President Trumps two nominees had anal inspections, and false stories released, and accused of everything under the sky, but that was ok. This my friends is the beginning of the liberals to pack the court to change the way of life in the US as we know it. The one thing that Ketanji said that was very disturbing to me was she thought the Constitution was supposed to be a ‘living document’. She thinks it should change as our society evolves. That statement couldn’t be further from the truth. She also believes that criminal sentences should also evolve as well, look at her record on sexual predators. I hope I am wrong on this, but don’t think so.

High Fuel Prices:

This one really gets me. the ONLY reason the fuel prices are as high as they are is BIDEN ADMINISTRATION polices, end of statement. Now I see Biden is trying to float the balloon that he is going to send checks to people who own cars, unknown amount, to help with the cost of fuel. OMG he does not get it at all, nor does he want to. This is the liberals plan, unfolding right before our eyes. EVERYTHING is being effected by the cost of fuel, but heck, maybe I will get a check to help with the cost of food, OMG I better shut up, that will be next.

Putin’s War:

Well it is not going as planned for him, and what is kinda neat is his OWN people don’t approve of it, we will have to see how this plays out. The people of Ukraine have more to them than what he thought. And at the risk of being demonized, which I am sure I will be, I am tired of hearing that the increase in fuel prices, for that matter everything, is due to the war in Ukraine, and we should be happy to pay that money, and NOT have to deal with what the Ukraine’s are. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying, my thoughts and prayers go out to them, but stop using this as the excuse, and ignoring the real reason, the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION.

Spirit of Peoria:

Last comment is on the loss of the Spirit of Peoria riverboat. I can agree with all that this is a shame that it is leaving. I am sure that with the COVID mess over the past two years, did not help the economic status of the boat at all. I am sure that the owner was tired of pouring money into it, and the prospect of getting it back was very sketchy at best. I am glad that the city voted NOT to purchase the boat, Peoria has no business in being in the boat business, and with the lack of ANYTHING at the river front anymore, other than a green space, it would have been a loosing undertaking.

Well we will see what next week brings.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day.

Subject Many and Varied – 03/13/2022

We feel your pain, is the message that the Administration is putting out about inflation and high fuel prices, ya right. On the Sunday morning talk show ‘This Week’ – Former Democrat senator from North Dakota, Heidi Heitkamp said that the American public just got USED to $2.00 a gallon fuel, and low inflation, it is not Joe Biden fault. OK well, I understand why she is FORMER, and she should be, and if you read between her lines, she is saying it is OUR fault that fuel is at record highs, and inflation off the charts, so stop complaining.

This attitude seems to be coming out of the Democrats / Socialists more and more. It is not OUR fault or the Administrations fault that this is happened, and remember Biden said, ‘We are going to be OK’, right there you should know we are not. I am having a hard time finding anyone out in Washington that you can believe, and is really for the American working man. You know I saw one on Facebook the other day, ‘Instead of Building Back America Better, How about you leave it the way you found it’, pretty good words, but pretty sure they won’t.

Another thought of the high fuel prices is the Biden is going to cater to the Left Green, and keep polices and actions in place that will keep fuel prices high in an attempt to force the public into buying electric vehicles. How I know you might think I am over the edge on conspiracy theories, but just about anything is possible with these people.

High fuel prices, a type of lock down or restriction to movement? Well with COVID pretty much out of the picture, at least that is what we are being told by this administration, then this might be a sideways attempt to control how we move about and what do or don’t do.

I know I must sound off the rails, and have read to many conspiracy theory stories, but I was just thinking, and the level of trust I have in the Administration, and in Washington for that matter can you you think that way.

Anyway, the weather was great today, and looking forward to the nicer weather.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a new day.

Subject: Many and Varied 03/09/2022

Joe Biden and the Biden Administration total screw ups:

I watched and listened to the news, yes both the mainstream and Fox, even NPR. I have listened to our local radio hosts early in the morning, and then in the afternoon, and I still am amazed at how one man, Joe Biden, and his clown show of an administration could screw the American public like he has, and then have the Gaul, in his SOTU speak to say, ‘We will be ok’.

The pain we Americans, who are not in politics, and live, ‘normal lives’, are feeling is real and the blame can only be placed squarely on Joe Biden and his administration, and the socialists Left that he caters to. From day one of his Presidency he done done everything he can to cater to the socialists, and tear down the American way of life.

Anyone that is associated with his administration, or anyone in government for that fact, that says we feel your pain, and we understand, is just so full OF BS, or worse so full of themselves to even be in the real world.

We all know that anyone in the administration, especially in the White House or on the Hill, does not live in our world. They do not go fill their gas tank. Nor do they go to the store and by food. Nor do they pay for their recreation, like we, so they have NO FRACKING IDEA, nor do they care either.

What really stuns me the most is, no matter whether it is Biden or Harris, or any of the administration speaking, Psaki, it nothing but words, and BS, and basically telling us we understand, but deal with it.

Biden and his clown show said, ‘All options are on the table’ to help relive fuel prices, and slow inflation. Then today via the White House mouth piece Psaki, ‘The White House said it has “no plans” to restart construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, despite saying that all options were on the table in addressing the record-high gas prices as Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, so I guess that means not all options are on the table, only those that serve the Democratic / Socialists agenda.

In Biden’s SOTU address, he said, ‘We will build back America Better’. What we should have said is “We Socialists are going to build a New America in our image’.

Biden, I believe will go down in history as a President that did more damage to this country and in some respects the world, than the past Presidents combined.

I would call your Senator or Congressman, but they are all in the same cesspool, BOTH, BOTH, sides of the isle, so I doubt you will get much response, just a WHOLE bunch of words that say nothing.

We shall see what happens this week.

Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a new day.

Subject : Many and Varied 03/02/2022

Just one subject today, the SOTU address delivered last night. While listening I decided to take notes, yes I know I need to get a life, with that said, I found I could not write fast enough.

Biden’s claims were so self-serving, it was nothing more than a campaign speech.

The only two parts that were true and on the mark, support for Ukraine, and support of the police, everything else was a joke.

If you listen to him, HE defeated COVID, by providing vaccines, and lifting the mask mandate. HE is going to make sure that prevented medicine for COVID will be available, soon, which was always there, but HE didn’t use them.

HE feels our pain with inflation. The heck HE does, HE does not open his wallet at the pump or in the store, hell I bet they don’t even let him drive anymore. He is going to combat inflation by forcing price reductions, and of course he targeted drug companies. Now I will agree, prices for life sustaining drugs, like insulin, are stupid high, which they should not be, especially when the government is giving away free needles and drug to addicts, and nothing for the people who need life sustaining medication. What HE should have said was I am going to start the Keystone pipeline and Dakota pipelines again so the WE do not have to rely on oil from other countries, but HE did. HE just said HE wants to reduce the cost of electrical vehicles, and put major infrastructure in place for that. Once again something that is years in the making, but nothing to help us now, and besides, the Democratic / Socialists DO NOT want us driving non electric vehicles, reduce our carbon foot print, so this is their way of forcing us to do that, THEY want fuel for both our cars and homes sky high, to force us to change, they DO NOT want us to have low fuel costs.

HE has created more jobs than any President ever. Well people he can’t create jobs, the private sector does that, the economy does that. The only jobs HE can create is when HE increases government, that is it.

HE said that Intel is going to build a huge factory to produce chips so that we won’t have to rely on outside countries for that. Great idea, however, they have not turned on shovel of dirt to begin this wonderful plant, so my guess is at least 3 to 5 years BEFORE the impact of this development will impact the shortage. And for those jobs he said it will bring, and $130,000 per year, well if those thousands of jobs are at $130,000 per year are true, which we know it is not, then the companies that need those chips, could never afford them.

I could go on and on about last night, how Pelosi and Schumer looked like they were on springs bouncing up and down, in fact Chuch jumped up at the wrong time, everyone else was still seated. Harris looked liked she was trying not to do her famous hyena laugh, or sitting there with a grimness on her face like she had a bad case on hemorrhoids.

Bottom line is, to me HE show cased his administrations failures, at every turn. From the economy, to inflation, to COVID.

This administration does NOT want people in this country who can think for themselves, make their own destiny, and take accountability for their life. As it was stated once, by Hillary, we are a bunch of deplorable people, THAT is what this administration thinks of us.

We will how all of his speech plays out over the next few weeks.

Today is a Blessing, and tomorrow is a new day.

Many And Varied – 02/27/2022

First I want ua all to say prayers for the people of Ukraine. Putin is doing all he can to try and restore Russia to the OLD USSR. Putin was in the KGB during that time, and as we know did not like it when the USSR fell, he lost his status and power. Now he has a bad case of little man syndrome, he is only 5’5”, and he knows we have a marshmallow for a President, so he figured now is the time.

I know you all have heard this all, and are seeing it on TV, so I am not telling you anything new. I guess maybe two things, one, the people of Ukraine are not a push over like he thought they might have been, but second, which I thought was pretty cool, is demonstrations in his own country, against what he is doing. Kinda neat, however those people I am sure will not be heard from again after they are arrested, but gee, inside his own country they don’t approve of this.

Biden and his continued, completely useless administration:

Biden has a plan to decrease our dependence on FORIEGN oil, more green / renewable energy. Are you kidding me, nope the first day he was in office he killed the Keystone pipeline, and shortly after that the Dakota pipeline, putting thousands out of work. I remember when he was on the campaign trail, he said HE will make hundreds of thousands $50.00 per hour green energy jobs for those people affected by the pipelines. Well we know that never happened, and fuel where I live is getting real close to $4.00 per gallon, and I know in places around the country it is much higher than that. But does Biden care, nope. Does anyone in the Administration care, nope. NO ONE in the Biden Administration care how the everyday person is impacted buy his lack of leadership, his appeasing of the far left, his cowardice in front of China, and Russia, it is unreal.

These midterm elections are going to be so important. HOPEFULLY, Republicans can gain seats and gain control of the House and Senate. At least then Republicans can try to keep in check this Administrations stupid, far left Socialists agenda. We ALL need to take heed, and VOTE. If your elected governmental official, at any level, City, State, or Federal, does not support what you believe and stand for, VOTE them out of office. Politicians at any level have forgotten WE the PEOPLE, voted you in office, and you work for US, not the other way around. We the people need to take back the government, which in turn will take back the country.

I believe that there is an under current of this happening now. I know you have a lot of people talking and saying this, now you are starting to see, for example, the Truckers Convoy heading for DC. We might see more of this type of happening, as our freedom and right to determine our own destiny is challenged or ‘locked down’.

Well now with this latest emergency, i.e., Ukraine, which is affecting prices everywhere for everything, according to the Dems / Socialists. Actually we all know it started it started the day Biden was sworn into office, but the Dems / Socialists will never let a good crisis to go waste, pretty much like they did with COVID. I am waiting with baited breath to see what they do / try to do that will impact our daily lives. Pretty soon everyone will have to ride ebikes or a horse to go anywhere, oh but wait, horses pass gas, which would impact the greenhouse effect and global warming, or it is cows, I can’t remember. But stay tuned, I am sure they will pull some kind of crap.

Once again pray for a support Ukraine.

We are blessed with today, and tomorrow is new day.

Many and Varied 02/13/2022

Well I guess mask mandates are beginning to be lifted around the country. Some states like Florida are lifting right now. Most all of the places I went into had masks optional, only Disney was requiring masks. The only reason I knew this, it was posted everywhere and on the local news. Inflation is out of control. You know I heard the White House say, wages are up 5%, which is the most in several years, which I agree with. Heck I got a 5% raise this year, which is the most I have gotten in several years. This would have been great, except inflation is running 7.25%, which, even with my math skills, means I am 1.25% in the fracking whole.

Of course I am not telling you anything, anyone out there knows they are going backwards, not gaining any ground, and all the Democrats do is give lips service to us. Heck you even have AOC telling us that Texas is going to go blue, and she will unionize the heck out of the state and it will be a blue blue state. At first I thought no way, you realize you are talking about Texas right?, the land of the good old boys and pickup trucks with guns in the back window. Then it hit me, first you have a ton of liberals moving for California to Texas, and then the amount of illegal people entering the state, that should they get voting rights, yes even though they are not citizens, as the Dems/ Socialists want, that sent a chill up my spine, DAMM it could happen. I was just in Florida, and it was pretty normal. People moving about, masks were optional, heck they even had their state fair in full swing, which as a side note, seemed weird to me, state fair in February, well then I was reminded that in the summer, when we have our fair, it would be too hot in Florida, could it happen there as well? I mean they have a lot of people moving there as well. I only hope that both Texas and Florida remain as they are, as it was a breath of fresh ass, no pun intended.

Well mid-terms are coming up soon, and I will make a prediction. COVID, will become less and les talked about, and all of those statistics that are being used now to support masks and lockdowns, will go away and a new set of numbers will be used to support the claims from the Democrats and the White House that COVID has been defeated and they did it, just as Joe said he would. Now you and I both know that is not the case, but the Dems know that if the country is still in any form of lock down or mask mandate or anything restrictive, their party / candidates stand a very, very slim chance of winning. That would also impact the 2024 White House run as well. Side note: I can’t believe Joe is saying he will run again, wow I don’t even have words for that.

More on this in the coming weeks.

Now back from a little break it is back to the normal routine of day to day.

We are Blessed with today, and tomorrow is a new day.

Subject Many and Vaaried 1/30/2022

Well here we are the first 30 days of the new year gone by. To be honest with you it seems like it has been a lot longer since the new year started. I guess that is because so much has gone on, and, on a national and political level, none of it good. this administration has messed up more in 1 year that it is actually historical. From foreign policy, or lack there of, to showing of just plain resolve on ANYTHING, this administration has let ALL Americans down.

Biden’s whole cabinet is a joke, Kamala Harris – VP, now there is a real prize, her best response to anything was just google it, really from a VP, hence why our boarders are such a mess, I just google didn’t have the right search. Maybe Alexa can help her, I know she does me, gives me the correct weather, and her tone is so nice, unlike Harris, who has the same personality as a hyena.

Antony Blinken – SOS. Ok I want to know where we found him, yes he has some time under Obama and Clinton administrations, in various State Department roles, but I don’t believe he has earned this new role.

I just wanted to set the stage with my opinion of the top 3 people in government. With what is going on over in Ukraine, and Taiwan, it shows the world that the US leadership is weak and indecisive. Biden can’t even get the word of the US policy on Russia and the Ukraine out of his mouth, and when he does, he throws Ukraine under the bus. The google (Harris) has to come along the next day and try to straighten things out. Then we have Blinken trying to sound tough and what the US response will be if Russia crosses the boarder into Ukraine, and he was a piece of milk toast, a real wimp.

You know that Putin and Xi are watching our response or lack there of. Especially Xi is sitting back, eat popcorn and watching what happens when Russia crosses the boarder, cause you know he ia waiting to pounce on Taiwan, cause just as Putin thinks the Ukraine is part of the USSR, Xi, thinks Taiwan is really China’s.

I am worried about the next few days, into weeks, and I only pray that nothing of an international crisis happens.

It is time to take back the House and Senate in 2022, and the White is 2024.

As always, today is a blessing and tomorrow is a new day.