Subject Many and Varied 03/05/2025 

President Trumps Address –   Well I am sure if you didn’t watch the address, you have at least heard about it.  I won’t go over all the good things that President Trump had to say, suffice to he hit the nail on the head.  I will admit, that I wish he would back off on the Greenland idea, I don’t think that is a good idea, and pretty sure, it won’t happen.  I do like the idea of taking back the Panama Canal back is what is needed so it does not fall under total control of China. 

I do love the way President Trump setup the Democratic gallery.  Telling everyone there, that no matter what he said, they will never clap or stand.  Man, was he ever right, and they played right into his hand, and even the late night talk show hosts noticed.  This is the party that says Trump is dividing the nation.  proved that they are the party that wants nothing to do with any type of hands across the isle.  The actions that that group showed, just how much they loath America and all that Trump and the voters who put him in office stand for.  This group has lost their control of the government and all of THEIR perks and piggy banks.  They and their fraudulent agencies and spending have been exposed. 

The democrats sat in the gallery with their little paddle signs or stupid saying on their backs.  And the one who got thrown out should be forced to resign.  Nancy was banging her dentures around so fast I am surprised they did not come flying out, and wow she looked horrible, guess the past few months have taken their toll on her. 

What is sad, is that Democratic galley is the face of the Democratic party.  This is what people see on TV.  This is the face that defines the party.  I know there are democrats out there that do not follow their party right now.  There are a lot of good people that have been in many case life long democrats that do not like what their party has become.  Will those democrats stand up to change their party, or will they just switch parties?  What will this change how the mid-terms play out, I guess we will see. 

We will see what this week brings.  

Support President Trump’s Administration for the Next 4 Years 

Keep Putting America First 

Subject Many and Varied 02/12/2025 

Democrat Heads On Fire and Blowing Up – Well I really thought that nothing would suprise me from legacy media and the ‘Party Leaders’, but wrong again.  As we see and hear, the talking point across all legacy media is ‘Constitutional Crisis’, and every time you see a democrat in front of a camera, those are the works coming out of their mouth.  I guess they must be back to the late night conference calls so that everyone says the same thing.  The one I could not believe making the most noise is that goof ball Maxine Waters.  She has a big loud mouth, OMG.  I saw her and her shouting and flapping her jaw, it was so ridiculous, it was funny.  However, it is not.  I looked big mouth Maxine up, check this out since she has been in office, beginning in 2011 to 2024 she was on Committee on Financial Services, and for the 2023 – 2024 was the ranking member.  In 2023, she voted against Denouncing the horrors of socialism, Denouncing the horrors of socialism.  So now it makes sense, she was getting her own personal ATM shutdown.  Not to mention, how unprofessional and ridiculous she looked.  I can’t believe that the voters of California keep her in office, wow, they are really blind. 

Now, how darn these democrats and legacy media get bent out of shape about DOGE ripping apart departments that had no accountability or oversight.  This is money, that we gave you through taxes, trusting it would be used wisely.  How stupid am I.  It is more important to make sure we have a transgender play in Columbia, instead of helping those in North Carolina.  To have transgender comic books in Venezuela, then to help those in California, or Florida.  I know  there will be those out there to say, hey that money was spent before the disasters in Florida, North Carlonia, and California, that is not the point.  That is money throw down a blackhole that who knows where it went, and who REALLY got the money.  I am pretty sure a large portion of this money came back to those in congress, or heads of these agencies.  Bottom line is, they abused the money and trust we placed in them to use this money.  More over, they tell us we have no business knowing how it is spent.  I want DOGE to rip the Washington machine apart.  Make it very, very public, then maybe, for example, those people who voted for big mouth Waters, will vote her out.  Those who voted for Dick Turban, will vote him out, or AOC, out. 

Keeping supporting President Trump and DOGE and his super geeks. 

Pray for their safety.    

We will see what this week brings.  

Support President Trump’s Administration for the Next 4 Years 

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 02/05/2025 

Trump’s Two Weeks In – At just a little over two weeks into his Presidency, Trumps has managed to just throw the Democratic/Leftist as well as a lot of countries into a true meltdown. 

Normally I would insert a link to an article that would help validate the point I am trying to make.  However, I know that most of you have seen Warren putting on her show after USAID had their plugged pulled, and a large bunch of federal workers got pink slips.  What you are seeing on CNN, and the reactions of Warren, Omar, Sanders, and Schumer, truly show what the Democratic party is today.  I would have thought, that after the election, the Democratic Party, and their propaganda machine, the legacy media, would have learned that the status quo, the way America was being run and treated, no longer is wanted.  Voters said, time for a change.  From the border to the economy, to the size of government, it all must change. 

Well in just a little over two weeks, the border is closed, crossing have dropped to almost historic levels.  The economy is doing a little better, but after all it takes some time to feel the effects of his polices. 

The shutting down of USAID, is just the first step, and wow, what vile use of the American tax payors dollars.  Total and complete waste, $2 million for Moroccan pottery class, $2 million for promoting tourism in Lithuania.  $2 million for sex changes in Guatemala,  and this sickening list goes on and on.  You listen to legacy media, that is NEVER mentioned, due to WOKE, but all they talk about is how poor kids are going to starve in some 4th world country as food shipments will be stopped.  This is not the case, but they will use it to demonize Trump. 

The mission of those radicals in the democratic party, along with the legacy media is to make sure that 24/7 anything that this administration does is demonized, screamed at, and lied about.  You can bet that the next employment figures will show an increase in unemployed due to a lot of government employees getting released.  All of this will be portrayed as Trump’s evil doing.   

I know that those who put Trump into office see through this, and to be honest, I hope they keep doing it.  This will show their true colors/agenda, and their contempt for the hard working, tax paying, religious, proud American’s.  This group feels we are uneducated, no class, and are so stupid we need to be told what to do and what to think by them, the elite. 

I only hope that Elon and Trump continue to rip WASTE out of this bloated government and keep very public all that is discovered.  I am sure it will make us all sick when they do, but that is ok. 

We will see what this week brings.  

Support President Trump’s Administration for the Next 4 Years 

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 01/23/2025 

President Trump – Well I haven’t posted, as I know most of you have been watching TV almost nonstop since Monday morning.  I didn’t feel that you needed me to recap or put my spin on anything that went on.  His speech was outstanding, and he had no problem telling it like it is, even if those responsible were sitting in the room.  And of course, watching the events after the speech, from signing the executive orders on stage, to the signing of the orders in the oval office, all the while talking with the press, on anything they want to ask.  I don’t have to tell you that never did or would happen like this in the former administration. 

Ok, Biden did a whole boat load of pardons, and some of those pardoned were real scum bags, and I am not talking about his family.  His family is way lower that scum bags, they are just plain crooks and slime.  He gave blanket pardons to Fauci, and Cheney, and the legacy media says little to nothing.  Let President Trump pardon the J-6 people, and OMG, OMG, they make it like the world is ending and these will go into hiding waiting for the command, from President Trumps to rise and takeover the government. 

So after watching the coverage of this, and then the coverage of Elon Musk having fun and throwing his arm in the, being taken as a Nazi salute.  Then you watch CNN, and yes I did for a bit, all they do is make sure to try and find whatever they can to try and make some connection between the Nazi, or Hitler, or far right extremists.  As I see it, this will be the game plan of the democrats, and the legacy media, and the far left.  Moving forward the plan will be to find anything bad about what this administration does.  Make it hit the front page of the newspaper.  Make it makes NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, so that they can deliver their spin, on whatever Trump did, while you eat dinner.  Their game plan is to Make America Hate Trump Again.  You watch it is going to get worse and worse and worse.  I am worried that the democrat power broker will bring in outside pressure, like what COVID during Trumps first term.  I still truly believe that COVID was turned loose on the world with the main target being the US, by China at the request of the democratic backroom power brokers. 

We will see what President Trump’s first week in office will be like, say prayers and watch.  You will see him tell it like it is, no caring who is offended.  The Age of Common Sense is back. 

Support President Trump for the Next 4 Years 

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 01/05/2025 

As we Begin 2025 – Wow are we off to a wild start for 2025.  We still have some in the legacy media, especially on CNN that still don’t understand what or how this could have happened with the election.  Then I saw a rant by Don Lemon, former CNN, now a nothing, well, let me just say every other word was the Fbomb and called everyone who voted for Trump stupid, and we have no idea what is good for us, we are uneducated, and need to be led and told what to do and when to do it.  That is just one example of how those in the Democratic media carry the message of those running the Democratic party.  I really believe that those that have run the Biden administration from behind closed doors, I.e., the Obama’s and the Clinton’s, or at least Hillary, truly believe the American public is just plain dirt dump, and will believe whatever they are told.  I mean, think about it, how many time did KJP get up in front of the reporters, during a briefing and just flat lie to them, or what they saw on camera, along with the rest of the world, really didn’t happen and we really didn’t see what we thought we did.  This administration was nothing but an administration of lies, gaslighting, and self-serving half-truths. 

Now we are coming to the end of a the most horrible Presidency in American history, and they, (The Administration), keep rolling out one jaw dropping event after another.  You have Biden giving pardons to unbelievable criminals, and I am sure the Biden is not done yet.  Let me make it clear, the ONLY pardon Joe Biden did, was his son, because he could focus long enough to do that one.  Now the other pardons that are coming out are coming from the Obama backroom, and Joe is just reading what he has been told to read, cause he will go back into his office, eat pudding and drool. 

Now the latest, The Presidential Medal Of Freedom presentation.  This is the nation’s highest honor a civilian can receive.  So, among the 17 that this administration gave out, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros received one.  This is the final way they can pat themselves on the back and reward each other for what they have done to this country.  But most important is the disrespect shown to those medal recipients that came before them.  George Soros and Hillary have done more damage to this country that we will know and should be fully investigated.  We know that won’t happen, and that is ok.  President Trump as a huge job to do and I don’t him or the Capital distracted from the job at hand, putting America first, and getting America back on track. 

I am willing to bet, that we will see more pardons that will shock us, and more medal presentations that will blow our mind before Jan 20th, so just be ready. 

Support President Trump for the Next 4 Years 

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 12/14/2024 

Drones Over The East Coast – Well here we go again.  Drones being flown over the east coast, and this administration has no fracking clue of what is going on.  Remember not too long ago we had a balloon floating over the US and they said they have no idea what it is but there is nothing to worry about.  It just kept going and going until someone grew some balls and shot it down, and low and behold, turned out to be a Chinese spy balloon, and that is just what was told to the public, heck we really have no idea what it really was.  Now we have what has been reported to be drones, large ones at that, flying over all kinds of places on the east coast, now even getting reports of the same activity over the west coast.  Once again, the White House tells us, they have no idea what these are, but there is no danger to the public.  OK, those two statements do not go together.  You have no idea what they are or what is going on.  Then you say there is no danger to the public.  It would be like me saying, here drink this, I have no idea what it is, but it won’t hurt you.  This administration really thinks the American public is stupid.  Either, 1) the government knows what is going on, and just does not want to say, or 2) they really don’t know what is happening, which is scary.  Then as more and more reports come out the government says it is just ‘normal manned flights with airplanes or helicopters.  And the people on the ground are saying no way.  Now the government is calling in the FBI and FAA to look into this,  wow is that sad or what.  You know bad in 1947 when the UFO went down, it was a weather balloon or swamp gas, but nothing to see there.  Maybe that is what they will try to sell us next. 

Now if it is true, and can be proved, I mean really proved, that there is a Iranian ship off the east coast that these are coming from, and it can be proved beyond dispute, then sink the damm ship.  I would consider this an act of war and would resolve it right now.  But then again this would require leadership from the administration, which for all intents and purpose has closed up shop and gone home to eat pudding and drool, or drink vodka until you pass out.  Right now this country is very vulnerable as ALL of the administration are total wimps and there is not one once of leadership among them.  The President, Vice-President, Secretary of Defense, Homeland Security, are all out to lunch.  Those countries like Iran know this and all of the bad actors that have come into this country because of the open border crap, scares me to death.  Right now, things are going pretty good, and looking good for the future with if needed President Trump, and thank goodness he is keeping his finger on the pulse of what is going on, even though he can’t do anything officially, he can at least work behind the scenes if needed. 

A Senator from eastern Tennesse was asked about this drone mystery and he said, ‘they didn’t have anything like this in his state, that is because everyone there has a gun and would have shot them down.  Well maybe they should send some of the boys from Tennesse up to New Jersey and I bet we would find out quick where those drones are from.  

For me January 20th cannot come soon enough.  We need the leadership and resolve that Trump brings to the White House, and maybe the most important, the safety he brings to this country.    

Trump For The Next 4 

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 12/01/2024 

Trump Keeps it Coming and the Dems/Libs/ Legacy Media Keeps Going Off The Rails  – Well the opening title is just about the same as last time.  I am truly amazed at how some of the left media and the left news outlets are still scratching their heads on what happened with the election.  I mean we have seen Brian Williams (formerly NBC/MSNBC), Steven Colbert, and even James Carville trying to tell the democrat leadership they underestimated the normal hard-working American.  They thought we all were so stupid we can’t think for ourselves or even come in out of the rain.  Then they had Obama go out and beat up on the young black men of this country because they are as stupid as the white Americans, they must be told who to vote for.   They were wrong and they can’t get it. 

I was watching CNN and MSNBC last night, and on CNN Jessica Dean was trying to interview some talking head about Trump’s pick to head the FBI, and she could hardly speak she was so depressed.  She looked like she hadn’t done her hair or makeup since that fateful night.  She was so worried that Trump is going to weaponize the FBI, and even the IRS to go after those who opposed him.  I thought, well you mean like what was done to him.  And, about the IRS, if they hired those 87,000 new agents, well I am betting there is a spike in unemployment claims after Trump takes office.  Have no fear people, the legacy media will make sure they give Trump the credit for that.  Then moving over to MSNBC, Ayman Mohyeldin was explaining that Canadas Justin Trudeau went to see Trump as a courstey and give him some lip service, but him and all the other world leaders were going to ‘work around Trump’ and do things as they have been doing them.  Well once again they might be in for a real surprise. 

We know one thing for sure, the next few weeks will be anal exams for anyone Trump names, and if they can’t find anything they will make it up.  Then Jan 20th, could get real interresting. 

Trump For The Next 4.  

Keep Putting America First 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 11/16/2024 

Trump Keeps it Coming and the Dems/Libs Keep Going Off The Rails  – President Elect Trump just keeps picking his people and the LSD’s just keep losing their minds.  And then you have the likes of JB Pritzker and Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson trying to still hold the LSD line and take the ‘I’ll show you’ attitude.  Brandon ripped to shreads by MAGA hat wearing black man before city council voted to NOT pass a tax.  Pritzker says he will not let them come to Illinois to deport people.  Actually, I wonder, if in his mind, he thinks he will have a shot in 2028? 

Then you have Wilet Nichols (D) from NC Talking about a shadow cabinet. Then comes Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla saying that Tulsi Gabbard is likely a Russian asset.  Well, Debbie, if I remember correctly lost all her creditability a couple years back when she was playing some kind of head of the DMC, heck I didn’t even know she was around anymore. 

This list of outright lies and slams against Trump and everything he does will just keep going and getting better.   

This is how the Democratic party and the LSD’s, with the help of the legacy media, plan to deal with Trump over the next couple of months until Jan 20th.  Anyone he taps for a position, or anything he does will be picked apart by the Democrats and media.  Then after Jan 20th, I believe it will get so much worse, so much worse. 

The Democratic party leaders, George Soros, Hollywood, and Leftwing groups just can’t understand how this could have happened, they are all so much smarter than us normal hard working garbage Americans. 

Well, it did, how about that.  The people have spoken, things were going in the wrong direction and we wanted changed.  We wanted to go back to common sense, hard work, respect, and putting American and its citizens first, taking care of us first. 

But I realize I am not telling you anything new or preaching to the choir.  But I believe that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg in the way the media and Democrats will lie, complain, accuse, and try to make Trumps entire administration look bad.  I think it will be horrible. 

Stay in support of this administration and hang on, I believe it will be a wild ride.  

Trump For The Next 4.  

Keep Putting America First  

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 11/10/2024 

Election Day Is Done Part 2 –  Even though Election Day is over the fallout is still coming in waves.  From Joe Scarborough does not know the real price of butter and being corrected by his co-host on the actual cost, on live TV.  To those who are looking for the closest cry room, or a room with coloring books and Legos to play with.  We have seen videos of some gal taking scissors to her hair and tell ALL women to stop having sex with their husbands or boyfriends.  To come over to her place and bake cookies and everything will be OK.  This manifesto keeps coming over and over.  The people who post this think that the WHITE suborn women can’t think for themselves and only voted how their husbands told them to vote, these women are too stupid to think for themselves.  The result of this election has got the LSD media, Hollywood and the Democratic party looking not for the reason they got hammered, but who to point the finger of fate at.  Now mind you, it must be someone, or group of people, because it can’t be the policies or solutions they have.  Oh wait, they never told us that did they. 

We can expect the media, Hollywood and every democratic propaganda avenue to be used to make sure that we are told how bad Trump and those who voted for him are.  We, the supporters of Trump will be demonized every way possible.  Right now they have ‘professionals’ saying that if you have family or friends that voted for or supported Trump, that you need to leave them, put distance between them and you.  

Now there are rumblings out there that Biden is being encouraged to step down and let Harris be the 47th President for the last 2 months.  Maybe this is a way of giving her a dog bone for being defeated.  What scares me, if that were to happen what kind of damage could she due to this country in 2 months, and I am sure she would try to leave her mark in history. 

I am hoping that with the ignoration, some of this crap will stop and we as a country will move forward.  I realize that the media will be looking for everything they can to criticize Trump and what he does.  I believe they will use the next four years to do that, so that the democrat candidate will solve all those issues. 

We will see what happens, but be ready for anything over the next two months.    

Trump IN 2024.  

Keep Putting America First    

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

We will see what this week brings. 

Subject Many and Varied 11/06/2024 

Election Day Is Done – As they say the vote is in and the people have spoken.  Donald Trump has won a second term in the White House.  It was not even close, right now Trump has 295 to Harris has 226.  Trump flipped states that were supposed to be in Harris’s back pocket.  And it looks like the Republicans might have a trifecta, White House, Senate, and maybe, just maybe the House as well.  People who said democracy was at stake, well actually, I believe democracy worked perfect, as it should.  Not to sound crass, but the garbage has spoken.  The message was very, very loud and clear that people wanted a positive change and tired of the left/socialist way. 

So now what.  President Trump said he will govern by ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’.  I hope so.  I hope he does close the border.  I hope he moves back to an energy policy that will make America energy independent.  With cheaper energy costs, inflation should start coming down.  I hope he keeps the tax cuts.  And I really hope he does put Musk in charge of cutting waste in government, and we know there is a ton.  With the possibility of having the House and the Senate, this could present a problem.  I would not want them to go to wild in changes, cause flip back at the mid-terms if they are not careful. 

Also, the Republican party leadership needs to step up this time and support Trump.  Mitch needs to either support the party to get out, I believe his time has come and gone, the party needs strong leadership and support for the President. 

One last thing, the Republican party needs to start right now grooming a successor for President Trump.  Someone who will keep the path set by Trump and keep the White House out of the Democrats hands. 

The voters, all voters, have spoken.  Donald J. Trump is the President Elect and now WE as a country will move forward, and yes those that voted for Harris will benefit from this, or at least their wallets will. 

Trump IN 2024.  

We will see what this week brings.    

Keep Putting America First    

Keep Making America Great Again    

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day    

Stay Vigil