Subject Many and Varied  9/22/2024 

Harris Campaign – Well normally while eating dinner I would watch New 25 at 500pm, then NBC nightly news after.  Well, this time I stopped eating, I know, hard to believe, and really listened to Lester Holt.  After watching, there is no real reason that Harris needs to go out and do campaigning for herself, the legacy media is doing it for her.  Then follow that up with that Oprah fake interview, with all of those tough questions, it was nothing more than a show to make Harris look good and seem like a normal person like the rest of us, and that she will take care of us as our President. 

Now the latest is trying to tie Trump to the Project 2025.  Of course, Trump has said that he is not tied to or aligned to Project 2025, it is just one more way they, the media and the democratic party can demonize Trump. 

It is bad when you can’t go out and state your plans for your country, or face questions, on the fly.  Harris cannot go off script, or go out without a wingman, without putting her handlers and supportive media on the defense.  Then actually thinking that getting star power involved will really influence anyone is sad.  I mean after all, the stars live a scripted life from the time they wake up, until they go to bed, and then some.  These people have no clue what real world is and could not survive in it. 

Now a scary endorsement, The National Treasury Employees Union, a union that represents various federal agents – including those of the Internal Revenue Service – put out a statement this week praising Harris for increasing the IRS’ budget and endorsing her for president.  This tells me that like the DOJ, if elected, she will have the IRS in her back pocket.  She has the FBI and DHS as well.  If you think that she won’t use those powers to change America to the socialist country that here and her string pullers want, think again. 

The new shape will be ANYONE can vote, does not matter if you are a citizen or not.  You will be taxed in ways we have not thought of yet, to pay for all the social programs Harris is going to have. 

These along with items they in institute will change the face of this country into something unheard of. 

Please stay strong, listen to what Harris says, or doesn’t say, and vote for Trump. 

Trump 2024.   

Thank you again.       

We will see what this week brings.     

Put America First     

Make America Great Again     

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day     

Stay Vigil 

Subject Many and Varied  9/11/2024 

Trump / Harris Debate –  Well the debate is over and I for one was very disappointed in how it went.  President Trump was on defense from the opening handshake.  Harris was very well prepared, and pretty much did what everyone was afraid she would, and that was get under his skin, and force him to go off message.   For me, I am not going to focus on really how bad David Muir and Linsey Davis did.  I mean they fact checked Trump, what 5 times, and none for Harris.  They never really posed hard follow questions to her, nor did they bring up her stance on items like ICE or fracking.  To me, this was to be expected, as they are just a arm of the democratic / socialists party.  All of that said, she did do a better job in presenting herself than Trump.  The high point for Trump I feel was his closing statement.  I am not sure if Trump just didn’t prepare well enough, or the people helping him to prepare were not in tune with what she was going to do, or if Trump was just Trump, and even though he prepared just did his Trump thing and tried to get in a dog fight with her, but it was too late. 

I really wish that he, Trump, would stop and realize that this is bigger than just him and his ego.  I do believe in my heart of hearts he truly loves this country and does not like the way it is going.  However, he needs to realize that he needs to show leadership, which last night he did not.  He needs to show those people who have not made up their minds that he can be Presidential, last night he did not. 

Now, you might be thinking I am not going to support Trump, well I am.  If Harris gets into office, she will flip again on all of those issues she has flipped on before, ICE, fracking, and the border.  She will fulfill her commitment to the progressives / socialists.  Heck ever Berney said she is saying what she as to to get elected, but her core values have not changed.  She is a dangerous woman with dangerous values.  This country will be destroyed from the inside with her leadership that we may really have to fight to keep from being taken over from an outside power. 

I hope you don’t think I have lost it and now a wack job, but it scares the heck out of me.  Not for me, hell I can adapt, and I have a RV and I can go off grid.  But what I am scared for are my grandkids and what a mess they would have to endure. 

Yes once again, President Trump has my vote, that will not change, I only hope that maybe there will be a second debate, I doubt it, as the Harris team does not want to take the chance of her messing it up. 

We must support Trumps agenda, and WE must stick to the topics. 

We will see what the rest of the week brings. 

Trump 2024.   

Thank you again.       

We will see what this week brings.     

Put America First     

Make America Great Again     

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day     

Stay Vigil 

Subject Many and Varied 9/8/2024 

Trump / Harris Debate – Well Tuesday is the debate.  I know that Harris is locked up prepping for how she is going to deal with Trump.  If I were to make a guess, she is going to do everything she can to get under his skin and cause him to go off the rails.  If that happens, you can bet that the legacy media will have a field day with that and make Trump out to be the worst person on the face of the earth.  This will be the only way that Harris can even begin to win this debate.  If Trump sticks to the issues, and hold the Biden / Harris administration accountable for the economy,  inflation, open border, and wars in two different areas around the world, and we could go on and on.  This debate will be the single most important turning point of this election.   

Trump 2024.  

Thank you again.      

We will see what this week brings.    

Put America First    

Make America Great Again    

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day    

Stay Vigil