Subject Many And Varied 8/25/2024 

DNC Coronation of Harris: Well, the DNC had their day or days in the sun and did all of the back slapping they could.  Of course, they had all kinds of important people speaking and warming up the crowd for 3 days in a row.  Then finally the queen of word salad came out to accept the party’s nomination for the Democratic party.  Of course legacy media was fawning all over this, and made sure she looked great, and with the help of the teleprompter really said the right thing, and got the crowd all worked up. 

Biden was the first to speak, and of course tout the accomplishments of his administration, and really how good things are and that he will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents in history.  Of course, even before he did this, the legacy media made sure they would try and write his legacy to the American public, via, one of the greatest gaslighting jobs ever. 

So here is my rub with all of this.  Up until 30 days ago, the slogan was ‘We are ridden with Biden’, now Biden is done.  Remember the Biden Administration was more than just Joe Biden, the next key player, and second in command was Harris.  With that said, everything that was wrong with the Biden Administration hangs around her neck as well.  Now I know there are a lot of people out there that are trying to say, that was not her job.  She had nothing to do with anything, really?  Hell, she couldn’t even do the one thing she was given to do, the border. So fast forward to Thursday night she started giving a list of everything she was going to do on day one.  Well, everything, like the cost of food and fuel that is putting such a burden on the middle class.  She is going to make the border MORE secure.  She is going to use price controls to keep prices of everything you need down.  And the list went on and on.  To me what she just did was admit that the past 3.5 years of the Biden/Harris administration was a total failure.  That everything they have been saying about everything really being OK was a big lie.  The legacy media made sure that they supported lie all along.  I don’t want to leave out the other members of this failed Administration that helped put this country in the place it is right now.  Yellen, couldn’t manage finances of a lemonade stand.  Mayorkas has ruined Homeland security to a level no one can understand.  Garland has, at the direction of the White House, used the DOJ as a weapon against Trump and anyone else that was getting in their way.  I could go on and on, but you all know what I am saying.   

So the democrats have someone that is going to fix everything that they broke or created.  If this is what you trust.  If you believe in everything they say, then you need to vote accordingly.  Me, I would not trust any of them or ANYTHING they say.  Their goal is to turn this country into a socialist / communist state, I truly believe that.  They believe that for the most part, the American public is just plain stupid and will believe what they are told.  And the legacy media keep pumping out the democratic clap, just like they are being told to. 

We will see what this week brings as Harris hit the campaign trail now. 

Trump 2024. 

Thank you again.     

We will see what this week brings.   

Put America First   

Make America Great Again   

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day   

Stay Vigil 

Subject Many and Varied 8/19/2024

Chicago And the DNC – Well this week will begin the coronation of Kalama Harris.  O you can expect all kinds of celebrities to be there and lavish praises all about her.  And of course you will have the Obamas and Clintons putting in their remarks as well.  Side note, they are the ones, along with Pelosi, that are really running the DNC right now.  Tonight Biden is going to speak, kinda weird, but ok, not sure why he is, but ok.  It would be funny if he torched the democratic party power brokers for pulling him out of the race, but I doubt he will.

I know you have all heard her talk about how on DAY 1 she is going to put price controls into place to help us poor people afford food and fuel.  And then she is going to raise the minimum wage so that people can live on it.  She is going to make the border even more secure than it already is.  And her brilliant ideas go on and on.

Bottom line is, that if she were to get into power, we will become a socialist /communist country in no time at all.  Their goal is to make everyone dependent on the government for everything, food, healthcare, and wages. If you can stomach it, listen to what is said in the speeches at the DNC.  You will hear a lot of ‘WE’ meaning the government will provide everything you need.  Also, listen to what they say about all the illegals, they want them to have a path to being a citizen.  This plan will be called something catchy, but bottom line it will be amnesty.  They will get drivers licenses, monthly money, and special treatment, oops sorry, they are already getting that, but now they will be able to vote.

And of course, all of this will cost the wonderful government big money, where will that come from?  We her plan is to tax all the big companies and big dollar people, and give it to the little people in the form of handouts.  That Robin Hood theory has never, never worked.  Her price control will do nothing but fuel inflation and put us on a downhill slide to a depression or worse.

Tonight, will be quite an event.  I truly hope that there is no violence during this, however it does not look good at all. I mean the protestors are already there to be pro Palestine.  Stores have been boarded up and people are out of there.  And of course, if there is violence, they will find a way to blame it on Trump.

Well will see what tonight brings.

Trump 2024.

Thank you again.    

We will see what this week brings.  

Put America First  

Make America Great Again  

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day  

Stay Vigil 

Subject Many and Varied 8/15/2024 

Kamala Harris Gaslighting Empty Suit – I have held off on posting anything about this until I gave it a little time to settle down, and see if the honeymoon with the press and public slows down.  It also gave us a chance to see what she will really be like.  Well, you can see that she is not going to speak to the press unscripted.  Ans when she does get in front of a crowd, she has a teleprompter, and it is very, very controlled.  And she has even been trying to use some of Trumps campaign talking points as hers, i.e. ‘No Taxes On Tips’. 

While writing this, I had the NBC evening news on, and the media and statistics are sure going in the Administrations / Harris favor.  Out of nowhere, the unemployment is down below 4% for the first time in many months.  Inflation is slowing and prices are beginning to drop.  Now we all know that these numbers are really made up.  They will be made to show what they need to support this Administration / Harris.  This will give her a real campaign speech that their polices are working and we will do more. 

I can also talk about some of the campaign speeches she has made statements like ‘On Day One I will address the border or the cost of medications, or how police need to be reformed’.  First of all, anytime she says ‘On Day One’, the first thing you should ask is, ‘Why haven’t you done anything for the past 3.5 years’. 

I am sure I am not telling you anything new, or what you haven’t already heard.  That said, we have to call out those who support Harris, and call out the lies and gaslighting.  There is going to be so much of all kinds of BS that comes out of Chicago next week, it will shock us.  The legacy media will be eating out of the DNC’s hand…and portraying her and her VP the savior of our country. 

Also, you can expect Obama, and Clintons to make a real pitch and tell the world how great Harris is.  Of course, you realize if Harris would win the election, it once again will be Obama running the country and it will take him no time at all to shape this country into a socialist / communist country. 

I want to thank you all reading my posts.  I am going to begin posting at least twice a week.  I value you all and your opinions, please feel free to comment. 

Thank you again.    

We will see what this week brings.  

Put America First  

Make America Great Again  

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day  

Stay Vigil