Subject Many and Varied 7/21/2024 

Biden Bids Us Farewell – Well I thought we might have a August surprise at the convention, and somehow someway Biden would be replaced.  I even figured that with his COVID they would say that it took a toll on him, and he is withdrawing.  I really didn’t think it would be done the way it was, just out of the blue, one minute ‘We are Riden With Biden’, the next gone. 

Ok, now it seems that Harris will be the lead on the ticket, and who knows for the VP.  Not all in the DNC seem to be in love with Harris, I mean after all, her approval ratings were lower than Biden’s.  And we all know when she talks, it is just word salad, and says nothing, I mean nothing at all, or then she laughs like a jackal at the wrong time. 

I have to admit, she would be the logical choice.  I know you are thinking I lost my mind, but I haven’t.  Harris is the VP, and to me that means, she could be President.  They say the VP is only one second away from being President.   So, with that said, did the DNC put her in that role because she was good and could be President, or was she just a tool to be used to appeal to a certain voter group and/or demographic. 

She is nothing more than eye candy, and to show this administration has a young vibrant person in it. 

Now, lets say, she stays the candidate for the President, and she has to campaign on HER record, because that is what the republicans will bring into question.  Her job as the border czar was a total sham and complete failure.  On the international stage she was a laughing jackal.  The only thing she has gotten any level of traction or support on is the abortion, she does have a little attention there. 

So what next.  If Harris is the selection, then it will come down to her VP pick.  That might be the August surprise.  I bet it will be someone young and appealing to some.  This person does not have to have a good track record, in fact, maybe even destroyed at state like California. 

At any level, the next few weeks will be really something to watch.  As a close friend said, we are watching history being made, it is unreal. 

Watch for all kinds of comments, and dirty tricks. 

We will see what this week brings. 

Put America First 

Make America Great Again 

Pray, as Today was a Blessing, and Tomorrow is a New Day 

Stay Vigil 

Thank you for your support. 

Subject Many and Varied 7-13-2024

Trump Rally Shooting – Well I am sure by now you know that there was an attempted assassnation  of President Trump.  First, I want to state that this type of action is not acceptable.  It does not matter what political party you align with, this is not the answer.  With that said, what next,  a very close friend of mine asked me who I thought ordered this hit.  That is a great question.  If you think that a hit would not be put out on a President, think again.  Two Kennedys say differently.  So we can sit and armchair this, as to who we think did this.  And I am thinking that those who know who actually put out the hit, they are long since dead, as the shooter is now.  And of course, any information on anyone one involved will be made up and totally fake, and made for public purpose.

I believe that this is only the beginning of things that are going to happen that we will find it hard to wrap our heads around.

Most Important, we need to pray for the families that have lost a loved one, and for those in the hospital in serious condition.