Subject Many and Varied 6/28/2024

Presidential Debate – Well the first and possibly the only Presidential debate is in the books.  Biden did not disappoint us on his performance.  From the opening and his first words, you knew he was not going to do good.  From his responses to the questions, to the look on his face when Trump was speaking, wow the lights were on and no one was home.  He had several stumbles, and speech you could not understand.  The way he held his hands, and his facial expressions told the whole story.  I think he was even trying to make sure his earpiece was still working as he kept playing with his one ear.  I felt that the moderators did a good job in asking very good questions, and treated each candidate about the same, maybe once or twice saving Biden from going deeper into a hole, but for the most part good.  I felt that Trump did an excellent job of stressing the border, inflation, and the status of the US on the world stage.  I did agree with Trump when he said the other world leaders, especially after Biden performance last night, know we have very weak leadership.  After the debate was over, Jill was out on stage helping Joe off the stage as he was dazed and confused to say the least.  Biden then went to the Waffle House, I am sure to get some pancakes, and tell those people how well he did.

The real shock of the whole debate was how both the democrats and the liberal media reacted to Bidens performance.  I mean there was nothing they could say that would gaslight the public into believing that Biden did even a fair job in the debate.  I watched Anderson Cooper, and even he was questioning Biden’s performance and how bad it was.  There is no way they can cover for or help spin Biden’s performance into something acceptable.

So where do the democrats go from here?  Do they try and replace Joe on the ticket?  I am not sure how that works, I believe that he has to withdraw, they just can’t say you are off.  What about all of the ballots that have been printed?  Let’s say he does withdraw, who takes his place? Harris, Clinton, Obama, or Newsom?  I am not sure how this would work or could be done.  Maybe they wait until the convention, or maybe even the election, hoping that we would win, and then invoke the 25th Amendment and Harris would be the president.  The next few weeks are sure going to be interesting to say the least.

We will see what this week brings.

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